VG juice, no taste or very faint taste

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Full Member
May 9, 2011
Are 100 VG supposed to have very faint/ no taste? I brought 12mg nicotine strawberry cooler, and blend 4 at alien vision juice, but when I vape, it give me no taste at all. Sometime it give me a little bit of taste, but it is very faint and I barely recognize the taste. Are all 100 vg juice suppose to be like this. I am using an ECHO, and both cartomizer with Strawberry cooler and Blend 4 barely give me any taste. Before I vape 100 VG juice from Alien Vision, I vape Hangsen USA mix ( I think it is 70pg/30vg) and the USA mix give strong taste and I can even smell it in the vapor. Is there something wrong with my taste buds or Is it because VG juice doesn't give strong taste?


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Jul 4, 2010
Tampa Bay,Fl
It is very difficult to use 100 % VG in a cart as it is to thick to wick down into the carto. The other thing is it needs to steep for a while ( I like weeks) for the flavors to blend into the VG, you can do a hot water bath to help by putting the bottles in a plastic sip lock and heat water (hot not boiling)in a bowl and then put in the bag and weight with a cup or something, it will speed the process. If you have a drip tip or an atty and cart try that as it will for now give you more flavor.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2009
I'll add a 2 cents and a FWIW. Iordered some of the Malty Toffee from BWB 'cause everyone raved about it. This juice has a larger percentage of VG. Tried it in my Bloog carto which is 2.8 ohm I think and was not impressed as I couldn't taste much of anything. But when I tried it in a 2 ohm 510 carto the flavor really came through.
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Full Member
May 9, 2011
Thanks guys. I thought the wicking is just help to increase the consistent of the hits. As I vape on cartos, I can still get a lot of vapor but not much flavor. So I thought maybe VG juice doesn't give much flavor as PG juice. However, I remember that I used 100 VG juice (not the same as I one I am currently using) before in a m401 with atty and cart, and it still give me a lot more flavor than my ECHO with cartos. So, it make sense when you said that atty and cart give more flavor.

I guess I will try the hot bowl method and hope it can bring more flavor as I don't have an atty and cart right now. I am also not sure about using atty since I was once try an m401 with atty before, and the atty is dead after 2 hours or so, it just stop working, doesn't give any vapor. Also, the reason I want to use VG juice, because PG is too harsh for my throat, and it kind of making my body itching.

VG on its own is sweeter than PG, so when flavoring is added to it, the VG can overpower said flavoring. VG is thicker and gives you better vapor. PG is thinner, less sweet, holds flavor better and gives a stronger throat hit.

so VG is sweeter than PG. But I get very faint taste, even the sweet thing. PG is too harsh for my throat, I was using 18mg nic in a 70 PG/30 VG juice (Hangsen, chinese stuff).

I'll add a 2 cents and a FWIW. Iordered some of the Malty Toffee from BWB 'cause everyone raved about it. This juice has a larger percentage of VG. Tried it in my Bloog carto which is 2.8 ohm I think and was not impressed as I couldn't taste much of anything. But when I tried it in a 2 ohm 510 carto the flavor really came through.

As you said, maybe it is because of my ECHO and its carto. I use m401 with atty before and 100% VG before. And it give me a lot more flavor. Well, maybe not flavor, but at least I can get the sweet taste, but it is complete different juice, so I am not sure what the cause. So less ohm bring out more flavor. I will remember this when I orders some more cartos. Thanks
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Full Member
May 9, 2011
I use 80 pg / 20 vg for that reason of flavor strength. TO be honest I can't stand the taste of VG. Reminds me of dish soap. Bleh! :vapor: I do like to see clouds of vapor but at MOST I'll use 40 VG.

Yeah, the clouds of vapor when using 100VG is awesome. I tends to like PG better since I like to have some throat hit when I vape, but it is kinds of too harsh, and make my body itching. I am not sure if it is because I am sensitive to PG, or maybe it is just because the juice I used ( Hangsen, chinese, some people say it is the same juice as Dekang but I am not sure). Maybe I will try some 70pg/30vg later from BWB as I see a lot of people like BWB, or may be some 50/50 from vaperite. Thanks


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Jul 4, 2010
Tampa Bay,Fl
Yeah, the clouds of vapor when using 100VG is awesome. I tends to like PG better since I like to have some throat hit when I vape, but it is kinds of too harsh, and make my body itching. I am not sure if it is because I am sensitive to PG, or maybe it is just because the juice I used ( Hangsen, chinese, some people say it is the same juice as Dekang but I am not sure). Maybe I will try some 70pg/30vg later from BWB as I see a lot of people like BWB, or may be some 50/50 from vaperite. Thanks
I had a huge pg allergic reaction last summer and went to 100% vg for a few months, now slowly adding back to 80vg/20pg with no problems and some 70/30 but I won't push it farther than that. I now get alot of my juices at Gourmet Vapor so I can customize the mix. Good luck it you are itching you probably have a sensitivity to pg and may want to keep the % down. Best of luck.


Vaping Master
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Mar 2, 2011
Saint Louis
I've no trouble tasting 100%vg juices, in fact, the more vg, the better for me :D

I tried Malty Toffee one week after I quit smoking, and I didn't like it. I needed something powerful tasting after I quit, so I stuck with Chocolate type liquids for the first few weeks. Now, I cannot stand overpowering flavors most of the time (rare exceptions) and too much pg seems to bother my throat. I can tolerate a little, but definitely not all day.

Ave Boba's Bounty and BWB Malty Toffee are my all vapes. Steeping, I'll agree, helps with some juices, though not all. I am currently vaping some 3 month old Malty Toffee and it's pure bliss. Ave and BWB juices, for the most part, are notable for being subtle, and those who love them, appreciate that fact.

They're not for everyone, but you'll soon find that what your taste cells prefer. It's not always easy, in fact, most likely you'll be like most of the rest of us and have to spend a pretty penny to finally find your liquid that clicks. I've been vaping for a little over 3 months and I've tried 73 flavors already ;) (74 if the damned mail will ever get here :laugh: ) Stay vigilant and you'll find what works for ya, eventually.


Full Member
May 9, 2011
It is not that I don't like the taste, but the fact that I couldn't taste anything in my 100 VG liquids which are strawberry and blend 4 (tobacco flavor). Sometime, I can feel a little bit of sweet in my strawberry, but it is very very faint and it only last a couple of hits. Maybe it is because of my PV doesn't compatible with VG juice, since I can get a strong taste when using 70pg/30vg USA mix, and I remember that over 1 month ago, I have used a m401 with atty and pre-filled 100VG cart, and I can still taste the flavor in the pre-filled 100VG cart. Now, I only have one PV so I could not test my liquid in another PV to see what is the cause of this. I guess I will keep using 100 VG for a few weeks to see if there is any change with it.

Critter Man

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ECF Veteran
Feb 7, 2010
I myself have been trying to make the switch to 100% VG now that I can't tolerate PG. I don't get a sweet taste from it, I get the soapy glycerin taste from it. I myself am using a 401, which perhaps isn't hot enough to get the most out of VG. I'm going to try blending with PG to see what percentage works best for me in my PV.
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