The Vapor Quest

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Hi everyone,

As you can tell i am new to this forum, but i have a bit of experience with electronic cigs. I've bought and tried three different brands and ive enjoyed them all except blu. The first kit i got was online from Safe Cig which way over priced but i loved the flavor of their menthol so i kept purchasing them. Then their website went down and i couldnt have my menthol anymore :( I went with Provape and bought the Provari mini and it was a big change. Its got vapor for days! i take it everywhere and keep it charged up every night. I then thought id give blu a try and it was a disappointment. I didn't like their flavors and the batteries could hold half the charge of my provari. So yeah i thought i would share. I look forward to hearing with all you. I am currently 1 year 8 months cigarette free btw.
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