Vaping and Throat Cancer?

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Mar 19, 2013
I'm so glad you are doing well.

it seems like these days when we get sick people are always asking what we did to cause it. sigh. you know, maybe it is the antibiotics in our meats and dairy. or the poisons in our fruits and veggies. or the processed foods. or the pollution. stress, etc, etc

praying your recovery continues at a rapid rate!

**gasp** How dare you hint at the notion of personal accountability!!! Don't get me antibiotics, steroids, pesticides, gluten allergies, and thyroid disorders are just a few of the hottest trends out there causing bad health.

I take full responsibility for my situation, I smoked for 13 years knowing the health risks. I don't blame corporate tobacco, there was a Surgeon General's warning on every pack of ciggs that I ever purchased and smoked.

I don't blame the beer breweries and pizza eateries for making me a little soft around the edges during the winter either :laugh:
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2013
Kansas, USA
Bergster, I just came across this thread for the first time. I'm so sorry about your diagnosis, but very glad it was found in Stage 1 - that will make a lot of difference!! Glad to hear things are progressing well so far, and certainly wish you well in the weeks ahead!!

I am surprised, really, that this happened after "only" 13 years of smoking - I wonder if that's not pretty rare....and honestly, the docs don't know for certain that smoking caused it; they are assuming. I agree that "we" are responsible for taking up smoking, but I am pretty angry that the tobacco companies get away with whatever they do to increase the addiction factor - I'm pretty sure it's NOT "just" the nicotine! It is also outrageous, in my opinion, that cigs are still legal and sold virtually everywhere, if they're so lethal. Really doesn't make good sense.

Both my husband and his brother survived smoking-caused (probably) lung cancer - of course, both smoked heavily for decades.

If I were you, and still wanted to vape, I would do it pipe-style - without the inhaling. Don't know if you'd find that satisfying or not, but you might consider it.

My best to you!!! Stay positive, I believe that's very important in healing. Sure can't hurt!


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Mar 19, 2013
I have seriously been slacking and never updated this thread with my final outcome. Sorry!!

My last radiation treatment (28 treatments) was January 25th, then I took a month off to let radiation run its course and went back on February 25th for my laryngoscope and final diagnosis.

I am very happy to report that the cancer is GONE!

It has been 3 months since treatment ended and my voice quality has returned 100%! That was one of my biggest fears of losing my voice because I'm an amazing shower singer :p

Overall, the entire treatment process was not very painful for me. There are all kinds of horror stories on the internet about people needing feeding tubes because of excruciating throat pain, teeth falling out, etc. I think it's because of my young age and physical condition that I was able to get through radiation with nothing other than skin burns. I actually never missed a day of work. Unfortunately, cancer isn't cheap.

I now must see my ENT every month for the next 12 months for physical exams, then once every 60 days years 2-3, and then twice a year during year 4. If cancer does not come back in the next 4-5 years, I will be considered 100% cured. The most common places of cancer recurring among throat cancer survivors is lymph nodes or another form of oral cancer.

Again, a HUGE thank you to all of you for your prayers and optimism. There were a few times when I was really down in the dumps and I would re-read all of your posts to lift my spirits. It's fantastic that forums can provide a significant support group to anyone out there in a time of need.

For those wondering, I did vape through the entire treatment, but at 0 nicotine, and never drank a drop of alcohol. My oncologist gave me the OK to vape nicotine again so I'm now enjoying 6mg :) My energy is back and I'm able to enjoy backpacking, mountain bike riding and canoeing again.

:toast: Here's to the next 5 years of continued health and happiness :toast:

PS - I hope my story of survival inspires you or someone close to you that has or is currently battling cancer. Never give up or lose hope.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 13, 2013
New Joisey (aka NJ)
I am literally cheering for ya right now after reading your most recent update. You GO my DID it! You took care of business, you BEAT it, and please continue to do so.
Your story is truly inspiring. I will be referring to it often, and I will be keeping you in my prayers.
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Senior Member
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Jan 26, 2010
I just read this thread for the first time...Bergster, I am so happy for you! You are an inspiration to all of us. Thank you for keeping us updated.

