Those who don't want to drip

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Vaping Master
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Feb 17, 2011
under the blue sky
You're missing out.

I use all sorts of devices cartos, attys, tanks, etc during the day. The last couple of hours every night when I'm finishing up a little paperwork and screwing around on the net my hands are free enough to drip so i do.

My gorilla juice hit 100 days steeping today so I took it off the shelf and left it on my desk this morning. At lunch today, I came home and picked a good atty out of my stash, had a bowl of chili, and went back to work. When i got home this evening, I spent a few minutes cleaning the primer out of the atty I picked and then did all the normal stuff (dinner, TV, paperwork...) all the while using cartos on a couple of the PVs on my desk.

I finished my paperwork an hour ago and have been happily dripping my 100 day old gorilla juice ever since. I have a little juice on my fingers and a drop or two might have hit my desk earlier... The PV I'm using doesn't have a drip well, so there's a little juice on the top. It's a little messy sometimes... But this is the best vape I've had in a couple of weeks. I'm enjoying this every bit as much as I used to enjoy the occasional expensive cigar.

My advice to those who search for *The* way to vape and just want one thing that works and is appropriate for their lifestyle: You should keep a good atty on hand and vape it just for pleasure occasionally even if you've decided to use cartos, tanks, e2's, fluxos, or whatever as your way to vape. The right juice dripped in a good atty can be incredibly relaxing.


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Jan 18, 2011
When I got my first REAL PV (ego) almost a year ago, I was shocked to learn from the supplier that people actually put juice right into their atomizer (gasp). I couldn't fathom not using carts/cartomizers...Oh how things have changed.

Now I rarely use cartos (and never carts). Once I discovered the flavors that came alive while dripping-I was hooked. I'm a HUGE BWB (backwoods brew) user and their "clean" flavor almost demands the purity that dripping provides. When I use a carto for my juices the flavor seems dulled.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2011
brooklyn, NY
Ditto. Been trying to find a carto that works for convinience but at the rate I go thru juice i still had to refill it several times a day and the convinience of dripping a little less was ofset by the constent fear that the carto would go a little dry and burn then the possibly messy refill. I keep going bacj to dripping, actually I think dripping has become more convinient for me, then I always notice the flavor and silky smooth draw and i wonder why i switxhed to cartos. Im still in the hunt for something that provides all the benefits of dripping but provides a true all day vape sans refill. I have hopes for the dual coil map tank. It addresses many of my concerns and hopefully good flavor and draw as the carto will always be properly moist. Any thoughts on that?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 11, 2009
Cincinnati, OH
You're missing out.

I use all sorts of devices cartos, attys, tanks, etc during the day. The last couple of hours every night when I'm finishing up a little paperwork and screwing around on the net my hands are free enough to drip so i do.

My gorilla juice hit 100 days steeping today so I took it off the shelf and left it on my desk this morning. At lunch today, I came home and picked a good atty out of my stash, had a bowl of chili, and went back to work. When i got home this evening, I spent a few minutes cleaning the primer out of the atty I picked and then did all the normal stuff (dinner, TV, paperwork...) all the while using cartos on a couple of the PVs on my desk.

I finished my paperwork an hour ago and have been happily dripping my 100 day old gorilla juice ever since. I have a little juice on my fingers and a drop or two might have hit my desk earlier... The PV I'm using doesn't have a drip well, so there's a little juice on the top. It's a little messy sometimes... But this is the best vape I've had in a couple of weeks. I'm enjoying this every bit as much as I used to enjoy the occasional expensive cigar.

My advice to those who search for *The* way to vape and just want one thing that works and is appropriate for their lifestyle: You should keep a good atty on hand and vape it just for pleasure occasionally even if you've decided to use cartos, tanks, e2's, fluxos, or whatever as your way to vape. The right juice dripped in a good atty can be incredibly relaxing.

I always wonder whether drippers are dripping and driving.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2011
Wayne Manor
You're missing out.

I was atually brought into the vaping world by dripping. For me... the experience was blah... (lots of work to receive too brief of satisfaction.)

I don't care to drip on a regular basis, too much work for me... I want something I can just pop on the top of my battery and vape on all day long.
However, I do keep an atty and drip tip with me wherever I go, in case I want to try a new juice or have someone else try one of my juices.

