The Ultimate Insanity: Health Groups Want to Remove Some Toxins from Cigarettes, But Want to Ban Product Which Already Removed Virtually All of Them

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May 25, 2008
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary
There is no way that the FDA, even after many years of research and deliberation, will be able to come up with regulations that produce a product that is anywhere near as safe as the electronic cigarette. The FDA can ponder all it wants about which few constituents it makes sense to remove from cigarettes, but the electronic cigarette has removed all of them, other than the nicotine. So if we already have a product that has achieved far more than the FDA ever will in terms of the search for a safer cigarette, then why on earth would these "health" groups want to ban such a product?

This is, frankly, the most absurd situation I have ever observed in my public health career.

Rather than risk the slight possibility that perhaps the propylene glycol exposure from e-cigarettes has some unknown, long-term health effects, the health groups would rather that smokers continue to smoke the highly toxic alternatives (a.k.a., conventional cigarettes) and that the much safer electronic cigarette option be taken away from them.


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Apr 15, 2009
Cary, NC
It's always been, and will always be about MONEY!!!

Big Pharma and Tobbacco stand to lose billions if E-cigs take off

Governments stand to lose billions if E-cigs take off

If it was truley about safety (and protecting our precious children), alcohol would already be banned, as would cigarettes, cold medicine, and about a gazillion other things...

Northern Bob

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Mar 8, 2009
Pointe Claire, Quebec
Well, they did ban alcohol from 1920-33 in the U.S. but it was a dismal failure as people drank anyway in Speakeasys. Toward the end of Prohibition open bars were blatant with authorities turning a blind eye. Canadian's made a lot of money running liquor across the border while gangsters sold liquor and beer and fought over territory. All in all, a colorful period.


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the health groups would rather that smokers continue to smoke the highly toxic alternatives (a.k.a., conventional cigarettes) and that the much safer electronic cigarette option be taken away from them.
I feel like, if e-cigs are ultimately banned and all of mine wear out and I am unable to obtain them anywhere, including the black market, I will finally have to admit defeat and go back to analogs. In which case I'll probably make a T-shirt thanking the FDA, Congress, and the President for forcing me back to that nasty habit.



Ultra Member
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Jan 25, 2009
North Yorkshire UK
Well, they did ban alcohol from 1920-33 in the U.S. but it was a dismal failure as people drank anyway in Speakeasys. Toward the end of Prohibition open bars were blatant with authorities turning a blind eye. Canadian's made a lot of money running liquor across the border while gangsters sold liquor and beer and fought over territory. All in all, a colorful period.



I wonder if there's a few guys holding out their pint glasses at the bottom of that


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May 25, 2009
anchorage, ak
I feel like, if e-cigs are ultimately banned and all of mine wear out and I am unable to obtain them anywhere, including the black market, I will finally have to admit defeat and go back to analogs. In which case I'll probably make a T-shirt thanking the FDA, Congress, and the President for forcing me back to that nasty habit.

Maybe a good idea to start wearing that shirt now..............we might gain non-smoker support if we're being forced back to cigs


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Mar 4, 2009
The US government doesn't want anyone to quit smoking. Do a google search on where the tobacco tax money goes. SCHIP is financed with tobacco tax money.

Soon you will hear that universal health care will be (partially) financed with tobacco tax money. What they should say is that universal health care and SCHIP will be financed by the low end wage earners in this country, because we are the largest part of BT's customer base.
Maybe a good idea to start wearing that shirt now..............we might gain non-smoker support if we're being forced back to cigs
I put a comment on my Facebook profile mentioning the FDA wanting to force me back to cigs, to which the only reply was that nobody's forcing me, it's my choice. :mad:



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2009
Upstate NY, USA
The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary
There is no way that the FDA, even after many years of research and deliberation, will be able to come up with regulations that produce a product that is anywhere near as safe as the electronic cigarette. The FDA can ponder all it wants about which few constituents it makes sense to remove from cigarettes, but the electronic cigarette has removed all of them, other than the nicotine. So if we already have a product that has achieved far more than the FDA ever will in terms of the search for a safer cigarette, then why on earth would these "health" groups want to ban such a product?

This is, frankly, the most absurd situation I have ever observed in my public health career.

Rather than risk the slight possibility that perhaps the propylene glycol exposure from e-cigarettes has some unknown, long-term health effects, the health groups would rather that smokers continue to smoke the highly toxic alternatives (a.k.a., conventional cigarettes) and that the much safer electronic cigarette option be taken away from them.
Guys and Gals, just imagine this. These are the same people who may be running our entire health care industry aka national health care (although they claim thats not what they are going to do). Imagine this kind of convoluted thinking in all health care decisions on a national scale. Our current problem with them banning these is a relatively small scale symptom of what is coming our way, though I pray common sense will prevail.


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Mar 15, 2009
Upstate NY, USA
The pharmaceutical companies that make nicotine patches don't want ecigs, I'm sure.... those things are EXPENSIVE and have a 1.6% ratio for success (98.4% rate of NOT succeeding :rolleyes:), thereby perpetuating an ongoing source of revenue.

Kinda makes you wonder if loads of money is being passed around somewhere...
Another thought. Is there a way to do a poll, perhaps here in the forums to find out the approx. success rate of quitting with the e-cig? LOL Id love to see the results of that, even with a huge margin of error it would be off the charts! :cool:


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May 25, 2009
anchorage, ak
Another thought. Is there a way to do a poll, perhaps here in the forums to find out the approx. success rate of quitting with the e-cig? LOL Id love to see the results of that, even with a huge margin of error it would be off the charts! :cool:
there is a's like 420 totally quit, 100 mostly quit and 3 ppl did not quit


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 14, 2009
Pulaski, NY
Guys and Gals, just imagine this. These are the same people who may be running our entire health care industry aka national health care (although they claim thats not what they are going to do). Imagine this kind of convoluted thinking in all health care decisions on a national scale. Our current problem with them banning these is a relatively small scale symptom of what is coming our way, though I pray common sense will prevail.

And the same people that are going to build your car.:rolleyes:


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Apr 5, 2009
Corydon Indiana
It's amazing what happens when the tables are turned, isn't it? When smokers take matters into their own hands and someone invents an item that actually helps smokers quit, or cut down, all those "helpful" people and agencies show their true colors. Why aren't they helping us?

They all yell and scream "you need to quit smoking", and now that we are, 1-tobacco will lose money, 2-the government will lose big money, 3-pharma, hospitals, doctors, the medical community as a whole will lose money, 4-the american lung asso, cancer society, and all the do-gooders will not be getting the amount of contribution, and their positions will be obsolete.

Instead, they want us to continue to smoke because smokers are a real money maker. They invent things that don't work, while shouting "stop smoking!"

Face it, smokers are the low man on the totem pole; herded, rounded up, banned, looked down on, smokers are treated lower than illegals. And what is happening here with ecigs is the same as what happens when the lowest people in society's pecking order decides to raise his position in society. Mass attack.
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