The Vapor Chef's Butter Beer

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Apr 30, 2013
Statesboro, GA
The Vapor Chef's Butter Beer.

Okay, I'm quickly becoming a fan of this juice vendor. A few days ago, I gave some glowing remarks about their Honey Pearry. Up today is their Butter Beer; their website description says this:

Creamy butterscotch, vanilla, and a few other things. This is a great vape with coffee in the morning. This does not taste like beer.

Their description is right on the money, and here's the review of sorts...

Order: 70vg/30pg 12mg nicotine strength.

Appearance: a basic pale golden-amber color. Nothing remarkable here.

Bouquet: I can pick up on the creaminess, spice, and sweetness in that order when smelling the bottle. The bouquet is somewhat strong; thus, I am inclined to believe it will have a punch when vaping.

Taste: Yep, the description comes back to haunt me. It's got that balance of butterscotch, vanilla, and some spice, which must be the "few other things" they mention. My best guess at what one of those few things is sasafrass. The aftertaste is a blend of creamy butterscotch and sasafrass; thus, it's got hints of root beer (sasafrass is a major flavoring in root beer) to keep it from being too sweet and creamy, yet the butterscotch and vanilla keep it from being overly spicy. This is a rich flavor that had my tastebuds tantilized, and it tastes this good without much steeping (mixed just a few days ago). I'm not sure if this could be an all day vape, but I could see myself puffing on a tank of this throughout the day while drinking my coffee (I do drink coffee pretty much all day).

Vapor: Like their Honey Pearry, I'm getting clouds with my higher vg percentage.

Throat Hit: For a juice that is higher in vg, this does have some TH just not as much as the Honey Pearry, but that's fine with me. The spice does give this vape a bit of a kick, but vapers looking for that throat punch would do better opting for a higher pg percentage.

Bottom line: I got the 15ml bottle, and this bottle was full to the brim. So much so that it did leak a bit while en transit, so my package (when opened) sure smelled good. I think the Vapor Chef has decent prices for the quality of their juices. My 15ml bottle was $9.99, and at $0.67 a ml, I can't afford to vape this all day every day, but I can have this on hand for sure. Their price does come down a bit to about 50 cents a ml at the 36 ml size option. Again, I got a freebie sampler, and this one seems to be still in the development / testing stage (it's not offered on their menu yet), so I'm anxious to try this one as well. The only gripe I have with The Vapor Chef is not really much to gripe about; their 6ml bottles are the plastic squeezable kind, which is fine, but the hole in the tip is so small I have to squeeze within an inch of my life to get juice to drip out. However, reaming out the hole with a straightened out paper clip helps.

There we have it. I have a couple other flavors from them that I'll be reviewing as I get to them, so be on the lookout for Bloody Mango, Brandy Pear, and their tester flavor I got in this order. Feel free to chime in with contradictions, compliments, bad jokes, good jokes, etc....

As always, happy vaping! :vapor:


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Jan 13, 2012
I finally got my first order with the vapor chef in... the shmuffer shmutter... and it's quite good - mixing is tops and performance is good.
Glad to see it praised before I ordered. I've always enjoyed your reviews lasttango. Maybe a more thorough write-up after you've had more time with it?
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