Too many juices taste like nothing.

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Sep 27, 2009
Since the beginning I have been almost completely unable to taste any juice. Finally I gave dripping a chance and some flavors come through but not all. I certainly don't taste the banana cream nut bread smoothie butter sweet vanilla armpit others describe when they vape. Anyone else have a taste issue? Also, anyone else sick of all the "flavors" and just want something different? I can't describe it but I think there needs be a taste specific to vaping. Tobacco is for cigs, pipes and cigars. Sugar is for dessert. Fruit is for fruit. vaping needs its "own" taste. Hard to describe unless you know what I mean.


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  • Oct 28, 2014
    My experience is that most devices don't have any flavor -- to me. But I think half of that's technique and matching it to the device. Currently enjoy original EVOD 5.2W and the Atomic RDA 7.5W dialed down to like sucking a milkshake through a straw, and my trusty Doge clone RDA at 14.2W modified with internal singlecoil blocker plate and build refined through much experiment (#28 1.3Ω) using the essential tight bore drip tip (the 14.2W limiter). With that, I can taste ridiculously low levels of flavor. A relaxed vape is essential. I find a slight carberation effect at the mouthpiece helps a lot.

    Ejuice does have some inherent taste, not that I'm a fan of unflavored (at my current low levels of nicotine and vapor amount, anyway). But flavors can work with it rather than over or against it, and I think that's what can make it better than the "original source" of whatever the flavor is. I also think that tobacco flavors can be a bit more like "white noise" more a spread of flavors and aromas, less a defined taste, which I like. I understand a bit of what you mean by 'Vaping needs its "own" taste' though, I think. There's a kind of flavor wanderlust with vaping that just wasn't there with smoking. One analogy that comes to mind is of an acoustic instrument with one "sound" but very easily expressive, vs. a synthesizer which has more sounds but you have to turn knobs when you want the sound to change much. I'm not sure how smoking fits into that analogy but vaping definitely is the synthesizer.
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    Danny Burke

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    Mar 12, 2017
    Hey mate, you might have a vapers tounge.. if you don't know what it is, give it a search.

    I start to not taste flavours when I vape the same E-liquid for a while, I think its because I get used to the flavour maybe? It is really annoying.

    I think moving to RDA's is a great idea as i'm doing that myself sooner enough when I can afford one, but then the flavour is mostly on your wicking too its got to be 'right' perfect also Organic Japanese Cotton is one of best cotton to use.

    If that doesn't satisfy you enough why don't you move onto DIY? making your 'own' E-liquid, yes its a lot more effort but also A LOT more cheaper.

    With DIY you can set the flavours percentages to whatever you like, to your perfered vape, you csn make any flavour you like if you put your mind to it, also people can give you recipes to make, you get a LOT more choice of flavours in DIY than just pre-made E-liquid from the vape shop.

    I hope I helped a bit mate.


    Vaping Master
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    Jan 12, 2014
    Yes, my taste buds get flavor bored if I am vaping a lot. I just keep multiple tanks going with different flavors.

    Also, I have drifted from complex flavors. Since I DIY now, I have noticed it more. I keep the flavor simple, but the texture I play with, or the opposite, but not at the same time.

    E-juice is not like just opening a can of soup, there is a chef side to it.
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    Danny Burke

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    Mar 12, 2017
    Yes, my taste buds get flavor bored if I am vaping a lot. I just keep multiple tanks going with different flavors.

    Also, I have drifted from complex flavors. Since I DIY now, I have noticed it more. I keep the flavor simple, but the texture I play with, or the opposite, but not at the same time.

    E-juice is not like just opening a can of soup, there is a chef side to it.
    I leave the chef side to last and just get some recipes I like the sound of for now to just get started getting used to everything and the experience.

    Then you can start playing about with the recipes that you have that you like and try and make them taste better for you, like if you wanted to taste a certain flavour a bit more just up the percentage of it, or if you cant taste all of the flavours themselves then i'd up the percentage of them all equally by about 2% each.

