This is the vape I was looking for!!!!

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Vaping Master
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Oct 24, 2008
Central Mass
So maybe 4 or 5 years ago I found this site getting interested in e cigs. Purchased my first one which I believe was an 808 and loved it.
I stopped smoking analogs right off the bat for about a month and a half until I started disliking the inconsistency of the atomizers (burnt taste is gross)

Fast forward maybe a year and I decided to try again. Hopped back on efc to find the latest info on any new gear and picked myself up a joye 510. This worked much better than the 808 but I would still get a burnt flavor and the attys didn't seem to be much better. This didn't last me too long. I did read many ways to prevent this or other options I could use but nothing seemed to spark my interest. (dont like the idea of disposable tech)

2 years later - my brothers wife wants an ecig so I pop back into efc yet again to see what's going on. After another few weeks of research she ended up picking up 2 ego kits from totally wicked, one of which she gave me. I loved the ego... Never planned on having it help me quit at that point but I also wasn't ready to quit. After fooling around with the ego for a couple months I lost the motivation yet again. I couldn't really place my frustrations. Was I not getting enough nicotine? Maybe throat hit? Was dripping all the time to avoid a burnt flavor just too much of a pain? I wondered many of these things as I put my ego away... For good this time!

Present day - 9 months ago making a promise to my friends wife that I would quit smoking when they had their first born, I started my research yet again. "I must find the perfect vape!!!!"
After much More research I just got my latest e cig gear in the mail. I decided to go on a much broader spree to try different things, one of which was disposable cartos/clearomizers which I always frowned upon cause I didn't like the disposable aspect and short life span.
Here is a brief list of some of the stuff I got.
Ego - c kit, couple of ce4+ clearomizers, vivi nova tank, a bunch of liquids and a 1100mah ego batt
Ego twist 650mah green batt,
Ego mega dual coil cartomizer, vivi nova clearomizer, a couple of cool drip tips.
Wild blackberry 18mg juice and apple tobacco 18mg juice.

Delivery day arrives and I get everything on the same day. Throw the twist on charge, crack open a ce4+, fill it with Irish cream from eliquidmonkey, screw it on my old ego battery, take a rip, yell "@&$! Yeah!!!!!!!"

This is the vape I've been looking for! So you can only imagine my reaction when I put the bwb wild blackberry in the emdcc, slapped that badboy on the twist at 4 volts and vaped. It was one of the best things I have ever tasted!

I have since made a madvapes order for 7 more emdcc's, another clearomizer, and some DIY liquid stuff. (I need to cut my 18mg juices down for the emdcc because I thing I got myself sick on it the first day)

I know it was a long read but I love success stories. Any tips, tricks, comments or questions you all have I would live to hear.

Thanks again EFC!


Super Member
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Jan 17, 2012
Northern Nevada
Welcome back! I think this is a great time to for analog smokers to make the change to vaping. There is so much stuff for vaping and more and more new stuff comes out all the time. Its just too bad most newbies get hooked into the overpriced cig look-a-likes - I did too for awhile. Devices like the KGOs, EGOs, Provaris and so many more are a huge improvement. And then you get to explore the wide world of cartos, atomizers, tanks and who knows what else. And then of course there are so many juices to choose from. It has turned into a huge hobby for me and I love it! I just tried some new juice I got from Virgin Vapor - White Cherry Crush - OH MY! What a delight!

Enjoy the adventure!:vapor:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 10, 2012
New York City
Congrats and I'm glad your perseverance paid off. It's difficult, even with the advances in ecig tech today, to stay committed and willing to overcome the hurdles that vapin can throw your way. But the analog lifestyle has far worse consequences and that alone keeps us all motivated. ECF is an invaluable resource and just as I'm pulling my hair thinking "I can't do this anymore" (an atty pops, a Lavatube decides to stop working spontaneously, a juice you get tastes like garbage), ECF helps you regain your senses, take a deep breath and get you back on the vapor trail. Had one of these moments, yesterday (as you can probably tell), but a few posts/replies later, I'm puffin away merrily. Let's face it, when your wife hugs you since you've quit smoking and says "mmm... is that strawberry I smell?" how can you NOT vape ;-)

All the best of luck!


Ultra Member
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Mar 10, 2012
I'll hafta check out that white cherry crush. I think I'll wait 6-8 months but the provaris looks reallllll nice! Still looking for a good setup to try out new flavors. I don't feel like filling a cart or clearo only to find out that I don't really like the flavor.

I use a ce2 clearo to test flavours, if i dont like it i suck it out with the same needle i put it in with,modify the juice, put it back in ce2 ultimate clearomizor, couple of puffs and i can taste the the differnce
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 24, 2008
Central Mass
I use a ce2 clearo to test flavours, if i dont like it i suck it out with the same needle i put it in with,modify the juice, put it back in ce2 ultimate clearomizor, couple of puffs and i can taste the the differnce

do you use a brand new one every time? Or clean an old one out?


Ultra Member
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Feb 5, 2009
Living in a box of CelluCotton
As far as price, performance, and availability goes, right now is a great time to start vaping or jump back in. I can actually see myself sticking with it this time. One month for me this time, and I am being smart about keeping my supplies in order this time. I have enough juice and equipment to last a couple weeks, but am allowing myself to spend around $50 a week on supplies. Already down to 12mg juice from 24 in four weeks, and planning on going lower very soon.

Anyway, congrats on the purchase, you're going to be happy with it I think. Keep it up, don't look back, analogs are so 2008. :)


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
I'll hafta check out that white cherry crush. I think I'll wait 6-8 months but the provaris looks reallllll nice! Still looking for a good setup to try out new flavors. I don't feel like filling a cart or clearo only to find out that I don't really like the flavor.

An atomizer with the cart removed or a dripper atty like the 306 would be ideal for checking juices. Three drops on the bridge and vape. The 306 fits the 510 thread. Check out Madvapes for the assortment below.



Ultra Member
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Mar 10, 2012
Iv developed a little habit of tipping the clearo down and cant remember the last time I got a dry hit, seriously cant remember , i tried dripping and dry hits were common and displeasurable, sucking a clearo empty , with a syringe is easier than it sounds, those little holes are halfway between the slots, on the outside against the tube, you dont need to see the holes feel with the needle and it slips right in
congrats!!! My first was the NJoy Pro... no throat hit so I wasn't as satisfied with it as compared to my analogs... I still managed to quit for 2 years cold turkey... My boyfriend bought me my current eGo CE4 and i'm in heaven! (He's allergic to analogs and we found out through discussion with some of his insane genius friends that nicotine was one of the first treatments for ADD which I have and it's getting worse....) I tried some coffee and some minty chocolate from .......... (I didn't find this forum until a couple weeks later...) and love both of them. I use 100% PG because VG is known to be slightly toxic (Certified Pharmacy Technician here...). I get some pretty strong flavor and a throat hit that satisfies me. The plus side is I notice my ADD is starting to come under control again and my boyfriend has had no allergic reactions to the vape!
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