Vamo heating up... (V2's with spring)

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 24, 2013
The Planet Ohio
Hi everyone. I just got my second Vamo (with new spring) and I have the same possible issue with both. As I vape the tube body gets hot. Is this a problem with my coil getting hot and making the body warm up? Is something wrong with both of my units? It doesn't get AGA-T hot but it gets pretty warm from the top down. This is happening with a higher ohm vivi clone head (reading at like 3.4) that I'm stuck using until my vape mail arrives with my carto tanks. I don't have wire thin enough to wrap a decent coil (I have some Kanthal 34)
I'm usually between 4 and 7 watts...

The only time I have noticed this occurring on my eGo is if my evod drops a little juice on the center post. This is not occurring in this situation with the Vamos.
Bottom coil for battery looks fine and are new, and the positive contact disk is in both.

A piece of mind that this is normal, or info as to what my issue is would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you :blush:
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2012
Mine get warm occasionally. It got the hottest when I was using a 1.5 ohm dual-coil at 11 watts. Now that I'm back to 1.7-8 single coil, it warms slightly when I chain vape, but overall it seems to be fine.

Disclaimer: I'm not an expert. I might blow myself up doing this, but after using my VAMO in roughly the same way (heating up and all) for a couple months with the same batteries, I feel like its safe enough for me.
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