Vapor/Flavor Per Drop: FSUSA vs. Others + Micro Review

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
So, I am still fairly new to vaping. Yes, I am a noob but, I am an awesome noob! ;-) Joking aside, FSUSA is the 5th juice vendor I have tried and my experience with their juice is different from most. Here's why:

See, I was one of those people that got caught up in the advertising from BluCigs (Blu). I ordered my pack and found it was out of stock after the order was placed. I had forgotten that I placed the order when I received an email, almost a month later, that it shipped. Once the email came, I got really excited. Since I had forgotten about the order, it was almost like getting a gift. It was a surprise!

I really didn't know what to expect but the anticipation made for even more excitement when it arrived. It also made for even more disappointment dur to how terrible it was. Even though I loved the flavor of their carts, getting vapor out of them was a chore. I hit up google, found ECF, posted about my troubles and got some nice advice.

I got a couple of cartomizers and some new juice to drip directly onto the atomizer. Both came from the same vendor. The hardware worked well but, the juices were watery and had an aftertaste. I did find that if I put 2 or more (usually more) drops on the atomizer, my standard drip fill, and then put the flavor cap back on, I got a good 10 puffs of something that tasted better.

I wanted to try putting juice on an empty cart and see if that would help. I decided to try another vendor since I found some closer flavors, at least by description, to the Blu carts. The juice arrived and was a tad bit thicker than the prior and also didn't have the funny aftertaste. The carts were worse than dripping so I went back to dripping. The issue with this juice was the amount of vapor wasn't as good as the prior juice.

About 3 weeks ago, I upgraded from my Blu kit to a Riva 510. At the same time, I purchased juice from my 3rd supplier. The juice was, again, watery but, it tasted decent. It didn't have a strong taste though. It did product a much stronger vapor. It was also the first time I tried a VG mixed juice. I still only got about 10 puffs per drip fill.

That same week I decided that it was time to go right to the source and get the flavors that I wanted. I went to the supplier of Blu's juice. They offered 2 different sample packs. One is a PG base and the other was VG based. With the 2 packs, I was receiving 17 bottles of 3.7ML juices total and knew I was going to finally get the flavors I wanted. Little did I know, Blu's flavors are custom created. DOH! Of the 17 bottles, some have an overpowering bitter taste, others had a strong sweetness but little flavor, others were bland and 1/3rd I really enjoyed. The issue is that I was back to only getting about 8 puffs per drip fill.

Last week FreedomSmokeUSA (FSUSA) ran a special. If you ordered a 60ML bottle, you received 5 samples of your choice for free. I had heard of FSUSA but, I knew nothing about them or their flavors. I was a bit hesitant to order. I went to their site and, well, it is a little rough. There are a ton of flavors though. Some are strange and others are a bit hard to imagine vaping. I did take the plunge and ordered a 60ML of Cappuccino Smooth. For samples I asked for Vanilla, Cherry, Tootsie Roll, Candy Apple and Caramel Apple.

While waiting for the order, I started reading more about FSUSA in the forums. I found tons of happy customers and many stating that they have excellent customer support. It put my mind at ease and started to build up the excitement. After my Blu experience, I should have calmed myself but, I didn't. The order came on Saturday. I had pulled up to the mailboxes as the Mailman pulled away.

When I had opened the package from the Blu vendor, I had noticed a strong scent from one of the flavors. It was overwhelming. When I opened the package from FSUSA, it also had a strong scent. The difference is that the FSUSA package had many different flavors with strong scents.

Another thing I had noticed is the thickness of the FSUSA juice. It was the thickest of all of the juices I have purchased. The best way to explain the difference is this: When I drip into my drip tip, I usually hit the side. With the other vendors, this isn't much of an issue since it slides right down into the atomizer. Picture dew on the side of a cup. When I drip on the side of the tip with FSUSA, I have to wait for it to slide down the side. Amazing!

Also, the smell is strong with FSUSA juice so I would think that the flavors would be overwhelming. They aren't. They aren't too week either. They were just perfect for me. During the order process, FSUSA gives you the option of adding more flavor for a nominal fee. I don't see the need, at least for me.

