Vaping is taking over my apartment.

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Jul 1, 2010
Tasmania, Australia
I hear ya, I have a 6 drawer storage unit packed full and flavorings overfowed to the top of the unit as well, then there's the Dining table loaded with batts, chargers and half full juice bottles, the coffee table is half covered in different juices and several mods and my display cabinet also has several mods in it lol.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I have defeated the vaping crap!!
Well, for now anyway.

But if I break down and buy that Little Sister mod, things will go all to hell again!!

I have a small tackle box in the pantry.
It holds my two year supply of juice in case of a ban.

I have a big tackle box that holds all of my other stuff.
It has tons and tons of different atomizers, adapters, cartromizers, batteries and other crap.
Basically things I don't use anymore or need at the moment.
But really, I hardly ever open it.

I just have my current Chuck (seasonal) and one atomizer and one drip tip going.
I dry burn the atomizer as needed, and no longer rotate atomizers.

I drip, so changing flavors is not an issue for me.

I have a little pull-string bag that I have a bunch of small bottles in.
That also sits on my desk, but there is nothing else outside the tackle box.

The only reason I ever have to go into my tackle box anymore is to refill my small bottles.

Oh, yeah, and my charger for my 18650 battery is in the bathroom.
But other than that, there is nothing else going on here.

But I'm keeping a close eye on my vaping crap.
You never know when it might decide to start some sort of uprising!!


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Mar 19, 2009
Organizing all the crap is the key here! I have more boxes, drawers, rectangular ice cube trays and cupboards full of stuff -just in case! Not to mention the wine refrigerator that is stock full now! I have found if I don't put it away, right when it comes in, it starts taking over again! This hobby definitely takes up a lot more room than a carton of cigs ever did! But then again, no stinky ashtrays laying around, my house smells great now and I do too! Plus this stuff is a lot more fun than cigs ever were! Thank goodness I am lousy at posting pictures here, would be almost embarassing to show all my supplies! FDA isn't going to catch me with my pants down!!
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