Think I've Discovered What Causes Vaper's Tongue

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Jul 2, 2014
Pearland, TX
I use a steady regimen of hot sauce and I've never experienced vapor's tongue.

yeah buddy!! we call sriracha "ketchup"

what DOES cause vapor's tongue is taste bud fatigue.

now what causes that for each person is subjective, just as "taste" is. :)

I used to get it when I worked in restaurant kitchens cooking in college, if I tasted one more darn cream sauce I'd loose it, but lost taste for a lot of things "testing" goes away. Like any kind of neurological dealy (technical word for that :p *lol*) change up the stimulus or lack there of stimulus. (stimulus here being that particular ejuice or any ejuice, or the quality of the ejuice with whatever wicking material OP experienced.
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