Vaping for a year and still smoking

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Full Member
Mar 17, 2018
Ohio, United States
Let me start by saying, I really want to quit smoking. I have been smoking for well over 20 years and was up to over 2 packs a day when I started vaping. I have cut down to half a pack a day. So from about 50 smokes to around 10 give or take. I have a variety of nic strengths and even started building lately and using RDA's and RTA's. My husband also vapes (although he only uses a few devices and 6 mg. ejuice) and is also still smoking. Someone recently told me my problem is nic strength. I use 6 mg in tanks and 3 mg. in my dripper. I have tried nic salt in sourin air but it is just too harsh (even using only 25 mg. nicotine salt). I have tried 12 mg in my tanks but it is so harsh I just cough, hubby has same problem. But, we are both still smoking and really want to quit. Any suggestions? Is it possible to quit using 6 and 3 mg nicotine ejuice?


Vaping Master
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May 29, 2017
San Francisco
Well you are better off smoking 10 than 50 cigs a day. Maybe try Nicotine Salts but not in an RDA. Try MTL with them.

There are also WTA (whole tobacco alkaloid) juices that may say help with craving.

Whole Tobacco Alkaloid E-liquid | E-Cigarette Forum


Full Member
Mar 17, 2018
Ohio, United States
You probably need higher nicotine. It is also a situational matter. Habits are hard to break. There are situations that trigger your need for a cigarette.
I have a few bottles of 12mg. but it just makes me cough and cough. I tried in it toptank nano stick and bravo rta. Unfortunately, I cannot buy any more tanks right now. Hubby has crown 3 tank and vape pen 22 and 12mg in those is harsh too. Maybe have to wait and try again after have some extra money. Too bad because we have a bunch of 6mg and 3mg. ejuice.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 21, 2017
What ohm are the coils you are using in your tanks and drippers? If you are vaping 3 and 6 mg juice I would guess you are using coils at .5 ohm or thereabouts? If so, 12 mg juice would be way to strong for those coils. Coughing and coughing would be expected. I have a couple of RTA's that I run .5 ohm coils and use 6 mg juice. I also have a couple of tanks that I run 1.5 ohm coils and 12 mg juice.


ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2015
My Mountain
Let me start by saying, I really want to quit smoking. I have been smoking for well over 20 years and was up to over 2 packs a day when I started vaping. I have cut down to half a pack a day. So from about 50 smokes to around 10 give or take. I have a variety of nic strengths and even started building lately and using RDA's and RTA's. My husband also vapes (although he only uses a few devices and 6 mg. ejuice) and is also still smoking. Someone recently told me my problem is nic strength. I use 6 mg in tanks and 3 mg. in my dripper. I have tried nic salt in sourin air but it is just too harsh (even using only 25 mg. nicotine salt). I have tried 12 mg in my tanks but it is so harsh I just cough, hubby has same problem. But, we are both still smoking and really want to quit. Any suggestions? Is it possible to quit using 6 and 3 mg nicotine ejuice?

It's not the nicotine salts your finding harsh so much as it's probably the pg..

Try a higher nicotine level with a max VG juice and use a tiny bit of distilled water to make it wick better in your tanks if you need.

That will likely help, you just need to remove as much throat hit as possible...low pg and perhaps even shorter drip tips will be helpful for you..
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Vaping Master
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Apr 25, 2014
toledo ohio
Try everything already suggested. I’m going to add, I was a dual user for a while. As soon as I quit cigarettes completely, the coughing stopped. Well, not immediately, but within a week. Something about doing both was really irritating.

I managed to quit with smokers around, but it’s tough. I had to consciously decide to vape through the cravings.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
If you're coughing from increased nicotine it's probably not the nicotine or it's that brand of nicotine.
You feel sick from too much nicotine. If you're at the point of nausea, headache and dizziness from the nicotine and still want a cigarette in that condition then I would say you have enough nicotine and it's something else.
Even when I was just a smoker getting over nicked from a pipe, cigar or chew wouldn't let me want a cigarette until I recovered.

I would look at your vape style. At the 3-6mg level I'm betting you were handed some kind of cloud chaser set up.
Your low mg high power set up (I'm assuming) produces clouds and throat hit at those low levels and produces profits for the liquid maker/seller, it doesn't curb your desire.

Of course it could be the other things in cigarettes your body wants.
I also think some people have to try harder than others at some point.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
You may need higher nic (possibly nic salts, they can be smoother) but yes, you need the right kind of device.

WTA liquid helped me a lot as I went through detox. It wasn't a magic fix all, but it made things easier.

Also, after a year of dual use, you've probably gotten yourself into an entrenched habit. I did that for a while (vaped when it was convenient, continued smoking) for several years. I eventually pretty much gave up on vaping.

