The Leo and Clouds of Vapor

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ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2010
Richmond, VA
Hello, everyone!

I'll preface with the disclaimer that I don't work for Clouds of Vapor, and I'm in no way affiliated with the makers or distributors of The Leo. This review, as with all of mine, is my opinion. I don't do reviews as a way of condoning or endorsing products. I do them as a way to share personal opinion and experience. If people find this helpful, great! If not, oh well, can't please everyone! :2cool:

Ok, on with the review!

I ordered a Burgundy (color as listed on the COV site) Leo kit from Clouds of Vapor. I have seen some video reviews and read up on The Leo, and I really liked the way it looked. It also appeared to have good vapor output, and a nice design. So, when COV announced that they were carrying The Leo, I decided to order it!

The kit comes with all the items as described here:

The Leo Set

The kit runs $49.99, not including any discounts, tax, or shipping. It arrived within 5 days from my order being placed. I only had one small issue with it when I unpacked it. There was a small but noticeable scratch on the paint right near the button on the battery piece. I was disappointed and a little worried, because I thought I may have to return the whole thing since COV doesn't list the burgundy batteries individually. However, when I emailed them and asked how to handle a return/exchange, Bruce emailed me back, and advised that he would send me a new battery and a return envelope. (I received that yesterday, and I sent the scratched one back in the prepaid envelope!) Awesome customer service!

So, The Leo, once charged by using the USB cord for about 3 hours, is a sweet little PV! It comes with a drip tip (at least if you order from COV), so you can drip or you can use cartridges. Initially, I dripped with it, and that works well. (I did remove the little crystal cap from the bottom so I could stand it up on the desk or table). I then tried using a cartridge with it, and that is even better! I didn't care for the tobacco flavor that came in the carts that are sent with the kit, so I pulled out the filler, cut some fluval to size, put that in the cart with some BWB Malty, and I was off to the vapers! Sweet!

The battery lasts about 8-10 hours (for me, and I'm a semi-heavy vaper, although not a chain vaper). The carts have a whistle tip end, which I like. If you use the drip tip, it is wider. The Leo also has a "cap" or cover that fits over the atty end. So, when you want to carry it around, it is a nice "one piece" that protects the atty and you (in case it leaks a little in transit).

I find that with the cartridge, I have had no problems with flooding the atty, and no leakage. The cart can be topped off as with any pv, and so far, I'm getting excellent vapor production! I have a 510lr that I use on my Precise 16 and my eGos, and the vapor from The Leo is about the same! By the way, I did order a couple extra attys so I wouldn't have to worry about down-time waiting for them to dry.

Overall, I would rate The Leo with high marks for vapor, ease of use, quick battery charge, longevity after a full charge, looks (this one very nice looking pv!), size, and portability. The only downside is the button. Since it's on the outside, near the center of the pv, (like an eGo or RIVA), it can activate in a pocket or purse, so you still have to be careful about that. There is no on/off switch that prevents the pv from activating when the button is pressed.

The Leo is just a little larger (when fully assembled) than an eGo. The Leo with the top on it is about 6 1/4 inches long, and about 5/8 inches in diameter. The eGo is about 4 3/4 inches long (with atty and tip assembled), and about 5/8 inches in diameter (at the "fattest" part). Taking off the cap, The Leo is about 5 3/4 inches in length, with the atty and tip assembled.

I cleaned the attys the same way I clean my 510's - just drop in with some ISO and let it soak for about 5 mins. Take it out, let it dry (I allow overnight for drying), and ready to go!

If you are a pv collector, or even if you are just starting out in the world of vaping, I highly recommend The Leo. I also highly recommend Clouds of Vapor - they were very helpful, quick, and they have excellent customer service, should you experience any issues.

Happy Vaping!
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2010
Richmond, VA
You may want to check your measurements there... the diameter is 15mm... about 5/8 of an inch, and assembled it dwarfs an ego.

Other than that, great review... I really like mine a lot as a travel PV... chain vaping mine lasts about 6 hours.

Yes, sorry about the measurement there - I had someone calling them out to me, and I didn't even think about it - 2 inches in diameter would be quite heafty! :oops:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2010
Richmond, VA
Someone on the forum asked if The Leo is a good "starter" PV, and now I can't find the post. So, I thought I would post it here. Yes, I would recommend it - but keep in mind that this PV uses the proprietary atty's, and I'm not aware of any cartomizers that are available for it yet. What you can do with it is drip, or you can use the cartridges (it comes with 5, and if you don't like the tobacco flavor they come pre-filled with, you can remove that, put some fluval in there, and use your own juices). But, the long lasting battery that is easy to recharge, the strength of the attys, and the price all make it a decent one to start out with - my opinion, of course. :)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2010
Spencerport, NY
Someone on the forum asked if The Leo is a good "starter" PV, and now I can't find the post. So, I thought I would post it here. Yes, I would recommend it - but keep in mind that this PV uses the proprietary atty's, and I'm not aware of any cartomizers that are available for it yet. What you can do with it is drip, or you can use the cartridges (it comes with 5, and if you don't like the tobacco flavor they come pre-filled with, you can remove that, put some fluval in there, and use your own juices). But, the long lasting battery that is easy to recharge, the strength of the attys, and the price all make it a decent one to start out with - my opinion, of course. :)

I think this is an exceptional first vape for a noob that isn't concerned about looking like they are still smoking


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 30, 2010
Zaporozhia, Ukraine
I was going to get the Leo until the EGO came out with a 1,100 battery. Last near all day of nonstop vaping! i doubt their is much difference between the EGO with a good battery and this, they look near the same, just the Leo is cooler looking, but I prefer my EGO in stainless cause the painted models always peel off the paint after use, and look crappy
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