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Tonight a special edition of the VapeTeam - A must watch for Canadian vapers

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Oct 28, 2010
[h=5]“What Does The Law Say?”Our guest Cindy Lanning re-joins us with an announcement, and an updated analysis of the Canadian situation (both domestically, and in the greater context of the global war on vaping).

We'll discuss effective vs ineffective approaches, as we talk about what Canadians need to know and do to win the fight.

In the “New Vapers Corner” Uncle Dagger breaks down micro coils and the innokin 134 Review from Dimi. We are taking your call live by dialing 347-308-8329

Tonight 9:30pm EST http://vapeteam.com/[/h]
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Apr 8, 2012
Man, I have a lot of catching up to do... Lets see, at 2+ hours each episode, times 81 = yipes! Maybe I'll just watch the last one and pretend to have watched them all. Did I just say that out loud?

Hey, don't feel bad. I still haven't seen any of the episodes of Breaking Bad yet. Maybe I'll Netfiix the whole series and watch it all in one go.


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Apr 8, 2012
Wait until the series is done and then marathon it, This week wait between episodes is bull.... and kills some of the satisfaction for it. I caught up to season 5b and waiting each week is not nearly as self gratifying as knowing you can just play the next episode. Season 5 has been weak so far compared to the other seasons.

Good plan. It'll make for a great viewing/vaping marathon.

As for the Vape Team show, there seemed to be a lot of bashing on the retailers.
There were a few good points but not much in the specifics for the consumer or the law as it relates to them.
To me, it sounded like a diatribe pushing for consumers to force vendors to follow/side with ECTA.


Vaping Master
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Jun 9, 2012
Oakville, ON
After watching this entire thing, I have a huge problem with the vendor vendor vendor viewpoint. There was some good conversation but vendor vendor vendor again.

The unfortunate reality is that this is a vendor responsibility and a critical self interest issue. A grass roots movement of vapers would be wonderful if we could mobilize but we don't have the time or money or the will to do so.


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Oct 28, 2010
The unfortunate reality is that this is a vendor responsibility and a critical self interest issue. A grass roots movement of vapers would be wonderful if we could mobilize but we don't have the time or money or the will to do so.

Why not join up with CAVR - Canadians Advocating Vapers Rights? They are a small but growing group of vapers.

From their Facebook group: CAVR is a Canadian advocacy group seeking fair market regulation and increased availability of Electronic Cigarette (Personal Vapourizer) products in the Canadian marketplace.

Health Canada issued an advisory against electronic cigarette products in 2009 and has since never taken an official stance, however they are actively working to limit the availability of such products without just cause.

The aim of this group is to raise awareness and to take ACTION. We are Vapers and we have the RIGHT to choose a safer alternative to deadly tobacco products!



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Oct 28, 2010
Not enough numbers, commitment and money. And being a "subsidiary of CASAA" would make us just like any other branch plant.

The numbers may be small now but they are growing in CAVR and you won't find a more committed group of members. We don't need to be CASAA North or a subsidiary, we Canadians have an advocacy group by Canadians for Canadians.

Projectguy I am sure that they can only benefit by having you become a member and would be glad to have you.


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Jan 24, 2011
Halifax, Nova Scotia

So, First of all... Despite being Deputy Director of CAVR, I cannot speak for the whole board of Directors, we have not yet had a chance to discuss this as a whole. Therefore, I am speaking as myself, Jay "TheVapingGuy" Hubbard and anything i say here is only my opinion and not neccessarily that of CAVR as a whole or of any of its Directors. I was present for the whole canadian portion of the show, and then left to confer with Matthew Stanko (Communications Director for CAVR). I cannot say that I was very impressed with the discussion. While there was a lot of information presented that i will need to spend a lot of time reading up on and researching, i truly felt that this was a very one sided discussion. The show presented an attitude of "If you disagree with us, or if you are not doing exactly what we say, in exactly they way we say to, and only when and how we say to, then you are an idiot and wasting your time". I can tell you that Matthew and I left that discussion very upset, frustrated and disgusted after being invited by Dimitris to call into the show, in what had every appearance of, but honestly not an openly stated, position of "Hey, come on our show and let us showcase you and the work that CAVR is doing" and yet when Matthew showed up he was quickly treated like an idiot who was wasting his time, and every time he made a statement, Cindy and Dimitris cut him and CAVR down for wasting his time, while fastidiously ignoring any statement he made.

i will remain silent on the label issue... i simply do not know enough on either side to inteligently speak to the topic. I am not opposed to the idea of having a standardized label system for all E-Liquid... however where there are two groups who actively disagree on the topic, both sides of which i consider to be relatively educated and well studied, i'm sure that in the end i cannot speak to what the exact law is or what the right thing to do is...

Nor will i discuss any of the vendor side of the house... what i will speak to is CAVR, and what CAVR does and does not do.

