Ugh. Husband Would Rather I Smoke Analogs.. :(

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Full Member
Nov 10, 2013
Willis, TX
So I have been vaping for less than a week and off analogs for almost 72 hours. It's been an interesting ride to say the least. Finding the right juice has been a challenge. I'm not that happy with the setup I have but it's working ok for now. I've had some pretty bad side effects from either withdrawals or overconsuming nicotine. I haven't quite figured out if the uneasiness and jitters I am feeling is a nicotine craving or a symptom of me over vaping. I'm working on it, but I DO know that I can't stand the smell of analogs anymore and I NEVER want to smoke them again.

My husband on the other hand keeps throwing news articles he finds on the internet at me that say E-cigs are dangerous, unregulated, and JUST as addictive as cigarettes, PLUS, he says I look ridiculous sucking on a huge chrome (Dildo) as he calls it, and then he says he would rather I just smoke regular smokes.

So, help me convince him that this is indeed BETTER than smoking analogs. I have told him everything I know (Which admittedly isn't much) and directed him to lots of sites but he is still on my back and his nasty comments are really getting to me.

Even some of my friends are on my side and want to try e-cigs. He still says it's dumb looking and it doesn't matter to him he just thinks what he thinks an that's that.

Has anyone encountered a spouse who was anti-vaping and if so how did you handle it??



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Welcome and don't give up or give in to the nay-sayers.

First, if you are still struggling (which is normal at first), you may need to increase the nicotine level in your e-liquid. Most new vapers need 18mg - 24mg to make the transition. Some side-effects are typical from not smoking. Vaping is not nearly as effective in getting nicotine into your system as smoking is. It is also possible that your nic level is a little too high. You will need to experiment, just like all of us did. Also, if you are using a cig-a-like model, they are the least effective vaping method. Look to get a better model PV (personal vaporizer) such as an iTaste V3, which is small but has some great features: Innokin iTaste VV ( V3.0) Variable Voltage and Variable Wattage Express Kit

Second, go to the CASAA web site (please join - it's free) and you will find many resources that debunk the critics and provide information on the safety of vaping for those around you and 100 times safer than smoking. CASAA is "us", consumer vapers and is NOT associated with any business or industry, unlike the AMA, ALA, AHA, ACS who are all funded by the Big Pharm industry. Big Pharm is funding much of the unsupported negative articles on vaping because it is hurting their ineffective NRT business.

Here is the CASAA web site:

CASAA - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
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Sep 28, 2012
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Full Member
Nov 10, 2013
Willis, TX
I think the problem is that he was a "closet" smoker, meaning he would always come outside with me when I smoked and take a few puffs. Now that I'm not doing that anymore he is smoking alone. :( He tried my e-cig and said it tasted awful. I even offered to let him try some of my other juices in different tanks and he said no. He wasn't interested.

I handed him my last three packs of analogs two days ago and said, Have fun. I'm done with them.

I'm sure in time he will come around but I don't need this crap while I'm trying myself to quit. I've never had anyone act this way about me trying to quit.

He said that if I really wanted to quit smoking I would just quit everything and it's all in my mind, then he said his friend had great luck with Chantix. (A drug that is known to cause people to off themselves, no thanks.)

I just don't get it. I'm going to muscle through it. He's not raining on my smoke free parade. LOL


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Aug 3, 2010
Hopefully someone posts some links since i don't have access on my phone right now.there are studies showing it is safe.

In short FDA was given authority over ecigs as a tobacco product. They just haven't made any regulations yet to enforce that I know of.

All of the ingredients are food safe. Pg is even used in inhalers. Plus there is the fact that even if not 100% safe its definately safer than inhaling tar, arsenic, amonia and 4000 other chemicals.


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Dec 25, 2009
some people just cant fathom nor have any clue of the differences between smoking analogs and vaping. there is almost a form of separation anxiety that comes from former smoking buddies (majority of mine have converted or quit, including my significant other).

from wikipedia: "separation anxiety disorder is the inappropriate and excessive display of fear and distress when faced with situations of separation from the home or from a specific attachment figure."

as far as analogies go... he prefers you in a house burning down vs a relaxing hot shower.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 7, 2013
Texas USA
Wow thats unfortunate you would think your husband would want you to save your own life. All I can say is I agree with WV2win direct him to CASAA so he can see the real studies instead of the BP slanted ones.

Perhaps (as has been said) he has an underlying motivation you are unaware of. I would recomend you both sit down and have a serious talk and see whats really going on.
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Vaping Master
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Sep 1, 2013
Mount Vernon, Wa
He is probably just jealous the your pv is bigger!! lmao.