This was my goal. After finding out about cartos and how to fill them correctly/efficiently this is definitely my way of vape since.

My problem with dripping is the lack of consistency per hit. I only get two actual good vapor and flavor hits the rest is sort of meh until it's time to drip again

Precisely one of the reasons that I didn't stick with it longer.

Six sir the biggest problem I have for dripping is it's a hassel when you're a chain vaper... Takes all the relaxation out of it.

Although I agree with you I can also understand the OP's take on the situation. Smoking for some becomes a ritual... those who have rolled their own analogs can attest to this. The act of preparing your tools, working with the materials and then puffing on something that you put together yourself. I think this is the feeling of nostalgia recieved by drippers when going through the act of dripping.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2010
If I had to drip, I would probably be back on analogs. It's messy on a good day-especially when driving a stick shift, not to mention the danger. Dripping and driving is in the same category of recklessness as texting and driving.

There are plenty of good alternatives. For being out and about, my Reo Mini's with LR atty's are a great vape and really trouble free. For home or office, a Vapemate or tank/cartridge (Liquinator) on top of a BuzzPro or ProVari are equally good. Just fill up the tanks and keep a fresh battery in the device and you are set to go for hours.

There is a VV Reo on the way with the Buzz circuitry, and that will definitely be my next PV order.

I have also looked at devices from the Golden Greek, but the system is too complicated and expensive IMHO. If you have to top off juice, you have a complex process. It's one thing to have a spare feed system when you run dry, but my spare bottles for the Vapemate and Reo only cost pennies. Even a spare Liquinator tank is a fraction of the price of the GG product, yet Imeo has a large and dedicated following.

But, the OP hit the nail on the head: pick what suits your taste buds and life style. The Vaping Community has a huge number of options compared to just a few years ago. There is no right or wrong as long as you stay away from those deadly analogs.
When I got my first REAL PV (ego) almost a year ago, I was shocked to learn from the supplier that people actually put juice right into their atomizer (gasp). I couldn't fathom not using carts/cartomizers...Oh how things have changed...
...Once I discovered the flavors that came alive while dripping-I was hooked...

I started vaping with dripping, but tried cartos/carts off-and-on. I taste the filler on all of them, and the flavor is incredibly subdued/muted/covered-up (take your pick). I'll try another tank/clearo as soon as I can find or make one that actually tastes as good as an atty, and will both stand-up to dropping or being knocked-over on the desk, and won't crack and leak niquid all over the place. Until then, shooting 15 units of juice into a BE112 just isn't a hassle.

I always wonder whether drippers are dripping and driving.

It can be done safely: Linky.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2011
Massachusetts, USA
I keep my favorite juice in my cartos -- I don't like "topping off" cartos, I just hit them until they are dry, and then I pick up another one. I carry 5 with me and every other night or so I'll refill them all with my favorite juice.

In the evenings, though, I will often drip a different flavor. Maybe something fruity or more exotic than my standard tobacco-flavored cartos. I kind of look at cartos as smoking cigarettes and dripping as enjoying a nice cigar or pipe.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2011
Wayne Manor
Fortunately for me, I'm a computer technician so I spend a lot of time sitting on my .... I can drip all day if I want. I'll keep the cartos for driving. Who knows, maybe I wont like dripping, but I definitely want to try it out.

Absolutely... in the beginning, that's how you'll find your sweet spot. I started with dripping and although ok, I wanted something that lasted longer. I then tried cartos and while it was a little better, still seemed a little too time consuming. Then I learned how to fill them using the caps that they come with... Eureka... I've found my sweespot (for now).

I'm now learning more about juice as my cartos seem to really like the lighter colored, tobacco flavored thinner juice. So, right there maybe the atty will be a prime candidate for my darker sweeter juices. I'm in month two and still trying to figure out what's what.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 20, 2011
I tried some of Halo's juice"the variety pk" and hated prime in a DC carto then dripped in atomizer and no taste.Cleaned out atty and it was pretty good,mellow but good.Threw the dcc out and tried new one and the taste improved.Bad dcc?Maybe.Like dripping better.Two drops and take a few puffs,when I get an off taste two more drops.Works great for me and I like the taste better than carto's.
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