That is amazing news! Good on you mate! Its definatley a wake up call to hear something like that at such a young age. One thing Id like to recommend in your diet is flax seed oil. It apparently has some great anti cancer effects. Its great that you are clear now, but think of it as maintenance.

If you google Dr Budwig you can read about great things. At the very least it wont hurt as flax seed is good for you anyway. I have heard this from other people who go to naturpaths for other issues and they all seem to rave about the healing power of flax seeds.

If anyone on here is dealing with Cancer or know someone who is, please check out the info on Dr Budwig. From my google searching it seems like there may be something to this in addition to treatment....all I know is, I hate that freaking C word with a passion, and as a humanist, I hate to see people suffer. I like to spread the word on this to see if really does help.

Also, never doubt the power of prayer.

Happy for you! Made my day to hear this :D


Ultra Member
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Apr 4, 2014
toledo ohio
I have seriously been slacking and never updated this thread with my final outcome. Sorry!!

My last radiation treatment (28 treatments) was January 25th, then I took a month off to let radiation run its course and went back on February 25th for my laryngoscope and final diagnosis.

I am very happy to report that the cancer is GONE!

It has been 3 months since treatment ended and my voice quality has returned 100%! That was one of my biggest fears of losing my voice because I'm an amazing shower singer :p

Overall, the entire treatment process was not very painful for me. There are all kinds of horror stories on the internet about people needing feeding tubes because of excruciating throat pain, teeth falling out, etc. I think it's because of my young age and physical condition that I was able to get through radiation with nothing other than skin burns. I actually never missed a day of work. Unfortunately, cancer isn't cheap.

I now must see my ENT every month for the next 12 months for physical exams, then once every 60 days years 2-3, and then twice a year during year 4. If cancer does not come back in the next 4-5 years, I will be considered 100% cured. The most common places of cancer recurring among throat cancer survivors is lymph nodes or another form of oral cancer.

Again, a HUGE thank you to all of you for your prayers and optimism. There were a few times when I was really down in the dumps and I would re-read all of your posts to lift my spirits. It's fantastic that forums can provide a significant support group to anyone out there in a time of need.

For those wondering, I did vape through the entire treatment, but at 0 nicotine, and never drank a drop of alcohol. My oncologist gave me the OK to vape nicotine again so I'm now enjoying 6mg :) My energy is back and I'm able to enjoy backpacking, mountain bike riding and canoeing again.

:toast: Here's to the next 5 years of continued health and happiness :toast:

PS - I hope my story of survival inspires you or someone close to you that has or is currently battling cancer. Never give up or lose hope.

rite on man I kno you don't kno me but that's an awesome story and glad it worked out the way it did.take care and god most definitely blesses us so keep on keepin on!!....RUDEDOG


ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
I have seriously been slacking and never updated this thread with my final outcome. Sorry!!

My last radiation treatment (28 treatments) was January 25th, then I took a month off to let radiation run its course and went back on February 25th for my laryngoscope and final diagnosis.

I am very happy to report that the cancer is GONE!

I bookmarked this topic and was really hoping you'd come back w/an update and you did and it was SO UPLIFTING ! You did great, so happy for you. You seem to be a really upbeat, positive person, I'm sure that truly helped your healing.