When I returned, I was in a bit of a different head/health space and decided to really give it my all.

At some point (and yes, the device and the nic strength all need to be "working" for you, but too high nicotine in a high output, sub0hm, cloudy device will just suck. I showed up here on 12 mg nic and a sub0hm setup my son gifted me after he quit vaping. That did not work, and I quickly moved to the MTL (smaller clouds, but higher nicotine, etc.) it became MUCH easier for me. I quit on 18 mg/ml in MTL setups and it worked for me. I was a 3 ppd smoker.

But my point is, you've gotten into an entrenched habit, so ONCE you sort out your nicotine needs, perhaps you could get out of the "rut" so to speak. If you can, take an inexpensive trip for a week or so with the husband and make the commitment you won't smoke. I might camp somewhere out of the way, or something. I realize this isn't a viable situation for everyone but if you can do it (somewhere without smoking triggers) it might be helpful. Or, just sit down, make the commitment not to fail and etc. Rid your house of tobacco. IDK. CHANGE something, anything, many things (even if it's just your mental attitude about it, because dual using that long becomes , in and of itself, an entrenched habit.

While I agree that there is health benefit to cigarette reduction, I also should point out that most studies on dual use have found very little health improvement compared to not smoking at all. There needs to be a fairly lengthy period of time of vaping only, for true and measurable changes to happen in the body. It just... is what it is. So if health motivates you at all, reducing smoking is FANTASTIC.

At a year into vaping, you haven't really hit the vape benefits. You don't have your tastebuds back, yet, even. Maybe there are some IMPROVEMENTS, but nothing in comparison to actually switching fully.

I say that as someone who dual used for several years. My heath did not improve. I still had no idea what food tasted like. I had not gone through detox, even once.

I'm not telling you what to do, but as far as watching my husband dual use after I quit, I can pretty definitely state that my lungs tongue and circulatory system are probably in better shape than his.

I'm not trying to preach, but as a former dual user, there comes a time to get off the pot, so to speak. Maybe this is your time, but you need the determination and the willingness to do it. Believe me I know it's not easy and I wish you all the luck in the world, moving forward.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2017
First off, you've done something amazing by cutting down from 50 to 10 cigarettes. It's always that last stubborn little bit of a habit that is hardest to break.

I think it's harder when it's two people trying quit, I'm there myself with girlfriend. We still have 1 or two cigarettes a day though we have went a month without them.

What helped me when I went without was 6mg juice in a dripper or rta on about .3 to .5 coil at an average of 50 watts and I just vaped like there was no tomorrow.

It also helped getting into mixing my own liquids, there's control, a new hobby and really just gives you something to do and play around with.

Lastly, when I was cigarette free when I was around smokers I always made sure I had my vape and when tempted just vaped even more than usual.

Wishing you luck, I know it's really hard but I wouldn't give up. You're almost there!


Senior Member
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  • Mar 26, 2017
    How fresh are those liquids? Nicotine degrades when exposed to oxygen (even oxygen inside a semi-empty bottle) and sunlight, becoming harsher on the throat and getting a peppery taste. If you have the chance, have somebody who's been vaping for a while try those juices on his device so you can figure out if it's you or the juice.
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    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Oct 24, 2014
    Let me start by saying, I really want to quit smoking. I have been smoking for well over 20 years and was up to over 2 packs a day when I started vaping. I have cut down to half a pack a day. So from about 50 smokes to around 10 give or take. I have a variety of nic strengths and even started building lately and using RDA's and RTA's. My husband also vapes (although he only uses a few devices and 6 mg. ejuice) and is also still smoking. Someone recently told me my problem is nic strength. I use 6 mg in tanks and 3 mg. in my dripper. I have tried nic salt in sourin air but it is just too harsh (even using only 25 mg. nicotine salt). I have tried 12 mg in my tanks but it is so harsh I just cough, hubby has same problem. But, we are both still smoking and really want to quit. Any suggestions? Is it possible to quit using 6 and 3 mg nicotine ejuice?
    I smoked about the same amount as you and I smoked closer to 40 years. Your first sentence says it all ---you really want to quit. So did I. I think that makes a huge difference in your success. And you have been successful. To cut down from that amount is impressive and you should give yourself a pat on the back for that.

    You sound experienced since you are using RTA's and tanks but I am not sure if I agree with the others about the nic levels. Usually, if someone is not satisfied or just stopping smoking analogs the advice is to up the nicotine but here is where I differ a bit and I'll explain why.

    You smoked a lot of cigarettes like I did. That means that you were like always smoking and after so long you are really used to the act of smoking a lot --something they refer to as hand to mouth. So...even if you are getting a higher nicotine fix - you might actually take in too much because you will then just be vaping a lot.

