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Vaping Master
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Nov 18, 2012
Isle of the Wizards
Three From Halo - Shamrock - SubZero - Malibu Menthol

I was lucky enough to win a 30ml juice contest Halo ran a few weeks back, and they were kind enough to also include a few other smaller samples as well. So I thought I'd share my thoughts with you all on each flavor, hope you enjoy!


In each shipment from Halo they include a few business cards, one with general warnings and disclaimers, and the other is a steeping message. Even though Halo's juices are good-to-go as soon as they arrive, it's best to wait at least a few days minimum just in case!

Halo's 30ml juices come in very nice cobalt blue glass bottles! They have a child-proof dropper, made of high quality white 2 piece plastic with a thick rubber bulb. And the dropper itself is a 1ml glass dropper graduated in 0.25 increments = High Quality!!

Onto the juice tasting! :) :thumbs:

Hardware Used

VAMO (18650) & eGo 900 using:
IGO-L dripper @ 1.4ohms 30G Kanthal using 5-9 watts w/ SS Mesh / Silica hybrid wick
SmokTech Bridgeless Dripping Atomizer @ 1.9ohms
And finally, a super-glued :D Kanger Redux @ 2.0ohms w/ fresh cotton (Rounds) wick :D


The Juice - 24mg/ml Nic, Halo's proprietary blend of PG/VG, steeped for about 15 days (Although Halo says additional steeping is not necessary). Color - light golden brown. Aroma - like Ande's Mints, a sweet chocolate with light mint

Flavor - The chocolate flavor is very refreshing, a little dry overall, but tastes like a decadent chocolate dusted truffle with mint. The mint itself is very nice overall as well, not too bright or strong, and mixes perfectly with the sweet chocolate. Smooth on the nose too, very nice!

Throat hit - Decent / Expected, nothing too light or too heavy for 24mg/ml - 8/10

Vapor production - Decent for unknown VG content, and it's not a thicker juice either so I suspect higher PG content - 7.5/10

Vapor Aroma - Smells like a light chocolate dust cloud, probably impossible to sneak a vape in a questionable area without holding it in fully - 6/10

Flavor strength - Med to high, not overpowering but fresh and full - 7.5/10

Overall Flavor Rating - While this is a good tasting flavor, it's not mouthwatering or super strong, so I'd say it's a medium strength flavor - 7/10

Overall Opinion -
To be honest up front, all other chocolates I've tried have tasted VERY dry to me, so I was worried this might as well. And to my surprise it's not too bad on the dry side of things, still a tad dry for my tastes though, but no where near the level of some others, so I'll probably add some cream or marshmallow to smooth and moisten it up a little.

If you like mints and chocolates, and you're tired of buying super dry or off tasting chocolates, then this is the juice for you! If I didn't know any better, I'd say Halo and Ande's got together on the recipe, this taste a lot like Ande's mints to me :D


The Juice - 24mg/ml Nic, Halo's proprietary blend of PG/VG, steeped for about 15 days (as mentioned previously, Halo says additional steeping is not necessary). Color - Pink. Juice Aroma - Menthol, and maybe a hint of mint, but you know what's coming your way as soon as you load that tank!

Flavor - Menthol, and more menthol, and a surprise! :) There may be a hint of mint sometimes on exhale, I'm not 100% certain, but I am 100% certain there's a decent amount of Horehound (Mint) included in SubZero. That may surprise many of you, since most tend to think of this flavor more closely resembling licorice or medicine (Ricola/Halls) , but I DIY and could immediately recognize a good amount of Horehound in this mix (It's not licorice-like at this level) If you've been tired of weak menthol's, or off tasting menthol's, and are looking for that super strong menthol then you have to try Halo's SubZero as it will not disappoint!

Throat hit - Surprisingly smooth at 24mg/ml, but I expected that due to the extreme menthol levels - 5/10

Vapor production - Does seem to look a little thicker than the other two I'm reviewing here, but surprisingly it has the least vapor - 6/10

Vapor Aroma - Nothing to smell here that I noted, probably an easy sneak-a-vape due to this and the light vapor - 8/10

Flavor strength - Strong! If you are looking for a strong menthol then look no further, Halo's got your deep-freezer right here! - 9/10

Overall Flavor Rating - In the world of Menthol's, this would be the one that all others in the furture must now strive for! SUPER-MENTHOL! - 9.5/10

Overall Opinion -
I do like menthol, and was a menthol smoker for 20+ years, but I could not personally use this juice as an all day vape it's too strong for me. I'm sure that's probably just due to my current taste preferences though, as I know many fans of this juice already, even some in my own family! Oddly enough, since starting vaping I've leaned towards fruits and other sweet juices, and have only had a menthol occasionally. I know, that's very odd, especially since I was a menthol smoker for so long, but that's how it worked for me so I can't complain.

I could vape a tank a day though probably, but for my tastes it would have to be off an on with other flavors. I can easily see this being any menthol fans all day vape though, so if you currently do vape menthol juices all day then I highly suggest you give Halo's SubZero a try as soon as you can!