You sure are brave, too. :)


Full Member
Verified Member
Aug 22, 2011

happy to see your recovery is successful. and that you have managed to drop to 0 nic.

no one can possibly answer your initial questions as to potential effects of vaping on your cancer - or if modifying it by avoiding certain mods etc would help.

from a person with a bit of a health background - theoretically anything that causes agitation/damage to cancer (or even 'normal') cells has the potential to cause an increase in mutation/cancerous cells. nicotine is definitely something that might be able to do this. that being said theres no research - and my thoughts are just theories based on a small amount of pathology I learned in school. This is probably why your specialists wouldn't comment on it - any comments on their part would simply be an educated opinion - not anything that should be given as medical advice.

my own humble opinion would be to take a similar track to what you have been doing.

again - very glad your treatments have been successful - and that you yourself have been part of that success in taking ownership of your diagnosis and your health.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    I have seriously been slacking and never updated this thread with my final outcome. Sorry!!

    My last radiation treatment (28 treatments) was January 25th, then I took a month off to let radiation run its course and went back on February 25th for my laryngoscope and final diagnosis.

    I am very happy to report that the cancer is GONE!

    You just made my day brother, Best news I heard in months. :)

    I go every six month to one Doctor and another once a year now going on four years now.

    My happy dance :rickroll:


    Senior Member
    ECF Veteran
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    Jan 13, 2014
    Except for the outcome BERGSTER my story is your story.

    My biopsy should just a 3 cell thickness from breaking through to what you had.

    Been vaping since Jan 2014 and no cig since 1st day of vaping.,

    Just got over Still another literal near death illness and survived with ZERO residual damage.

    Want to start vaping but family in REALLY strong anti vaping mode right now.

    During my recent 2week hospital stay,vaping was accepted in hospital by Medical staff.

    Family confiscated my Vape travel kit and I haven't seen it since week of Easter.

    So screw'em, I pulled the trigger and ordered high end Provari mini Stainless Steel Polish

    Just arrived 2 days ago.

    Now can't get 'Seal of approval' from Family until team of specialists ALL give

    final OK on state of my health.

    So I now hafta see GP Doc just because he ℅-ordinates my Team of new best friends... ENT for biopsy

    follow up, A Cardio for stress test, Neuro

    for MRI and Podiatrist for ingrown toe nail ( being facetious on that one).

    MY Challange is to get 4 Specialist to agree that vaping non nic flavor only is Ok for me.


    The education battle NEVER ends, does it?..

    Wish me God speed and good luck.

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    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 19, 2009
    Pittsburgh, Pa
    Except for the outcome BERGSTER my story is your story.

    My biopsy should just a 3 cell thickness from breaking through to what you had.

    Been vaping since Jan 2014 and no cig since 1st day of vaping.,

    Just got over Still another literal near death illness and survived with ZERO residual damage.

    Want to start vaping but family in REALLY strong anti vaping mode right now.

    During my recent 2week hospital stay,vaping was accepted in hospital by Medical staff.

    Family confiscated my Vape travel kit and I haven't seen it since week of Easter.

    So screw'em, I pulled the trigger and ordered high end Provari mini Stainless Steel Polish

    Just arrived 2 days ago.

    Now can't get 'Seal of approval' from Family until team of specialists ALL give

    final OK on state of my health.

    So I now hafta see GP Doc just because he ℅-ordinates my Team of new best friends... ENT for biopsy

    follow up, A Cardio for stress test, Neuro

    for MRI and Podiatrist for ingrown toe nail ( being facetious on that one).

    MY Challange is to get 4 Specialist to agree that vaping non nic flavor only is Ok for me.


    The education battle NEVER ends, does it?..

    Wish me God speed and good luck.


    Keep fighting the good fight. Never give up. And good luck. Keep us posted!!!


    Full Member
    Verified Member
    Mar 19, 2013
    Arty, please keep us posted. Stay positive and you'll get through this no sweat!

    Sorry to hear they took your vape gear away. Family sure can be a real pain in the ... sometimes huh? During my treatment and healing, I was at times pretty grouchy because I felt like my family was trying to coddle me. I didn't like the extra attention and I'm stubborn as a mule and sounds like you are too. Just try and realize that they love you dearly and want to help you in any way they can on your road to recovery. Having that support group can really help you get through the tough times.

    Good luck to you sir and fight the good fight!
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