Cindy, and her lackey Rachel, quite vehemently refused to accept that CAVR is doing anything of any value. They specifically stated that CAVR is wasting its time and that they want the directors of CAVR to be doing "something of value". they also stated clearly that there is no value in writing letters to correct open statements by said organizations when they are clearly full of inaccurate information and lies or in writing to politicians to try to educate them and bring them onside so that, when we need their support, they will be there to stand on our side...

CAVR, much like CASAA, is NOT a consumer advocacy organization that has a mandate of attacking vendors, either for or against policies and practices. We are not in the habit or have as a mandate, any action against Vendors. Should a consumer have an issue with a Vendor, CAVR really isn't the correct place to reach out to. Keep in mind, that CAVR is literally just a few short months old and we are still working out how we are going to operate and have, as of this writing, not even developped a website other than the FB page, and has only written ONE letter, to the CCA. At our first Board meeting we decided that what CAVR does do is education and awareness... When we learn that a place has said "no vaping" in their place of business based on misinformation or the concept that Vaping is Illegal, when we learn that an article filled with lies comes up on the internet, or we find out that legislation is in the pipeline that needs to be fought... THAT is where CAVR has its place.

I'm not saying that ECTA or www.ShowMeTheLaw.ca are not viable lines of action... but I take personal offence to the idea that CAVR is a joke and a waste of time. We are not full time employees of CAVR, we are not paid to do this, and we gain nothing from doing what we do, short of increasing awareness and education and ultimately helping to further the argument for Vaping in canada. We do believe that our actions are positive... they may not be big expensive attack ads and may not have the benefit of lawyers and full time staffers, but one small step at a time, we are trying to make a small difference...

In closing, there is a huge battle still to be waged, and i do believe that we do need to suss out many things... but when one person takes an attitude that every vendor and every advocate in canada is wrong because we refuse to step in line behind her and goosestep to her orders... that is an entirely repugnant issue.

Jason H. Hubbard


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Jun 9, 2012
Oakville, ON
The numbers may be small now but they are growing in CAVR and you won't find a more committed group of members. We don't need to be CASAA North or a subsidiary, we Canadians have an advocacy group by Canadians for Canadians.

Projectguy I am sure that they can only benefit by having you become a member and would be glad to have you.

Kat thank you I'm actually, for real, blushing. Unfortunately I can't afford the commitment that CAVR deserves.

While I may not agree with everyone and a lot of people don't agree with me, believe it or not I have a lot of respect for those that are getting involved and making their voices heard regardless of the point of view.

Jason, I listened to the Demetri [spelling] show and I do believe you are taking it too much to heart and reading too much into it. The media whether its, the Greek Guy or the Toronto Star, live and die by controversy and "wardrobe malfunctions". Get use to it, your good and selfless work will go unrecognized and unrewarded. You will be accused of any number of real or imagined missteps and hindsight and Monday morning quarterbacking will always make to point of telling the world how it should have been done. I know because I'm on both sides of that coin.

To all sides in this debate only two rules:

1. Attack the idea; not the person; and,
2. Check the accuracy of your "facts"!


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Jan 24, 2011
Halifax, Nova Scotia
HAHAHA... Project Guy,

If i wanted to have my work recognized, i'd be more on the front line and i'd have accepted the role that was originally offered to me... not to mention i would have called in... my role with CAVR is advisory and supportive... i leave the front lines stuff to Blaine and Matt... not that i can't do that stuff... but i'm much better at the behind the scenes stuff than i am in front of an audience sometimes... and i want my work at this phase of my life, to be recognized for the work, not because the idiot who waxed his chest is doing it.

i'm more than happy to remain behind the curtain for the most part...


ECF Guru
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
HAHAHA... Project Guy,

If i wanted to have my work recognized, i'd be more on the front line and i'd have accepted the role that was originally offered to me... not to mention i would have called in... my role with CAVR is advisory and supportive... i leave the front lines stuff to Blaine and Matt... not that i can't do that stuff... but i'm much better at the behind the scenes stuff than i am in front of an audience sometimes... and i want my work at this phase of my life, to be recognized for the work, not because the idiot who waxed his chest is doing it.

i'm more than happy to remain behind the curtain for the most part...

Having "been there, done that" for the past 3 years, I can understand better than most what you guys are going through. If you ever want to chat on skype, I'd be happy to talk about what we faced and give any tips (especially about vape media) if I can help at all. I had always wanted to bring Canada into CASAA, but we were just so overburdened with U.S. issues and uneducated about Canada that it just wasn't feasible. I feel so bad about that. :(

PM me if you'd like to get a skype or google chat going one of these days. I'm sure a couple of other directors would end up joining in and giving input, too. We can't fight for you but maybe we can help you fight.

(Sorry to dip in on your thread like this. My account is set to find "CASAA" references on ECF so I can answer questions and this just popped up! :))
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