Last, the flavors were exact. The Candy Apple tasted like Candy Apple. The Cappuccino Smooth tasted like a creamy Cappuccino. Caramel Apple tasted like Caramel Apple. Vanilla tasted like -- well, you get the picture.

As well, I am now getting 12-14 puffs per drip fill. This is also with an excellent amount of vapor, great flavor and great thickness. It really is quite impressive! I wonder if it is because of the thickness that the amount of puffs are higher. It may also be that I am not flooding my atomizer as much with the FSA juice.

Is it because of the thickness that it is reaching the atomizer slower and I start puffing before the bridge fills? Does the thickness make it burn slower? Is it both? Is it that it doesn't flood my atomizer as easily with this juice?

Does everyone else feel like the flavors are spot-on or are there others that are off? Have other people found that many of the other vendors have watery juices? Do others feel that the thicker isn't as good as the thinner juices?

Is this what everyone else is experiencing or is it that I have just been disappointed for so long that it impresses me more? Has anyone else purchased from FSUSA looking for flavors like Blu had?

What are your feelings?



ECF Guru
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Jul 5, 2010
South Carolina
Have you ever really read the front page of the FSUSA site? It really gives a very good explanation of why their juice quality is heads above the rest. Simply put it is the ingredients that they use and well don't use. The first time that I got juice from them I was amazed at how easily my carto rinsed claen. There is a very good reason for that.

Thinner= water and other unknown ingredients = not good


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
Have you ever really read the front page of the FSUSA site? It really gives a very good explanation of why their juice quality is heads above the rest. Simply put it is the ingredients that they use and well don't use. The first time that I got juice from them I was amazed at how easily my carto rinsed claen. There is a very good reason for that.

Thinner= water and other unknown ingredients = not good

Actually, I haven't read the front page. Maybe it is time. You do bring up a good point though.


ECF Guru
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Jul 5, 2010
South Carolina
Here is the front page and a very good explanation

We are suppliers of the worlds finest e-juices. We also stock a wide variety of Hardware for beginners to die-hard enthusiasts. About our fluids and why you should buy from us instead of the next guy who has cheaper prices. First off, our Juices are made of completely American USDA certified and inspected ingredients. All except for our flavors. We are a national and worldwide distributor for FlavourArt in Italy. Recognized as the worlds foremost finest in flavorings. Our Nicotine is 99.999 percent pure and certified by U.S. labs. Our pg and vg are made in labs in the U.S. and the vg is certified kosher by a Jewish Rabbi. Basically we only put 4 ingredients in our juices. nicotine,pg,vg,flavor. We DO NOT put water, alcohol or any other kind of cut in our juices. Our juices are the worlds finest for a reason, we will not compromise flavor by watering down our product just to make a few extra dollars off a sale.. Sure, you can find cheaper bottles of juices out there. We would ask you to place our bottle next to theirs, smell the two, then taste the two. You will immediately understand why we wont compromise our juices. We are Vapers just like you, and what we put in our own bodies is nothing short of the best there is. So again, welcome to FreedomSmokeUSA.
We are a Tucson,Arizona family owned company. We have 7 children and a strong work ethic. That family owned atmosphere is reflected in product packaging, shipping, and communications and are well reflected in who we are, and why you should choose to buy products from us.

David,Pamela & The Kids >>>>>>>>> Carolle,JoshuaElisa,Dalya,Ari,Marrek,Bethany




Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
I never had Blu juice but yes I had juice from other vendors that were thinner/watery. I have to agree about the flavors being pretty much spot on too. Oh and if your using a 510 Atty to direct drip the magic number is 3 drips.

Yes, it is a 510 atty. Thanks for the advice. Do you find that you get more puff per fill too?


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
Yes I sure do :) That and after getting used to the flavor I couldn't even use my old juice thankfully it was only 1 bottle I had left.

