the Volt from Smokeless Image

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
Oregon High Desert
Let me start by saying this review is from the perspective of someone with no perspective. I am a brand new vaper, just 3 days in, and like many readers, I was overwhelmed when I began reading through the information on the forum; I literally put some veteran members on "ignore" because their posts were so incomprehensible to me that I felt defeated before I began and was beginning to feel that I needed a degree from ITT Tech to vape. (Everyone is off the ignore list, I've got it now!)

Here's what I do know: this works. I've smoked for 25 years and although I can't say I'm one of the success stories that reads "I quit entirely as soon as I received my kit", it's a success story nonetheless. I've never felt this relaxed about any of my many, many quit attempts, because I'm not attempting to quit. It's just happening.

I also know retail. I've been selling as long as I've been smoking, and I know the business inside and out. I know the value of customer service and quality product to the consumer, because I deliver it. I know what is and is not acceptable in the customer/provider relationship.

That being said, I did a month's worth of research before I purchased. I was drawn quickly to the simplicity of the KR808 model and found that the model's battery and cartomizer design had just been improved over older models' performance, and I was sold. But where to buy?

I found the same product available at 4 different forum suppliers. With shipping costs factored in (it matters, veteran internet shoppers do not pay outrageous shipping fees, get a clue some of you), the 2 battery starter kit can be had for a price range of $48-$76 dollars. Smokeless Image had the lowest price, an emerging reputation for excellent service,and live support on the website. I bought.

I ordered the Friday before Memorial Day weekend, and received on Tuesday. Incredible.

The kit was securely packaged and arrived with all components nicely boxed.

There was no user's manual included but it is available to download and I understand they will correct that oversight in future shipments.

The chargers seem sturdy enough, standard USB fare but works as intended.

The batteries (I ordered black with green/purple leds) are solid little devices with a soft, rubberized finish that is really nice in the hand, which is nice because I haven't let go of it for 72 hours. My batteries are 65mm automatic minis, longer batteries are arriving to site soon, along with manuals. The batteries came fully charged, and they work great. The automatic switch activates instantly with a soft draw but has not activated in any other situation so far. The biggest surprise has been battery life - I believe these are supposed to get 2 or 3 hours on a charge, but with my vaping habit of taking a few puffs every hour or so, I went all day yesterday from 8 am until 9 pm when the battery finally died. I experienced no decrease in performance until the light blinked and it simply wouldn't work.

I ordered grape flavored cartos in 24mg strength, and my first vape made so much vapor and throat hit that I coughed like a rookie. I was immediately impressed by how dry and warm the vapor was, I think I was expecting something more like steam, which would have been a disappointment. I did not care for the flavor at first, it seemed almost acidic, but it did really grow on me and it's important to keep in mind that I don't know what PG tastes like either. One carto lasts me all day and into the next. I have been changing them when I experience a reduction in vapor but have not tasted anything close to a burning flavor.

All in all, if you are new and looking to buy your first kit, I really couldn't recommend the Volt more. I know that you will read a lot of information that says KR808s are no good, but I think the new models work amazingly well, I can't really see myself needing more than this for the forseeable future. And the price, customer service and shipping charges at Smokeless Image impressed even a jaded old retailer like me!

Moderators, I want no trouble with you:blush:, so if this post is too long or not appropriate (my first review!) I apologize and feel free to delete or give contructive feedback.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 24, 2011
South St. Paul, MN
I know the feeling with the Volt. I ordered mine on Sat of memorial weekend, and got mine on Tues. I couldn't belive how fast it shipped. My wife is still waiting for hers from another vendor, she ordered hers a week earlier.

The Volt is really nice. I have a few other types of e-cigs, but haven't put my Volt down since I got it. It is soooo much simpler than refilling cartridges, cleaning atomizers, etc. I'm very happy with mine.

Note that you can refill the cartomizers that come with the Volt.........
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