The Magneto or the MVP?

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Oct 17, 2013
wales, UK
I've faced this exact decision, the whole purchasing batteries and a charger as well as a multimeter for rebuilt coils made the decision for me, I went MVP 2 and i'm unbelievably happy that I did, it may technically be throw-away but there's no fuss and I'd rather that than push myself past my means, I will move to a mech at some point but that won't come until my MVP dies and budget allows.

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Nov 24, 2013
United States
I started with the itaste VV and wish I got the MVP instead. 800mah just isn't enough for me. I just bought a magneto with a Smoktech Scar yesterday and while it is fun to play with dripping and a rebuildable with lower ohm coils, I'm still using the VV and vamo v5 most of the time. At least after day 2 with the mechanical mod :)


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Oct 9, 2013
Saint Louis, MO.
The MVP 2.0 is AWESOME! I picked one up when my ego twist failed Thursday. A friend used it for 3 days before going back to analogs. I paid him $30 for it and would've paid list. The battery last forever, it's VV/VW and checks ohms. I try not to look at the puff counter, lol. If I'd known about these, I'd have gotten one sooner. It's a great choice!
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Oct 3, 2013
Ive had my magneto for about 2 months now and love it. Minor kinks here and there but easy to fix. Running an igo w $ l. Cant beat it. Dropped it the other day from 6 feet onto concrete floor and it didnt even ding, scratch, or malfunction. Thing is a tank. Would suggest moving up to one after using protected devices with rbas first.


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Nov 20, 2013
Ive had my magneto for about 2 months now and love it. Minor kinks here and there but easy to fix. Running an igo w $ l. Cant beat it. Dropped it the other day from 6 feet onto concrete floor and it didnt even ding, scratch, or malfunction. Thing is a tank. Would suggest moving up to one after using protected devices with rbas first.

Speaking of RBAs, which one is a good choice? Not too expensive, but with good performance.

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Jan 12, 2013
East Jabip, NJ
Tough question on beginner RBA. Long winded reply coming... Sorry.

We live in interesting times. Until just recently Genesis style atomizers were the go to in rebuildables and commonly the RSST (with its insulated wick hole which lessens the chance of your ss mesh wick shorting out) or the AGA T2 were the standard for beginner RBAs. Both of which can be found for under $20, I believe.

Now, I have to mention the vacuum feeding rebuildables, namely the taifun (which I have no experience with) and the SvoeMesto/Russian mileau. All of which are much more expensive than the Genesis I mentioned, but for the simple reasons that they are easier to set up (due to their use of cotton and silica wicks, ie. no shorting on the coil) and provide an excellent vape experience CAN to be mentioned as excellent choices for beginners. I haven't tried any of the clones (which may lessen the cost of the atomizer but raise your tinkering/aggro factor)besides the Fogger, which in my opinion is not worth the aggravation to get it set up properly.

As always, I'll say: "Read, read and read some more." Then buy everything that looks like it will meet your needs.

And I use my Russian on my MVP v1 as my everyday out and about vape gear. Excellent combination.
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Nov 23, 2013
Rocklin, ca
I have both and they are really different. The MVP is great for the battery and both provide great vape. For the budget minded, you cannot beat the MVP. I use my kayfun lite plus on both all the tip with a 1.1 - 1.6 ohm coil and they work great.

The magneto as stated above would need several additional things such as the ohm meter( to check the built coil resistance) then the batteries and charger. A lot more investment initially. You can get the MVP for around the same price as the magneto itself and it usually comes with a iclear 30 or 2 iclear 16's with coils so you're ready to start vaping immediately.


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Good choice with the MVP 2.0. It's an great PV for the price. Many feel that vaping on the MVP is almost as good as with a ProVari, making it an amazing value. Also, it has some additional useful features that are lacking on the ProVari. it is variable wattage (not just variable voltage), has awesome battery life (2600 mAh), charges via a standard micro-USB connector (just like most cell phones and other mobile devices, meaning it's easy to charge anywhere), can charge other devices with the included cable, and because it is much thinner than most tube mods/APV's it sits in your pocket better and is easier to tote around.

Unlike most other variable voltage / variable wattage PV's on the market, the MVP 2.0 does not use PWM (pulse-width modulation) to regulate voltage. This means that the voltage output to the coil does not have the large and rapid fluctuations that you find in a PV which uses PWM -- the voltage remains steady instead of jumping up and down many times a second. The ProVari also does not use PWM voltage regulation, and this is a major part of why so many people find the MVP 2.0 to be so close to the ProVari in performance.

For more info on this and why it matters, take a look at this thread:

I like the iClear clearomizers that ship with the MVP 2.0 kit, but have discovered that the bottom-coil Kanger EVOD clearomizers work great on my MVP 2.0, and I prefer them over the iClears. I just picked up a Smok Scar RDA and while I am still experimenting on the best setup, it is absolutely amazing with the MVP 2.0.

Congrats on the new PV! Be sure to check in with your thoughts when it gets delivered.
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