want2vape Morley

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2010
You know, it just dawned on me that although I stopped reviewing w2v juice on Vapenstein because Donley and I are friends and it seemed a little too close for comfort to review his juice, there's no reason I can't talk about it here.

Morley is the newest w2v flavor. Donley has been working on an analog replacement for some time. I've tasted quite a few of the roadmarks. He sent me Morley last week, and I emailed him back immediately telling him he had a juice that he could offer his customers.

When cigarette is your target you kind of have to take a different approach to making the juice. No tobacco extract captures the dirty, rough feel and taste of a cigarette. so as much as you want to stick to the artisanal approach, it's not the best path for this target.

Think about it, all the really good analog vapes are from the better-vaping-through-chemistry school. It isn't so much that we're looking for that analog taste, what we really want is that analog performance. Throat hit, sensation of fullness in the lungs, that dry exhale, nicotine sizzle.

want2vape Morley is going to be instantly familiar to the tobacco vaper. It immediately reminded me of the Vapor Station tobaccos. Less delicate though. It also reminds me of DK Tab on a good day. It doesn't have that "off" flavor that so many DK Tab clones do. It's sweet, nutty, and it hits a lot of the performance notes you're seeking when you reach for a vape like this. It's not my very favorite analog vape, but I don't have a favorite analog vape. I seem to cycle through a small handful of them based on mood and taste. Morley is part of that rotation now. Nuttier than the VS tobaccos, but richer also. It's mystery nut with throat hit, but for a change I mean that as a compliment. There is some component in this juice that elevates it above the mass of mystery nut with throat hit juices, some edge in performance or some molecule that makes you want more of it.

Performance-wise, it's definitely worth a try. Next time you order some of Donley's cigar juice you should put a small bottle of this in the order to see if you agree. It's the best analog-like vape in the want2vape stable.


ECF Guru
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Jan 21, 2011
The Prettiest in NeverNear
You know, it just dawned on me that although I stopped reviewing w2v juice on Vapenstein because Donley and I are friends and it seemed a little too close for comfort to review his juice, there's no reason I can't talk about it here.

Morley is the newest w2v flavor. Donley has been working on an analog replacement for some time. I've tasted quite a few of the roadmarks. He sent me Morley last week, and I emailed him back immediately telling him he had a juice that he could offer his customers.

When cigarette is your target you kind of have to take a different approach to making the juice. No tobacco extract captures the dirty, rough feel and taste of a cigarette. so as much as you want to stick to the artisanal approach, it's not the best path for this target.

Think about it, all the really good analog vapes are from the better-vaping-through-chemistry school. It isn't so much that we're looking for that analog taste, what we really want is that analog performance. Throat hit, sensation of fullness in the lungs, that dry exhale, nicotine sizzle.

want2vape Morley is going to be instantly familiar to the tobacco vaper. It immediately reminded me of the Vapor Station tobaccos. Less delicate though. It also reminds me of DK Tab on a good day. It doesn't have that "off" flavor that so many DK Tab clones do. It's sweet, nutty, and it hits a lot of the performance notes you're seeking when you reach for a vape like this. It's not my very favorite analog vape, but I don't have a favorite analog vape. I seem to cycle through a small handful of them based on mood and taste. Morley is part of that rotation now. Nuttier than the VS tobaccos, but richer also. It's mystery nut with throat hit, but for a change I mean that as a compliment. There is some component in this juice that elevates it above the mass of mystery nut with throat hit juices, some edge in performance or some molecule that makes you want more of it.

Performance-wise, it's definitely worth a try. Next time you order some of Donley's cigar juice you should put a small bottle of this in the order to see if you agree. It's the best analog-like vape in the want2vape stable.

I ordered the 10 sampler pack from them when I ordered the Vapenstein London. I just tried Morley tonight and it is fab. I like it more than the London. It has a different flavor.I'm not sure if it's tobacco or something else but whatever it is the flavor lasts and blows gobs of vapor. I'm ordering a large bottle tonight.


Full Member
Apr 10, 2011
What can I say about this fantastic "analog replacement" juice that Vapenstein hasn't already said? I even find the quality and texture of the vapor it produces to be very "analog like". Of course taste is subjective, but to me Morley is smoother, more complex, and more flavorful, than any analog cigarette I have ever smoked, yet it still provides that "analog essence" that can get me through any analog craving (currently using 24 mg. strength). If they could turn down the "nuttiness" and the sweetness by about half a notch, Want2Vape could possibly achieve perfection with this one! I know I will be ordering it again when my 10 ml. bottle runs out.

David Bruno

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Apr 18, 2009
Iron Mountain , Michigan
I was a pipe smoker for many years. I was buying a pipe tobacco called Morleys best. For people who have smoked high quality tobaccos I would say Morleys best is a combination Burley tobacco Blended with strong English blend tobacco. It is similar to DunHills english blend called Nite Cap. Fine English blends are a Musty, leathery blend. More expensive than American tobacco, high end quality. I wonder if this juice is a take off of Morleys Best English Blend. It does sound like something I might like.
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