VG & dw/pga dilution and mixing powders (em, vanillin, malic/citric acid)

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Mar 31, 2013
Iowa, IA, USA
'Getting ready to mix up around 70 flavors in 4ml batches tonight (VZ, TFA & FA). We're going for 100% VG (give/take the amount of VG in the concentrated flavors, and the dw/pga we'll use to dilute the VG). Frustratingly, we only have 150 proof Everclear instead of 190 proof - but that'll do for this batch (we'll be doing another big batch next week when our order arrives from Wizard Labs, and I'll have the 190 proof by then...yay! :).

We made sample batches last night of unflavored nic juice (to equal 12% nic, diluted with blend of dw & 150 proof of each:15%, 20%, 25% & 30%...with the water being 2/3 and the 150 proof being 1/3). After an extensive 'vaping test', we decided on the 25% dilution (the 15%/20% yielded too harsh of a TH).

Question: has anyone else determined that increasing the water or alcohol volume in their juices increases the nicotine bioavailability? We alternated randomly between the 4 samples (allowing our heads to clear between each), and CONSISTENTLY the 25% & 30% dilution induced 'nicotine head spins'...but the measurement of nic juice in the 4 samples was exactly the same.

I'm thinking it's the alcohol making the nic more bioavailable due to the increased solvency...any thoughts? experiences? data?


By the way, we're ultimately working toward maximum dilution (as little VG/PG/chemicals as possible). After vaping for a month, the dehydration intensity is both unnacceptable & intolerable - and even eliminating the PG has had very little positive we'll be pushing the 'dilution factor' to the limit with our DIY juices (and eventually creating our own 'flavors').


I'd like to mix our powders with 150 or 190 proof (rather than the typical PG or VG). I'm not finding much of anything that's "concrete" in the way of ~'grams of powder' to 'mls of alcohol'~ for a standard solution of EM, malic/citric acid & vanillin powders. "Saturated" isn't an option, because that will yield variable intensities due to various factors.

Question: Do y'all just 'throw one together'? or is there a 'standard' that most people use when creating alcohol-based solutions of EM, vanillin & malic/citric acid?


Again & always - I just can't thank y'all enough for all your help (and past posts/blogs). We're in this for the long haul, and those of you that insist on accuracy & consistency (and know how to achieve it) are our heros! (Hubby n' me are both 'artists', and we realize the importance of 'mastering the basics' and 'controlling the variables' in order to reach the masterful end-point of every art - where one OWNS their artistry and can create anything they can imagine...and creating masterful, artistically unique flavors is definitely our goal).
As this post is a few months old I am sure you have had your questions answered one way or another...but as a fellow DIY'er I am going to offer you my two cents.

I am always looking for more advice as I do very little vg based liquids but I am looking into making more for friends that are pg sensitive so if you could share some insights on making vg flavors from the powers and if it worked that would be excellent. I will tell you that I know that if you take a 10 or 15 ml bottle or whatever size is your fancy, warm up a little vg in the microwave in a Pyrex beaker so its warm but no boiling, and poor it into that bottle filled with aprox 50 percent pure menthol crystals and shake you will end up with a nice VG/menthol solution. However...if you don't use it soon and let it sit for a couple weeks as I did with a bottle I made and tossed in the back of the mixing drawer and forgot about...when you go to pull it out you will find the crystals have semi reformed in the VG making a cool thing to look at, but a pain to warm up and reuse :facepalm:

I keep it on my mixing table as a "ship in the bottle" deco piece that makes me smile and is a constant reminder of one of my biggest rookie mistakes. Good luck and if you can offer any insight that would be awesome.

Happy Vaping! :toast:
Hey...thats my favorite kind of cooking....the "eh, just stop pooring when it feels right" kind. Thank you so much.....trying to pick up new fans and one of them has a pg sensitivity....and i specialize 70/30 to 100 percect "stealth" vape e-lixers. Trying to figure things out on the fly. Thank you as always for the help.: and as always....happy vaping :cool:

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