What build do you have?

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Full Member
Dec 11, 2013
What build are you using right now? Or what does your collection look like..my vape is the Ego-CTwist with kanger protank 2

You live on a day that will never happen again...ever

Dakota Jim

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Apr 14, 2013
in a warehouse buried near Univille SD
Here is what I currently have for devices and backups
2 vamo's
1 MVP1
1 Zmax 3
2 Ego Twists 650mah
2 Ego 350mah (1 is always in my pocket - just in case - remember high school and that ring imprint on your wallet)
1 Ego 1100mah passthru
2 wired VV passthru's (1 in car, 1 in house)
multiple 510 and 808 cigalikes (with carto's) stashed away in car and around house (kinda like an alcoholic hides booze)
kayfun lite+ (clone - as the real ones are always out of stock)
8 assorted Protanks (1, 2, and mini's)
12+ evods
12+ assorted vivi nova's, iClear16's, ce4 style clearo's (not in regular use - emergency vapocalypse backups)
AGA-T2+ and assorted RDA's
about 200 ft of Kanthal in assorted gauges
about 100 ft of assorted silica
2 bags of organic cotton
8 18650 batteries
2 18350 batteries
and for DIY eliquid
2 quarts of PG
2 quarts of VG
500 ml of 60mg nic base
1000+ ml of assorted concentrated flavorings
400ml of eliquid mixed, steeped and ready to go

obsessive hobbyist? why yes, yes I am

off topic
why is everybody upset that Phil Robertson (Duck Dynasty) would make stupid shocking offensive ridiculous comments? This was his main role on the show.
These tv channels that want to save money by doing "reality" shows and put the "stupidest and most ridiculous" people on tv should know that they need to have a "keeper" with all of the stars
on the other hand this is fantastic publicity for the show - people who would not normally watch a "redneck" show will flock to watch it to see if they can be offended and get their 15 minutes of fame by being upset (reminds me of a lot of antivaping people)
I've been vaping now for a few months and started with two basic EVOD 650 mAh's with the MT3S BCC tanks.. They certainly got the job done as far as getting me off smokes and introducing me to the wonderful world of vaping. Last week I must have graduated 5th grade.. I now am using the Black Chrome Vamo V3 with the ProTank3 or an Igo-L RBA.. Wow! So happy to be moving forward!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2013
Olean, NY
This is my small collection as of now. It's slowly growing though. I have an MVP2, ego-c twist, 1000mah ego-c, ego-c atomizer and cartridge, ismoka bcc mega, evod, iclear 30, and a Kanger T3S. Soon I will also have an Innokin vv v3, iclear30S and a Vision Victory 5ml bcc as well.

Right now I am vaping the MVP2 at 4v with the kanger T3S with some "sweetheart" made by the owner of my local vapor lounge. It's my favorite all day vape and has a wonderful smell as well! I've only been doing this since Oct and money is really tight right now, or else I'd have a lot more stuff, trust me!
OP: You need to get yourself a plinth, aka a "beauty ring" and that would make your setup look a lot better. Like the one my ismoka bcc mega is sitting on in the picture. I got that at my local vapor lounge for like $5. Makes a nice difference in appearance.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 18, 2013
NE Georgia USA
Spinmaster123 ,
Sigelei v5, Evod BCC, Kanger PTII, 510 atmo, (looking for a better dripper),
Itaste Innokin iTaste VV (V3),
eGo 650 mAh stealth vape
Stealth pipe:
$22.40 Pipe Style Telescopic Mechanical Mod Kit - locking ring / 2.4ohm / 1.2mL at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

Off Topic
The "Real World" has their ANTZ also....:blink:

Appears that the GQ article set him up.

The questions he was asked,
did not give him any lee way in his response.

His response to GQ, was based om "His upbringing, His Foundation for His Life".

In this day and age, to stand by your "upbringing" is a taboo, or at least not politically correct.......
There is no "freedom" anymore, if your beliefs do not fit today,
you are a "leper" and to be shuned.

As a follow up
He stated that everyone is loved
and everyone should love everyone and love God.....

Look out here comes the Moderators..........
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