Think I overdosed on nicotine.

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Jul 26, 2013
That's actually very good Rich, you've cut down so much and you've done so on so few ml's per day. I had to go through at least 5-6 ml's a day when I first quit smoking. Keep you devices with you at all times if possible and pick one of them up instead of a cig, you can do this.

Also if your juices are the same flavor or two compatible flavors you can mix the 24 and 12 together then split them between the two tanks to bring your nic level down to 18mg per ml, if you want.
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Yesterday I got a new 24 mg juice. I'm used to 6 or 12 mg. I chain vape but for 5 days none of my vape equipment worked I was desperately dry burning just to get a "hit" like a drug fiend! Finally got to a B&M where they fixed me up. So all the rest of the day chain vaped my head off in ecstasy! ( sorry if that sounds weird!) Late last night my heart was racing uncomfortably and my anxiety was scary. I have anxiety anyway. My other juice was 18 mg. I was alternating. The highest I've gotten was 36 mg. Then I was only able to get 6 and 12 mg at the new store I'd been frequenting. I think that's when the chain vamping began. The point of all this is that in my experience a high nic level can be uncomfortable if not dangerous if we aren't careful. Hope this helps someone. <3
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Jun 13, 2014
Cayman Islands
Thanks for all the replies and help. I'm super pumped about cutting back on the cigs so much. I've been smoking for 20+ years so this is real good for me. When I turn 40 I will be hiking the APPALACHIAN trail. I think by then my lungs will be super strong again.

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Stick with it ... I know it is a little different and somewhat cumbersome at times. Don't get discouraged. I smoked for over 30 years and others here even longer and I can guarantee everyone one of them will say the exact same thing. It works!


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Oct 13, 2014
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