Variable Voltage & Max / Min Voltage?

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Senior Member
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Jul 10, 2012
Hello everyone,

I'm still having a lot of trouble deciding on the first kit or my first PV.

I'm torn between the eGo C Twist that dials 3.2 to 4.8 volts and a Lavatube/Varitube that does 3.0 to 6.0 volts.

I know the VV tube safety scales the voltage for dual coil catomizers. Does the eGo C Twist do the same?

Also, does anyone actually run a voltage higher than 5 or is it just something that isn't used often?

I'm mostly going to be vaping non-tobacco flavors (fruit, dessert etc, menthol/mint).

Given that they both use the same 510 connection, I will be safe with either purchase, but is it better to get one over the other?

One last question about the tubes, it seems there are many variants of the Lavatube, how do I know which one is the most current? I see Tube SS, Tube X, and Chrome tubes, but have no idea what any of those add or take away from the tube set up.


Ultra Member
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May 13, 2012
First, don't use and dual coil cartomizers. With VV, there is absolutely no need for them. Second, if you use a low resistance carto or whatever, the twist and LT don't automatically scale down the voltage, they simply run out of gas as they are limited to only 2.5 amps.
That is not necessarily a bad thing though if you use the right resistance carto or whatever. Shoot for something 2.5 ohms or higher and you'll be able to enjoy the VV pretty much unlimited.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
The Version 1 Lavatube and the Twist are both limited to 2.5 amps. That means you're not going to get more than 3.7V out of either one of them if you have a 1.5ohm resistance, either single or dual coil.

Actually, they both work fine with a 1.5ohm single coil, but with a VV, there's no need to use that low a resistance. Just stick to 2.5-3.5ohms for the Lavatube, or 2.0-2.5ohm for the Twist, and you'll get all the voltage range available.

You can get complete VTube kits at for $50-73 for aluminum, chrome or stainless. (Code: Vtube30)
For that price, I think they are a way better deal than Twists. You might not use more than 5V, but you might, and it's good to have available. I use 5V+ on a fairly regular basis, especially when I re-wick a Vivi Nova. You don't have to be precise with the resistance when you gave a volt to spare. The higher voltage lets me get a good vape from a 3.5+ohm coil.

The Vtube has other advantages. If you want to vape a Twist on a regular basis, you need two so you can use one while the other charges.

The Vtube will take a battery up to 2000+ mah. You'd need 2 1000mah Twists to get the same vape time.

The Vtube isn't disposable. You won't need to throw it away when the battery starts to age.

When the battery doesn't hold its charge like it did when it was new, you can buy an $8 battery or a $29 Twist.

The Vtube has a 1 year warranty. The Twist has a 1 year life expectancy, or about 300 charges.

A 1000mah Twist is longer than a full sized Vtube with a 2250mah battery in it.

For what you'd pay for 2 x 1000mah Twists and a charger, you could get the Chrome Vtube kit and a spare battery. There are so-called Version 1.5s and Version 2, but they're not "versions". They're clones of the original LRider Ver 1 Lavatube or Vtube or one of the other names it goes by. These knockoffs have their own issues and I personally don't recommend them anymore.
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