Vaping Habits

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Senior Member
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Dec 16, 2013
Curious about how others handle their juices. For example: I carry two mini egos with mini PT2s throughout the day when I'm not home. One has MBV Guava, the other Pear at the moment. I used to use just one flavor that I stocked up on, but now I like a little variety. Plus the smaller batteries don't last as long so juggling the two lasts me all day.

In the evenings when I get home I switch off to my adv (dingleberry from Kalamazoo Vapor Shop) in a lower nic, on my MVP2. When I'm home during the day I use my MVP2 with the same adv in a higher nic, and sometimes throw on the igo-w and drip some other flavors.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I have maybe 10 flavors that I like. Some I liked enough to order larger bottles. But with rotating so few devices, I've got several juices that aren't used regularly. I'm kinda worried that they might go bad if I don't vape them in time.

Problem is I don't want to carry a bunch of stuff with me, which is why I started carrying the ego minis. At the same time I enjoy finding new flavors I like, and want to stock up for the vapocolypse.

I'm starting to wonder if I should stop ordering until I use up what I have, but I see people on here with just tons of juice. Do you guys pretty evenly swap juices or do you use one up before going on to another?

Should I be worried about shelf life? I bet if I quit ordering today, my current stash would last less than a year. So I'm not talking a ton of juice.

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Ultra Member
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Feb 17, 2013
Somewhere out there
I can't say that I've found a "system" yet. I DIY some of my liquids, but I also buy some. I've got bottles that are nearly a year old that I haven't finished. Like you, I carry mainly small egos when I leave the house, just one in my pocket if I'm running errands, 2 more in my bag when driving to work. Menthol has become the closest I have to an ADV, so one is always filled with menthol. I switch around other flavors. At home, I have about a dozen filled clearos and RBAs. I was trying to cut down the number I keep filled, but that hasn't worked out yet. I am keeping at least 2 or 3 clearos filled with liquids from the older bottles in an effort to use them up. So far nothings gone "bad".

Sorry if that's not too helpful, but at least your not alone...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2013
I can't say that I've found a "system" yet. I DIY some of my liquids, but I also buy some. I've got bottles that are nearly a year old that I haven't finished. Like you, I carry mainly small egos when I leave the house, just one in my pocket if I'm running errands, 2 more in my bag when driving to work. Menthol has become the closest I have to an ADV, so one is always filled with menthol. I switch around other flavors. At home, I have about a dozen filled clearos and RBAs. I was trying to cut down the number I keep filled, but that hasn't worked out yet. I am keeping at least 2 or 3 clearos filled with liquids from the older bottles in an effort to use them up. So far nothings gone "bad".

Sorry if that's not too helpful, but at least your not alone...

Nope this is what I'm looking for. I get what you're saying about filling some clearos to get rid of older juices. I bought some 5 packs of iclear 16s. I almost exclusively use glass tanks, but these are handy for juices that I just want to hit here and there while at home.

I'm thinking of buying a few more mini PT2s. Then I could just randomly grab two each day when I leave the house. I do carry a third mini ego and a filled iclear 16 in my bag as spares while at work. So far I haven't need them. I have had to top off the tanks on occasion at work. Normally though, two mini setups gets me through until I get home.

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Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
A general rules one reads around here often is that most e-juice will last 2 years if stored out of the sunlight where it's cool.

The few juices I've had that were 2 years old were perfectly fine. I've had a couple 3 yr old e-juices be just fine. I did have one 100% vg juice loose most of its flavor after about 2-1/2 years, but since its the only 100vg juice I had a long time I'm not sure if that's common with vg juices or just the one I had.


Vaping Master
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Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
I trade those I know I won't use often over in PIF (Pay it Forward). Sometimes I'll just offer then up in Treasure Chest for someone in need to grab. I switch flavors often through the day, and I have multiple cartotanks filled with a different juice in each. I find that cartotanks with Smok cartos cut down my maintenance time and they travel well in my purse. No leaking or anything. Especially the ones from IBTanked, which ship in some very handy plastic bottles with lids that can screw on. There's no dry burning needed for cartotanks at the end of the day, so I'm not spending a ton of time maintaining each. I just top off the tanks with juice when I get home. Cartos die a slow death, so I'm never stuck in a siuation where I need to change the carto while I'm out. A carto can last through 30 ml's of juice before it dies, while many of my coils for clearos would have to be burned out and cleaned at each filling to prolong their life.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2013
I trade those I know I won't use often over in PIF (Pay it Forward). Sometimes I'll just offer then up in Treasure Chest for someone in need to grab. I switch flavors often through the day, and I have multiple cartotanks filled with a different juice in each. I find that cartotanks with Smok cartos cut down my maintenance time and they travel well in my purse. No leaking or anything. Especially the ones from IBTanked, which ship in some very handy plastic bottles with lids that can screw on. There's no dry burning needed for cartotanks at the end of the day, so I'm not spending a ton of time maintaining each. I just top off the tanks with juice when I get home. Cartos die a slow death, so I'm never stuck in a siuation where I need to change the carto while I'm out. A carto can last through 30 ml's of juice before it dies, while many of my coils for clearos would have to be burned out and cleaned at each filling to prolong their life.

I've been really impressed with the life of the heads in my mini PT2s on the ego minis. The juices I've been using are clear which probably helps. But the limited voltage output of the egos means I'm not pushing the coils very hard and since I'm rotating them throughout the day, they get half the use they would have if they were my only tank. I'm over a month in one of them with no signs of degradation. If I buy a couple more to use, that will extend that even longer. I carry a couple replacement coils in my bag as well.

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