    It's not like you are going fully transfer over to vaping and all of a sudden vape less than you were smoking because you are used to doing it a lot.

    I think it would be hard to fully switch on the 6 or 3mg. I am on 3mg now and I have been vaping for 7 years.

    I think you just have to make an attempt at making the jump.

    I would suggest maybe a slight bump up to 9mg but not sub-ohming at that level because you do not want to take in too much nic. I may have missed it but I did not see what tanks you are using. Can you use maybe a 1.2 coil?

    (you can mix your current juices to get to that level 1/2 of the 12 and 1/2 of the 6 in equal amounts would get you to 9)

    Before you do that - I think you have to set yourself up mentally and pick a day that you have free time. Whatever day that is -- say a Saturday that you are going to get up and immediately start vaping and focus on not having one cigarette for the whole day. Maybe pick a day that you have activities (to keep yourself occupied) but that you are not on a crazy time crunch schedule.

    And vape for the whole day ----. Make sure you have enough batteries, juice and all supplies so that there is no temptation. At the level you are at, and based on how determined you appear to be, hopefully, you can get through one day since you have a replacement.

    Then you can see how you feel. You know yourself. Was it something that you could do again? If so, do it the next day. If you did not feel you could get through the whole day - could you decrease your number of cigarettes smoked by 1 or then perhaps to decide to up the nicotine further?

    The potential downsides ---is your hubby as committed as you? Would he be willing to do the same thing? I do not think your 1-day experiment would work if your hubby is smoking his allotment of cigarettes around you.

    If you are both totally in sync -it would be a great thing. If not and you are together 100% of the time, I think that could be an issue.

    (I have a friend still dual using. Her hubby still smokes analogs and after dinner when he smokes - she smokes with him. She says it is too hard when he is smoking around her. So now, she has two habits - analogs and vaping)

    Good luck and be proud of the success you have accomplished so far.
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    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Aug 19, 2015
    My Mountain
    I smoked about the same amount as you and I smoked closer to 40 years. Your first sentence says it all ---you really want to quit. So did I. I think that makes a huge difference in your success. And you have been successful. To cut down from that amount is impressive and you should give yourself a pat on the back for that.

    You sound experienced since you are using RTA's and tanks but I am not sure if I agree with the others about the nic levels. Usually, if someone is not satisfied or just stopping smoking analogs the advice is to up the nicotine but here is where I differ a bit and I'll explain why.

    You smoked a lot of cigarettes like I did. That means that you were like always smoking and after so long you are really used to the act of smoking a lot --something they refer to as hand to mouth. So...even if you are getting a higher nicotine fix - you might actually take in too much because you will then just be vaping a lot.

    It's not like you are going fully transfer over to vaping and all of a sudden vape less than you were smoking because you are used to doing it a lot.

    I think it would hard to fully switch on the 6 or 3mg. I am on 3mg now and I have been vaping for 7 years.

    I think you just have to make an attempt at making the jump.

    I would suggest maybe a slight bump up to 9mg but not sub-ohming at that level because you do not want to take in too much nic. I may have missed it but I did not see what tanks you are using. Can you use maybe a 1.2 coil?

    (you can mix your current juices to get to that level 1/2 of the 12 and 1/2 of the 6 in equal amounts would get you to 9)

    Before you do that - I think you have to set yourself up mentally and pick a day that you have free time. Whatever day that is -- say a Saturday that you are going to get up and immediately start vaping and focus on not having one cigarette for the whole day. Maybe pick a day that you have activities (to keep your occupied) but that you are not on a crazy time crunch schedule.

    And vape for the whole day ----. Make sure you have enough batteries, juice and all supplies so that there is no temptation. At the level you are at, and based on how determined you appear to be, hopefully, you can get through one day since you have a replacement.

    Then you can see how you feel. You know yourself. Was it something that you could do again? If so, do it the next day. If you did not feel you could get through the whole day - could you decrease your number of cigarettes smoked by 1 or then perhaps to decide to up the nicotine further?

    The potential downsides ---is your hubby as committed as you? Would he be willing to do the same thing? I do not think your 1-day experiment would work if your hubby is smoking his allotment of cigarettes around you.

    If you are both totally in sync -it would be a great thing. If not and you are together 100% of the time, I think that could be an issue.

    (I have a friend still dual using. Her hubby still smokes analogs and after dinner when he smokes - she smokes with him. She says it is too hard when he is smoking around her. So now, she has two habits - analogs and vaping)

    Good luck and be proud of the success you have accomplished so far.

    I fully switched to vaping with my husband smoking around me. Literally - in bed with me, next to me on the couch.. all while I was quitting a 2 PAD habit that I'd had for 32 years..

    If I can do it anyone can...your freind has to want to bad enough not to use her husband as an excuse.

