What Am I Missing?.. Lemo 2 is HORRIBLE

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Mar 31, 2015
i am gonna mess with it for sure.

Now that im home, i was gonna disassemble it for a dual coil... but when I noticed it was leaking from the bottom interface between the pyrex and base, I got annoyed. So im gonna do aparallel on my other subtank.

Gotta love leaking right?.. leaking should not even exist in the year 2015. Perhaps in the 1890's. But, After giving up those evods and protanks, I wouldve hoped I wouldnt have to "play" anymore.

I am aware of the proper procedure for filling... lay it on side, close airflow, etc.

On ther hand, maybe it was left over from when I disassembled this morning. I forgot to close airflow prior to disassembly, and the base filled with juice. I thought I blew most of it out.. though, how that would relate to pyrex-base interface, who knows.

I shouldnt have to even worry about that crap. Atlantis and Subtank have no problems like that. Perhaps I know what my next license plate and tatoo will say. :D


Unregistered Supplier
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Jun 19, 2014
The leaking could be the wicking or that seal might be a bit out of place.

Not every atty suits every person. I've rehomed a few myself. But, instead of throwing money around on more and more stuff, try first to get the best out of what you already have :). It can handle duals and parallels. I've played with mine a lot before deciding for me, a single coil was best.


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Oct 27, 2014
I have the Lemo and v2 and dry hits were always a problem. I tried all the YouTube jive from .... kickers and rip, and nothing. What I have found that works is tons of cotton. While I do really like my ST+ I do like the lemo as well. Sure the flavor is not as good IMO it's easy to build on and easy to fill and sometimes that's what I need.

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Mar 31, 2015

Yeah, Im thinkin i overtightened... if it was leaking and not just leftover from earlier. I am notorious for overtightening everything.

For example, ive been really wrenching down on the subtanks screws. One morning, I built 3 sinple macros in a row that failed. Everytime, the first coil would glow super bright, and the others barely; theres was no way to salvage it.

Iwas completely flattening the wire with screw.

As soon as I tightened coils just enough to stay in place, everything started working well.

I dont like though, that the coils are always moveing when I have to twist the leads-off so that the coils no longer has any extra wire on either hand... that THE huge reason I immediately wanted a different rba.

The lemo was cool since you can wrap wire around screw, or stick in hole... Holes are the most practical design I feel.

On the lemo though, I quickly found how impractical, and frankely asanine, it is to have holes on the SIde of the deck. I mean, you have "play" to get the coil in the holes while, at the same time, getting it right so that the coil is still centered.

The Zephyrus and various other 4-post designs have the axis of the holes perpendicular to the "average" coil position. None of this going around the side of the deck... to me it just makes completely obvious sense to have holes in that position.

Any ways, just built a 28AWG, 5-wrap parallel coil around the subtank screwdriver... and i am getting boat loads vapor compared to the last one I did around 3mm driver. : )


Unregistered Supplier
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Jun 19, 2014
Sometimes it helps to have a woman's touch :)

I couldn't flatten wire if I tried :?: And yeah, cranking down on everything is a no no. It messes up attys and wrecks 510s.

Glad you're happier with the second build. And once you're happy with a build, there isn't any reason really to drain it. Even if you want to try something else, if the build is working well, may as well vape it down.
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Mad Scientist

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May 11, 2013
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I mean... i know theres gotta be somethin im NOT doin, if various people (including rip tripper) are sacrificing their first borns to eleaf.

The coil I got on there is 3mm. standard coil with 5 wraps. I am just not impressed with macros, mini, and nanos... with their wraps that have no spaces in between. Unless its a parallel, twisted wire, or dual coil, the standard tastes better too me. Thats anywhere from 80 down to 50vg.

That frickn thing is such an utter pain in the ... to take apart to change wicking compared to subtank mini. If I'd have noticed that Id have to empty my juice every time I want to change build or wicking, I for sure wouldve just passed.

whether not it needs pancakes, i would expect that that would improve it.

Try a spaced coil. That also makes a difference. You might be "shredding" the juice (isn't that what the young folk say lol) with the contact coil -- too much heat over less wick surface area. There's a lot more to it than just which atty.
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Mad Scientist

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May 11, 2013
Smokestack, PA, USA
True dat'!!

I have a Zephyrus thats on the way but... hmm, I dont know. After this lemo, I dont wanna take another chance. I have school to pay for, so its not like I can waste 30$ here n there.

There's an old saying that a man with only one gun is a dangerous man. The point being that if you spend the time to really learn the ins and outs of your one and only atty, you will get it to perform to its maximum potential. You will have to suffer through a lot of trial and error, but you will also learn a lot. ;)


Vaping Master
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May 2, 2013
Crete, Il
I'm running a 3mm diameter 1.2 ohm coil with 28awg kanthal; it's a spaced coil with rayon wicking kayfun style. Great flavor, plenty of airflow. Using my preferred Stingray X style driptip and it's a great vape. Nothing special about the build, just an old school spaced coil.

Sorry you're not enjoying it. I enjoy the build of the Aqau V2 clone, but for an original The Lemo 2 is pretty stellar.
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Oct 8, 2013
New York
Looks like you already got some good advice for the Lemo 2. I want to chime in and say the coil placement in regards to the deck air path is going to have an impact on flavor and other vape qualities. Also you may find certain builds to work better in certain atomizers. This is goes for every atomizer.

