The Mythology of Steeping Part I

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Vaping Master
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Sep 25, 2014
Naptown, Indiana
I'm new here, I haven't seen this topic discussed before other than passing references. Guess I could search for earlier threads but I don't get a huge amount of time on the computer, and this site is kind of large. I'm looking forward to part two, I've been wondering what actually happens when you stick a bottle in the closet for 3 weeks, all I really know is it sometimes tastes better afterwards.
Whether someone says e-juice or e-liquid, can someone please tell me what in the hell electronic liquids are? LOL. Who makes those, 3M? :laugh: Man, now that does sound dangerous. "I love inhaling the steam of electronic liquid."

Some capacitors are filled with liquid, and it does hold an electric charge. But I wouldn't want that in my mouth.


Super Member
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Jan 12, 2012
North Carolina
Kind of divergent from the main intent of the topic but since beer was brought up by the original poster in the original post..

Disclaimer: this is not an attempt to derail the topic. I just feel reasonably certain that I am not the only vaper on this forum who also likes a beer or three after a "fun day at the office" -- and since many of us switched to vaping over concerns about all the chemicals in tobacco, you might find this an interesting "aside" to read up on sometime.

The comparison was made to Budweiser beer and how it is said to "age" rather than "steep". And I remember hearing "beechwood aged" in all the ads and stuff when I was growing up too.

There is some info coming out lately I consider disturbing about how a lot of the big-name mass-marketed American beer is actually being "made" these days. It's not all being brewed anymore. Some beer is just being mixed together as ingredients - alcohol, carbonated water, beer flavoring, and other chemicals.

The Shocking Ingredients In Beer

Again, this is not an attempt to steer this thread off-topic. Just a footnote to something mentioned by the OP. But if you enjoy beer, you should read this. I do wince at the association of propylene glycol with antifreeze but it's still interesting reading.

And getting back to the main topic, thanks - I'm looking forward to part 2.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 25, 2012
We are firmly in the realm of fragrances and flavorings formulation. No one outside of the vaping community (mis)-uses "steeping" in this way. However, read my post again, you will find I object more to the incorrect use of concepts which are not valid than the terminology. Yet both are still passed on, rather vehemently IMO, to all newcomers to vaping and especially DIY.

A question to all who have heard all this before, object to anyone who objects to improper uses of terminology, or does not support popular concepts about what happens during this so-called "steeping" process: What merit or better understanding of all this do you believe is offered by maintaining inaccurate physical concepts and misleading terminology?
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 9, 2013
Columbia, SC
What merit or better understanding of all this do you believe is offered by maintaining inaccurate physical concepts and misleading terminology?

I'm a rebel. I'll continue using the term "steeping" when referring to the "juice" I have just made that is not ready for prime time.

My opinion though...who cares. Vaping is new in relative terms, just like computers. And with anything new there is vernacular that evolves and is accepted by the masses. But you certainly have your work cut out for you if you intend to educate and reform the language of this community, I just see no need for Part II

Redneck Computer Terms

Backup - What you do when you sight a skunk in the woods.

Bar code - Them's the fight'n rules down da local tavern.

Bug - The reason you is a giv'n for calling in sick.

Byte - What yer pit bull dun to cusin Jethro.

Cache - Needed when you go to da store.

Chip - Yer cusin's uncle's mother's boyfriend's name.

Terminal - Time to call da undertaker.

Crash - When you go to Junior's party uninvited.

Digital - The art of counting on your fingers.

Diskette - A female Disco dancer.

Hacker - Uncle Leroy after thirty years of smoking.

Hardcopy - Picture looked at when selecting tattoos.

Internet - Where cafeteria workers put their hair.

Keyboard - Where you hang the keys to the John Deere.

Mac - Big Bob's favorite fast food.

Megahertz - How your head feels after seventeen beers.

Modem - What ya did when the grass and weeds got too tall.

Mouse pad - Where Mickey and Minnie live.

Network - Scoop'n up a big fish before it breaks the line.

Online - Where to stay when taking the sobriety test.

Screen - Helps keep the skeeters off the porch.

Serial port - A red wine you drink with breakfast.

Superconductor - Amtrak's Employee of the year.

Scsi - What you call your week-old underwear.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 25, 2012
Well if you actually read my post you will notice I clearly express total pessimism that many people will abandon this poor use of terminology. I care more that people are not encumbered by misunderstandings that "flavors in PG need time to be absorbed into VG" etc.

Clearly others also have correctly identified the process of aging as not the same as "steeping", and have chosen not to adopt this term. Just as 600 years ago many people believed the world was flat, I am sure many also knew better. About 2000 years ago the Romans not only knew it was approximately round, they had estimated it's circumference to within a few meters - a figure about as accurate as the first consumer GPS devices.

Not many today would argue that the world is flat. No one has yet argued anything tangible about why our similarly arcane use of the word "steep" has any real merit.

In the rapidly changing landscape of vaping I myself do not see the advantages of speaking in terms that the scientific non-vaping community could hardly view as anything other than ignorance, but I am still waiting for someone to enlighten me otherwise ...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
You're still arguing about the technicality of a colloquialism. It's like a civil engineer attempting to get the site crew to stop calling soil dirt. (Which I've seen and heard happen before and it was funny too.) Dirt has a long history of being used, incorrectly and without any merit, for what is actually soil. It will continue to be used for many decades yet to come regardless of folks trying to inject technically correct and merit based facts into the word usage.

You can keep amusing me by attempting to get me and a whole host of others to stop using a term in common use, that's fine, I need the humor anyway.

I sometimes feel like an outsider because I try to keep folks from confusing steeping with airing-out / breathe. That's truly a shame since each does something different to juice, but the two have been confused into just steep. I still tilt at that windmill even though I know it's a losing battle...


Vaping Master
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Mar 28, 2009
Willamette Valley, PNW
Yup, the mis-use of the word steeping has in fact been brought up a few times before.
The fact that so many forum members see fit to comment on this fact in disparaging tones is pert near as embarrassing as the topic it self.

If you've read through numerous threads all broaching the same topic and don't wish to read another one, why be rude when another one comes along?
Play nice kids.
Just pass it by, unmolested, for those who are interested in the topic at hand.

Topic of this thread? "Steeping" of the solutions we vape? Sing it from the mountain tops Robert!
Yer OP is well worded, well thought out and a pleasure to read. Fine wordsmithing.

I have never used the word steeping with respect to vaping.
I know what steeping is and shakingheatinguncappingleavinginthedarkstirring a bottle o' e-liquid ain't it.

I steep me chamomile, I set aside nasty e-liquid.
I use tissue not Kleenex. Kleenex too dern 'spensive.

Get off my lawn....
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