The EU Fight, what can the US vapers do!

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Julie W

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 31, 2013

Quote Anja:"We are all in the same boat."

You're right of course Anja,& I too am grateful for our US cousins help.
This doesn't just concern Europe though it concerns vapers worldwide,you only have to look at the growing list of cities (US) & whole countries (Egypt) etc.that are banning E cigs,it's frightening & the ripples are going to be felt everywhere.

We as vapors MUST show a united front worldwide,to show that we will not take this lying down,that we will not be bullied either by BT or BP,or our so called ELECTED representatives

Our health is OUR resonsibility,we have finally woken up!
All we are asking for is the right to choose to BE healthier,

I personally refuse to fill BPs coffers anymore with my smoking related diseases, & lets not forget that's just another reason they dont wish to see us healthy,it's the gift that just keeps on giving, years of drugs to keep us alive (notice I said alive & not healthy) unfortunately 'healthy' is not cost effective.
I think this is the worse sort of parasitism that exists that these people can exploit & thrive on misery & sickness

What is needed is a worldwide call for action a sort of 'nuclear twitter bomb' now wouldn't THAT be something!

Right I'm done! :D
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