As far as leaking goes, the tank itself shouldn't leak when everything is proper. It's not a bad thing, sometimes it just takes a few tries to get accustomed to a new tank. I know the Lemo 2 has specific instructions for filling too, but you'll nail everything down soon.
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Bitter Jeweler

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Jun 1, 2015
Cleveland, Ohio
Ok, while I felt similarly to Mad Scientist, in regards to the thoughts that stuff can't matter so much, and you are hard pressed to find markedly increases in flavor...I have to say...the Herakles tank is quite nice. I know I am comparing a premade coil atty with a rebuildable, but in the end, I was chasing flavor. I've found my tank.

While I can't say the flavor intensity is better, the flavor is much better. It's bringing out flavor notes that weren't there in other tanks. I know my builds may influence this. But, I am putting juice through this, with the stock .2 Ohm coils, juice that I gave up on, and would not have purchased again...and BAM! There's the flavor notes that were missing! Instead of tasting applesauce, I am tasting sweet/tart red delicious apple! Every juice I have put through so far has better flavor! Again, it's not the intensity that has improved, its the flavor components that are now present.

So, I'm just throwing that out there.

I'm going to get a second, and I'm tossing the K Subtabk Mini's, the Cthulhu, and the Lemmo2 in a drawer.
I don't understand why the Herakles is not being talked about. Hidden gem?


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Mar 31, 2015
man you all have been an amazing help...wow Bitterjeweler... thats freat to now enjoy a juice that you previously were ready to pitch.

As far as my Lemo2... I twisted some 30gauge kanth. 2-wires. I wrapped a standard 6-wrap on a 3mm... and the Lemo was much better. Despite advice to the contrary, I did Rips pancake wicking, since I ce had STELLAR results with my sub mini +'s. Fruthermore, in contrast to the 60vg I use in my subtank, Im using an 80vg from Mt Baker vapor... and their 80vg is waayyyyyy thicker than any max vg Ive EVER used. And I will do anything to avoid dry hits.

So I wicked the coil this morning, juiced it and took 2 rips. One at like 25W, then another at 30 or 33 maybe. Worked well, closed airflow to under halfway, and flavor was quite satisfying, not to mention vapor.

I waited 2-3 hrs. Took one hit at 33... and was good. Took another like 15 min later and got a dry hit????

I then did some primers and flooded it to death... If im gettin a dry hit with pancake approach, I just see no way that a standard approach would have been better.

On rips video, he's usin a delta 2, which has same deck I believe. He uses 90 vg and just takes hit after hit after hit. Starts at like 30, then 40 then 50!!! and no dry hit... dudes got skillz.

I'll keep at it; meanwhile, I'm sendin the Zephyrus back... Im not even gonna play. I'll see how dangerous I can get with "2 guns." :D However, I am going to use the credit for my 1st dripper, a Plume Veil clone.


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  • May 31, 2015
    Oregon, USA
    Sorry to hear the blues on the Lemo2 - I really enjoy this tank.

    Granted the Atlantis2 and STM have more airflow but the Lemo2 has something nether have: you can refill without taking the tank apart! (I just LOVE this! My favorite feature by far)

    I run only nickel coils, 5-9 wraps 3-4mm 28awg. I did try some 30AWG and was unable to get reliable results (and the wire was to soft to keep formed in a coil while wicking) some 32AWG just arrived that I plan on twisting together.

    Funny how everyone has their own methods, I like to build my coils as far away from the air hole as I can - my idea is that I want as much wick between the ends of the coil and the seep holes in the deck as I can get. I take my tweezers and clear out both holes so there is a "well" for juice.

    I run 90-100% VG, if the VG is to thick I'll use 5-10% H2O to thin it. I use unflavored in my Lemo2 so can't comment on "flavor" however I've heard it often said that larger coils spread the heat out across the wick and can produce better flavor. I run my Lemo2 at a "toodle puffer" settings of ~390F. Plain VG tastes good enough in it at that temperature for me.


    Senior Member
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    Feb 1, 2015
    The lemos are not forgiving tanks, but having used the original for about 6 months, it does work well, and does have great flavor. 3mm 26g spaced/standard works very well, or a 3mm macro contact coil also works. Be sure there's no hotspots. Lemo 2 arrived yesterday, not much visual difference in the deck and wicking mechanism, and have not built on it yet.

    I also picked up a subtank mini. Way easier to build and wick right, but definitely muted flavor compared to the lemo (but improved over the atlantis). Fine by me since I'm running unflavored through it. Kind of like the smaller size vs the original lemo.

    I use max vg when store-bought, my unflavored is 93/7 vg/pg


    Senior Member
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    Mar 31, 2015
    Sounds like the air/juice channels are blocked with wick.

    My juice channels are not blocked, thats for sure.

    Not sure if you are familiar with Rip Tripper's "Pancake Wicking Method" ... the juice channels are not blocked.

    I cleared out the flooded lemo, but still doesnt wick well enough. Im tellin you, this mbv vg is THICK. Maybe I used a bit too much wick. Either way, theres still somethin I just dont like about the lemo. Sure is taking quite a bit to work it. Just need experience is all.
    Obviously many on here are able to work this tank very well, so it'll take some more tinkering.

    The taste I'm getting on my subtank plus' is stellar!.. I use a 2-wire twisted 30AWG kanth. with 4-spaced wraps around 3mm bit. Pancake wicking and it is just the best... if this is the best that vaping had to offer? I'd be satisfied... but I havent dripped yet... so, lookin forward to that!

    I just made my first Clapton, 28AWG, wrapped in 32. I did a 4-wrap spaced on a 2.4mm.

    I wish I could go 3mm. Perhaps I can next time. It seems the "pancake" wick did not work as well... this is my subtank with the new deck. If I cant burn off the excess, I will just go the standard wick route, or lengthen the ends of the pancake.
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