I had a friend over tonight and let him try the Blu kit. I gave him some bottles from the other suppliers. He kept trying to get me to give him some Cappuccino Smooth and the Vanilla. I didn't give him any of the FSUSA stuff I got. I mean, I lent him a whole kit and about 4 10ML bottles of juice. That stuff isn't cheap. The mooch! ;-)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
I never had Blu juice but yes I had juice from other vendors that were thinner/watery. I have to agree about the flavors being pretty much spot on too. Oh and if your using a 510 Atty to direct drip the magic number is 3 drips.

I can get a little more on my de-bridged atty. That's cool! It would flood easier with the "other" brands.

Shan B

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 26, 2010
Latrobe, PA
I go back and forth with FSUSA. While some are REALLY good (JagerBomb) and spot on with flavor, some I just don't care for because they are weak in flavor and don't taste as they should. So as far as my experience with them. Some are good, some aren't. Some are nom nom in flavor, some taste like death (even after being steeped). I guess when it comes to flavors, you pick what you like and stick with what is right for you.

As far as the "weak" flavors... I shouldn't have to pay an additional 1.00 or 2.00 for something like banana split, when the banana and whipped cream are there, but that's about it. For me, when I think about a split. I think Banana, Vanilla, Choc, Strawberry (and maybe even a pineapple) with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

You win, you lose. I have been through about 17 different vendors. I stick with the flavors I enjoy and remember to not buy the one's I didn't. For me it's easier to just DIY, but again back to what flavors suit you and what don't.

....and de-bridged is the way to go. I have been using a 5V 2amp (home made) PT and I tell ya, THIS thing is AMAZING! Otherwise my main PV is an eGo 650mah 3.7V

Glad to hear you're finally getting liquids you ENJOY! Kudos for the long winded post, but hey I tend to do that too ;P


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
I go back and forth with FSUSA. While some are REALLY good (JagerBomb) and spot on with flavor, some I just don't care for because they are weak in flavor and don't taste as they should. So as far as my experience with them. Some are good, some aren't. Some are nom nom in flavor, some taste like death (even after being steeped). I guess when it comes to flavors, you pick what you like and stick with what is right for you.

As far as the "weak" flavors... I shouldn't have to pay an additional 1.00 or 2.00 for something like banana split, when the banana and whipped cream are there, but that's about it. For me, when I think about a split. I think Banana, Vanilla, Choc, Strawberry (and maybe even a pineapple) with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

You win, you lose. I have been through about 17 different vendors. I stick with the flavors I enjoy and remember to not buy the one's I didn't. For me it's easier to just DIY, but again back to what flavors suit you and what don't.

....and de-bridged is the way to go. I have been using a 5V 2amp (home made) PT and I tell ya, THIS thing is AMAZING! Otherwise my main PV is an eGo 650mah 3.7V

Glad to hear you're finally getting liquids you ENJOY! Kudos for the long winded post, but hey I tend to do that too ;P

Thanks Shan B. I was hoping that it wasn't going to be too long winded but, I think the back story needed to be told. It was the only way people could see possible bias, if there is any, after my struggles. All-in-all, I am very happy with FSUSA. Although, I am the type to start trying the DIY way.

Hey, thank you for the video on Steeping. I watched it last night. Very informative. Seeing the color difference, rather than just having it explained, makes a world of difference. I have the cap off of my Cappuccino Smooth and will be placing at least 30ML in the closet to Steep.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
Received order #2 today off of the same special. This means a 60ML bottle of Candy Apple. I just had to have it after I tried it! It also means that I get 5 more samples to try (AppleWood, Banana Cream, Lemon Drop, Pink Lemonade and Strawberry Cream).

I also ordered a sample of Water/Razz. I saw that one and just had to have it. The thought of watermelon and raspberry mixed together is so awesome that I just had to pay for this one!

I have to help my daughter with her homework and will open everything after. I know I am jumping on that watermelon and raspberry goodness first. If it is as good as I imagine, I am grabbing it on the next special!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
I just opened my package and the water/razz was replaced with watermelon. Someone wrote on the packing slip, "Out of samples. Putting in Watermelon. Thanks.". Huh?! I paid for that one!

I wish they would have emailed me. I would have paid to upgrade it from a sample! I need to go calm down!
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