Sounds like you are over nic'ing. try lowering your nic level. I can't believe how much better I feel since I've been vaping. Does your husband smoke?

I do know women have the power to convince a man to back off or suffer the consequence. And vaping is probably the best thing for you. Don't let him use the tobacco supported propaganda that is being spread about vape. It's just not so. I usually get that crap from smokers who are jealous that I've been vaping for six months while they continue to hack and puff on the fire sticks.

Hang in their, ignore the bs and his uninformed opinion. Read up one the facts and fire it right back. You'll find plenty of support here.. Good luck and welcome to the ECF. You have found friends here.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2013
Get a box mod like the MVP and really piss him off.

What nic are you using? I was up at 18 and got light headed then headaches and wasn't sleeping good. I dropped to 12 and was good with that and even switched to 6 at night so I could sleep better.

Of course nicotine is addictive. You already know that from smoking cigarettes and are already addicted to it. I don't have a bunch of studies to fling around but my personal experience has been great. I went from a 2 pack a day 40+ year habit to 0 cigarettes in about a weeks time with minimal disruption. I quit coughing up brown crap and do not wheeze all the time. That's is a win in my book.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2013
Hmmm, do I sense a bit of crab-bucket-syndrome there?

Seems your hubby is quick pointing out all the internet stuff that claims that e-cigs are bad. Does appear to be a bit biased. While looking it up, he must have come across a fair share of sources that aren't part of some disinformation campaign. Well, you can sit down and look it all up - all the articles and sources that put some meat on the bone.

It's like automobiles- people die in traffic accidents all the time - but compared to the figures of the past decades, the numbers are dwindling, thanks to ongoing improvements such as safety belts, airbags, what have you . And no matter what, there will always be people who are going to ket killed in road accidents - yet I don't hear any voices clamoring for a total ban on cars...


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Jul 25, 2009
Central Texas
I think the problem is that he was a "closet" smoker, meaning he would always come outside with me when I smoked and take a few puffs.
Right there's your problem, you were his 'cover', he could blame the cig smell on you, now he can't do that and has to openly smoke if he wants his nicotine.


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Mar 22, 2010
Here is the current mother of all studies. It's basically a meta-analysis of (I believe) every study done to date;

I'd say print it off, maybe several times, and any time your husband brings up some article simply hand him a copy and reply that that isn't what the science says.

Most of the fear mongering articles are fueled by the pharmaceutical companies by way of the health organizations. They want you to continue to smoke because whether you're on one of their replacement therapies or develop a smoking related disease that has to be treated with drugs, they win. And what the heck is the American Lung Association going to champion if everyone quit smoking? :pervy:

If he continues, I'd personally start cutting him off, reply that I'm no longer going to discuss it with him and then walk away. We're here if you need support.
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ECF Veteran
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Oct 10, 2013
Pittsburgh, Pa, USA

Topwater Elvis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2012
So I have been vaping for less than a week and off analogs for almost 72 hours. It's been an interesting ride to say the least. Finding the right juice has been a challenge. I'm not that happy with the setup I have but it's working ok for now. I've had some pretty bad side effects from either withdrawals or overconsuming nicotine. I haven't quite figured out if the uneasiness and jitters I am feeling is a nicotine craving or a symptom of me over vaping. I'm working on it, but I DO know that I can't stand the smell of analogs anymore and I NEVER want to smoke them again.

My husband on the other hand keeps throwing news articles he finds on the internet at me that say E-cigs are dangerous, unregulated, and JUST as addictive as cigarettes, PLUS, he says I look ridiculous sucking on a huge chrome (Dildo) as he calls it, and then he says he would rather I just smoke regular smokes.

So, help me convince him that this is indeed BETTER than smoking analogs. I have told him everything I know (Which admittedly isn't much) and directed him to lots of sites but he is still on my back and his nasty comments are really getting to me.

Even some of my friends are on my side and want to try e-cigs. He still says it's dumb looking and it doesn't matter to him he just thinks what he thinks an that's that.

Has anyone encountered a spouse who was anti-vaping and if so how did you handle it??


A half decent spouse would be supportive not rude and belittling, it is a shame you're in such an unhealthy relationship.
I'd remind him this decision you've made (quitting smoking) has all sorts of long term health & financial benefits.

If he won't treat you with respect and get with the program, tell him to take his crappy attitude elsewhere, or whack him in the nads with a black iron skillet while he's asleep.
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