    As for increasing the nicotine, on a low power MTL device you have lower consumption therefore chain vaping without overdosing on nicotine is quite possible..


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Jan 1, 2009
    IL, USA
    I fully switched to vaping with my husband smoking around me. Literally - in bed with me, next to me on the couch.. all while I was quitting a 2 PAD habit that I'd had for 32 years..

    If I can do it anyone can...your freind has to want to bad enough not to use her husband as an excuse.

    The ONLY time I ever made my roommate not smoke was when I had pneumonia and his truck window didn't work so all the smoke came right across my face and instantly locked up any breathing.

    I don't like it when he lights up and I'm eating or on the exercise bike but it's not end of the world type stuff. And it has never tempted me to smoke.
    6 years now but long before now I used a cigarette to take a comparative picture to the assorted ecig evolution over the years and holding it was very foreign to me.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Oct 24, 2014
    I fully switched to vaping with my husband smoking around me. Literally - in bed with me, next to me on the couch.. all while I was quitting a 2 PAD habit that I'd had for 32 years..

    If I can do it anyone can...your freind has to want to bad enough not to use her husband as an excuse.

    As for increasing the nicotine, on a low power MTL device you have lower consumption therefore chain vaping without overdosing on nicotine is quite possible..
    Great advice and viewpoints - We are all different so from my training background, I try really hard not to say, "if I can do it --you can, too" but I have to admit I do think it. I smoked up to 3 packs per day -- between 2 and 3 and I stopped the very first day I started vaping. And I smoked from when I was a preteen so smoking was a total way of life for me. I made a decision and I stuck to it and I toot my own horn about it :). I am kind of a no-nonsense person. I decide. I do. :) Do recognize tho that not everyone can.

    We are all different and you have, obviously, great willpower and desire and focus.

    I agree about my friend ---that's another conversation -- Personally, I think she is a wuss for letting her husband run her but I am not her thankfully. And I am not about convincing her. I helped her but, in the end, she has to help herself...or not.

    As I have gotten a wee bit older --- I no longer go crazy trying to help someone that does not want it. I used to and it took away from me. She wants to smoke because she lets him dictate her life --it's her decision. I do not agree with it but do not harp on it any longer. Now if he was beating her --I'd intervene.

    I chain vape at 3mg --so I really do take in a good amount of nic still but that's OK. And even at 3mg, sometimes I do feel it ---I go through a whole lot of juice daily and, not too often, but sometimes my ears start thumping so that is why I leaned on the side of caution with the nic levels.
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    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jun 17, 2013
    Richardson, Texas, USA
    Let me start by saying, I really want to quit smoking. I have been smoking for well over 20 years and was up to over 2 packs a day when I started vaping. I have cut down to half a pack a day. So from about 50 smokes to around 10 give or take. I have a variety of nic strengths and even started building lately and using RDA's and RTA's. My husband also vapes (although he only uses a few devices and 6 mg. ejuice) and is also still smoking. Someone recently told me my problem is nic strength. I use 6 mg in tanks and 3 mg. in my dripper. I have tried nic salt in sourin air but it is just too harsh (even using only 25 mg. nicotine salt). I have tried 12 mg in my tanks but it is so harsh I just cough, hubby has same problem. But, we are both still smoking and really want to quit. Any suggestions? Is it possible to quit using 6 and 3 mg nicotine ejuice?

    Well I was in the same boat as you. But my smoking was never that high to begin with. 14-16 a day maybe at most. And I was concerned about that. So I started with a stick and 24mg strength. But it took me about a year or more to cut it down to 5-6. But I was able to kick it, when i moved on to the big boys. So going from 5 to 0 was easy. I wouldn't recommend 24mg on a mod. I did it once. It was like gulping cyanide fumes down the throat. If your smoking numbers are so high, i dont think 6mg would help! Get the max mg nicotrine you can get and MTL!


    ECF Guru
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    Aug 19, 2015
    My Mountain
    Well I was in the same boat as you. But my smoking was never that high to begin with. 14-16 a day maybe at most. And I was concerned about that. So I started with a stick and 24mg strength. But it took me about a year or more to cut it down to 5-6. But I was able to kick it, when i moved on to the big boys. So going from 5 to 0 was easy. I wouldn't recommend 24mg on a mod. I did it once. It was like gulping cyanide fumes down the throat. If your smoking numbers are so high, i dont think 6mg would help! Get the max mg nicotrine you can get and MTL!

    Totally agree... trying to compare sub ohming and MTL vaping is like apples and oranges - NOT the same thing.

    When your only taking in 2 - 5 ml of ejuice per day in a MTL device, your needs where concerns nicotine are far different than when your vaping 10+ ml in a sub ohm device at higher wattages.

    Couple that with everyones absorption rates are different to boot and we realize vaping must be tailored to individual needs.
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