One good French inhale of SubZero will clear your sinuses right up! :) :thumbs:

Malibu Menthol

The Juice - 24mg/ml Nic, Halo's proprietary blend of PG/VG, steeped for about 15 days (again, Halo says additional steeping is not necessary). Color - light orange/pinkish. Juice Aroma - Like a beach... Sweet coconut with hints of pineapple and maybe some rum, mmmmmmmmmm! :)

Flavor - This is a nice take on the piña colada drink, lightly mentholated with a slight sweetness. Overall it's a very smooth and clean flavor, I taste more sweet pineapple than coconut, and it's a very good combo with the lighter menthol in the mix. I can feel the menthol going in, but I don't really taste it then, it's more noticeable to me on the exhale.

Throat hit - Very good, stronger than Shamrock but not too heavy for 24mg - 8/10

Vapor production - Average - PG/Vg content is unknown, and it's a thin mix, so vapor isn't super thick, I suspect a higher PG ratio - 7/10

Vapor Aroma - I can barely smell this one in the air as a lightly sweetened aroma, could be a plus or minus depending on how you look at it - 5.5/10

Flavor strength - Medium, slightly sweet w/ light menthol - 7/10

Overall Flavor Rating - Slight sweetness, and you can easily taste the fruit flavors and menthol, but it's not an in your face flavor - 7.5/10

This juice reminds me of the opaque white dum dum suckers (Mystery flavor), great job Halo! -

Overall Opinion -
I enjoy menthol, and I like piña colada and most anything tropical flavored, so I knew I'd like Malibu Menthol! Of course, Malibu Menthol didn't disappoint, it's a great tasting tasting juice that isn't too sweet or heavy, I could easily vape this all day long! :thumbs:

If you're a fan of piña colada's, or even just a fan of tropical flavors, and need something to surprise your taste buds and get you away from the ordinary, then I'd highly suggest trying out the Malibu Menthol! It's fresh tasting, and light-n-sweet, and a great change of pace from the usual overpowering menthol juices!

Hope you all enjoyed the read, thanks for taking the time to check out my review!!

If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll see if I can answer them for you!


Ultra Member
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Feb 23, 2013
Great review AB! I totally agree with your overall assessments!

SubZero and Malibu are my "go-to" vapes at the moment. It's funny that you were a menthol smoker and find that you can't use SubZero all day...I am the exact opposite. I smoked regular flavored analogs, and can't see to get enough SubZero! Lol.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 18, 2012
Isle of the Wizards
Thanks for the positive comments, it's great to see your appreciation!!

Malibu I've tried a few more times since this review, from other bottles friends had, and I think I could use that one all day probably. It's great to see Halo expanding their juice line lately with new intriguing flavors like Voodoo and Southern Classic, those sound very interesting!


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I just purchased the sampler which has the shamrock and Malibu and I'm steeping it so thanks for the preview. Its really hard to let that stuff sit. I wanna vape it! Your review eased my curiosity quite a bit and I'll let it sit a bit longer.

Your review of sub zero is dead on. I always keep a bottle handy. It's on my nite stand for that strong nasal clear in the morning.

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Senior Member
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Thanks for the positive comments, it's great to see your appreciation!!

Malibu I've tried a few more times since this review, from other bottles friends had, and I think I could use that one all day probably. It's great to see Halo expanding their juice line lately with new intriguing flavors like Voodoo and Southern Classic, those sound very interesting!

That Voodoo is fantastic. They sent a 5ml bottle in my last order. I don't know why I haven't ordered more.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 4, 2009
Ogden, UT, US
Yeah, really nice reviews here. Too bad I don't like menthol flavors... :(

I'm not a menthol fancier either, but I tried my wife's Malibu and really enjoyed it!
Guess I liked the cold pina colada taste.

Halo's Voodoo is excellent too, with mild tobacco, light chocolate and some mysterious other flavors combining to make a tasty complex combination.

Four thumbs down on Southern Classic however. Tastes medicinal to me, like Listerine with a touch of gun oil.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 7, 2013
Scotts Valley, CA
I've tried all three and really liked Malibu and SubZero. Didn't like Shamrock-too much like cocoa powder for me and the exhaled vapor has a strong smell that I don't care for.

Malibu is one of my favorites and I find that SubZero is a good mixer with other flavors.

Also really like Voodoo which is tasty with a big red wine.

Overall I find Halo's juices to be consistent with my tastes. Most of their juices are hits rather than misses for me.
Tribeca is my favorite.

The flavors I haven't liked thus far are:
- Midnight Apple - has a Torque56 base (a flavor that I like although it is rather strong) but the apple flavor is just too weird for me.
- Turkish Tobacco - something in it makes it too floral for me. Can't put my finger on whatever it is that makes it undesirable for me.
- Twisted Java - I don't get this one at all.

Having said all that, I don't plan on discarding these flavors. Who knows, after some steeping, I might end up loving them.
Keeping an open mind...
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