    Then you can have a go at making your own flavours, now that is a challenge it is actually hard to do.

    But the worst part for me overall in the DIY part of vaping is the steeping, I cant stand it, I just want that full on flavour now haha, i'm not really patient with the flavours. So I end up vaping it while I steep it if I decide to make a lot of it :)


    Senior Member
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    Sep 27, 2009
    Spent some time trying a bunch of juices yesterday. Didn't find the "something different" I was looking for but did find something I was searching for. Years ago a friend of mine thought ecto cooler would be a great flavor. Ive tried a bunch of suggestions that all failed. Until I tried kinetic cooler by electric sky co. EXACTLY like ecto!


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    Ultra Member
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  • Oct 28, 2014
    I don't suppose it matters much. You could tweak it one way or another, more VG is a little sweeter, more PG more throat hit. I do VG because I vape unflavored 24mg WTA and it has plenty nuff throat hit from the nic and minor alkaloids.
    WTA's cheating for unflavored! ;) Plus I almost envy you for still having any interest in that level of nicotine, it's in many ways more satisfying than any flavor. It's also, for me, completely out of the question. As I wrote previously "not that I'm a fan of unflavored (at my current low levels of nicotine and vapor amount, anyway)".

    Beyond that, does recommending unflavored to someone who can't taste flavors make any sense, except as giving up? How would an even more subtle flavor help? Or maybe it is the only thing some people can taste. But, especially with the OP talking about things like "there needs be a taste specific to vaping", I want to say to that to me that would be very light, teasing flavors, somewhat abstract, probably contain some type of so-called tobacco flavor (not that it tastes like it). But that's a problematic recommendation to someone that can't taste flavors also.

    I think an important aspect of flavor is throat hit, as a replacement for nicotine, as much as the flavor itself. But many flavors can be amazing enough to seem like The Taste .. for a while at least!
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    Vaping Master
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    May 30, 2011
    WTA's cheating for unflavored! ;) Plus I almost envy you for still having any interest in that level of nicotine, it's in many ways more satisfying than any flavor. It's also, for me, completely out of the question. As I wrote previously "not that I'm a fan of unflavored (at my current low levels of nicotine and vapor amount, anyway)".

    Beyond that, does recommending unflavored to someone who can't taste flavors make any sense, except as giving up? How would an even more subtle flavor help? Or maybe it is the only thing some people can taste. But, especially with the OP talking about things like "there needs be a taste specific to vaping", I want to say to that to me that would be very light, teasing flavors, somewhat abstract, probably contain some type of so-called tobacco flavor (not that it tastes like it). But that's a problematic recommendation to someone that can't taste flavors also.

    I think an important aspect of flavor is throat hit, as a replacement for nicotine, as much as the flavor itself. But many flavors can be amazing enough to seem like The Taste .. for a while at least!
    Why is WTA cheating? Aren't we talking about flavor (or lack thereof) here? Unflavored WTA unflavored anything else for all intents and purposes. And yes, 24mg nic is more satisfying than any flavor for me, with the added benefit of minimal juice consumption.
    I'm just saying when all else fails, give unflavored a shot. It's keeping life simple to a very high degree and many people like the "flavor" of unflavored once they get their brains past the incongruity. Might be healthier too, or not. Whatever.


    Ultra Member
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    Apr 26, 2014
    Eastern, PA, USA
    Count yourself lucky. When you get your setup and yourself to the point that the flavor comes through clear, you might find 90% of flavors on the market are pretty bad (I did).

    The struggle was worth it as there are a few flavors I really like to vape. And fortunately for me one of them is unflavored, as cheap and easy as eliquid could possibly be.

    I'd recommend Whit E Octopus: Lancaster & York for something nice but different. It's a straight up rose vape. Strong enough that I often cut it down to about 70%; so, 100% should come through clean and clear. Most folks don't go for florals, but if it's a profile you haven't checked out yet, it's worth a gander.
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