The smells!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 20, 2010
I've been analog free for over a week, and am now noticing that I am very sensitive to smell. Lots of smells make me nauseous.

I recently bought some various prefilled cartos to try out. One is cappicuino, and I had to remove it from my stash of cartos because everytime I opened my case of them, its all I could smell and it made me want to puke!

I never used to notice my moms perfume, but yesterday it smelled so strong it made my eyes water.

The only other time I have been smoke free in the past 8 years was during pregnancy, which I noticed the heightened sense of smell then, but was told it was because I was pregnant. Now I know the truth.

Any tips for dealing with this?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
I went through a period of heightened sense of smell and taste for a while. AFAIK, it's part of your body's recovery process. It did settle down after a while, once you start getting used to the different smells and tastes again. I ordered some Maraschino Cherry juice a couple of months ago and gagged at the smell. Now the smell isn't so bad, but the taste reminds of the polish used in a dentist's office. Yuk! Luckily, my fiance likes it or else I'd PIF it.
Ok, kids, make sure noone is drinking anything when they read on below.

After 40 years of smoking and having been vaping for the past 60+ days, I did notice my sense of smell becoming more keen and sensitive.
I especially noticed this after a little squeeker and said so out loud to myself. My wife who was in the attic opening yelled down to me that my farts have always smelled, I just never could smell them....



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Nov 29, 2010
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Sep 14, 2010
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Nov 22, 2010
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Ultra Member
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Aug 31, 2010
Ohio, USA
My dog farts quite a bit too. When I was a smoker I thought they had little to no smell to them but now after being a non-smoker for almost 3 months I realize that they really stink pretty bad. The funny thing is when he does it he will stick his nose almost right in his .... and and give a few good sniffs then he seems to have a strange puzzled look on his face almost as if to ask what the heck was that. :lol:


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Sep 19, 2010
Canandaigua, NY
I never used to smell smokers but now I sure do! They smell absolutely disgusting. At work when I went out to have a cig, I would chew gum and spritz some Cotton candy body spray on my clothes as I walked in. I'm pretty sure I still smelled like crap when I came in and talked to the customers:(

It's okay! Now I smell lovely:)


No Brag

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Oct 12, 2010
You guys think you have it bad? I have worked in a wastewater plant for the last 38 years. I smoked there all the time and always thought people were crazy when they came in and said there was an odor. Now that I'm smoke free and my smell came back I know what they were talking about. I still have 5 years till retirement to smell this!! Maybe I'll get used to it.
I thought I was the only one that noticed dog farts. Sammy my beagle rides with me in the pickup all day long. I never noticed his farts till now. If I say anything to him about it, he just gives me one of those looks that say "I had to put up with the smell of your smoke in here so now I'm getting back at you"
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