Vaping through rain and stress and stress

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Nov 2, 2012
New Zealand
I'm not posting this as a woe is me tale, but simply to let others know that vaping works even through major stress.

I last had a cigarette on October 27 2012. I normally live in New Zealand, but came back to Canada before Christmas due to my parents failing health. My mom has dementia and had a stroke in October. Dad has late stage parkinson's and has been very ill for the last 2 years, with what the doctors couldn't say.

Mom was full of rage. Daily, hourly. She knew that she couldn't do things the way she used to and she'd take it out on everyone. My sister and I stayed here with them as they weren't eating properly (mom's pretty much forgotten how to bring a meal together) and also to deflect her anger from dad. She was good with me for about a week after I got here, then the novelty factor of me being home wore off and she blew up at me for leaving a light on (which she had actually done). At one point, she kicked both me and my older sister out of the house and told us not to come back, and that she didn't want to talk to us any more (my mom has never gotten angry at my older sister, so this was very unusual).

Dad ended up having surgery over Christmas and it was touch and go for awhile if he'd make it, but he pulled through. I had to take him back to emergency 4 times in 2 weeks after his surgery. One day, I thought mom was having a stroke shortly after the ambulance came to take dad to the hospital, so I called another ambulance to take her in too. At this point I was alone with them as she had calmed down after my sister left.

Anyway, to try and make my long story a bit shorter, they are both in a beautiful retirement place where all meals and cleaning is taken care of for them. Luckily they are able to afford this, and they're both very happy. The stress that we all felt is gone. At one point I had been considering moving back here, and my younger sister was going to move back as well, as we didn't feel we could just leave my older sister with all this. Now I can happily move back to New Zealand secure in the knowledge that mom and dad are safe and happy.

Throughout all this (and believe me when I say that the stress level was through the roof here), not once did I crave a cigarette, even though I'm back in my home country with my once-loved Export A extra light smokes that I can't get in New Zealand. Not once did I even consider it. I vaped like a mad woman at times but even that has lessened and I'm not vaping as much as I was.

I was concerned about coming back here and the stress that I knew I'd be under, but vaping saved my ..... I'm so glad I found out about it, and about this community that has answered many questions for me. So, thanks to everyone here, and for those who are on the fence: just do it. Cheers :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 10, 2012
Private Suite GroenDakkies
Mokai, I have cried and smiled reading your post. Sometimes when situations are so desperately out of our control we find keeping the little things in check helps. You've experienced some of the most traumatic events we as loved ones could ever face yet here you are encouraging others to be stronger and positive. How amazing is that? Always remain positive.
God bless you and your family.


Senior Member
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Jan 8, 2013
West Chester Ohio
I am so very sorry to hear of the issues that you have to endure. I would not wish anything like that on my worst enemy. You are really a Great person at heart, believe it or not, alot of people would have immediately just closed the door on them and let the "system" take care of them. With that being said. I commend you for being strong. i commend you for having the heart of gold and will of a god.. I only hope that i can mirror you if this should occur to my parents. and that my children will do the same if this occurs to me.


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Jul 14, 2012
New Zealand
Hi Mokai - been wondering how you were. You have a lot going on - thanks for posting about it. I'm glad your parents are now both somewhere they like and are happy. And I'm so glad vaping has been a mainstay for you. Its the real life benefits of vaping that matter the most. Take care over there. Arohanui.
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