What happened to the AVA Ceramic Atty's or other Cermaics

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Oct 22, 2013
Toronto ON
I had come across a video a while ago that was about a year old that was referencing a (AVA) ceramic atomizer. Did some searching, and found a lot of great reviews on them... great vape/flavor/etc...

Can't seem to find anyone selling these or similar products. Are they EOL?

Are there products that are similar/better... I see the last a very long time (a year or more).

Anyone have any information on them good or bad and maybe where to buy them?



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Jan 6, 2013
Bay Area
They didn't go under. They stopped production to focus on the next-gen Ceras (goog thermovape)
AVAs can still be found at brick-n-mortar ecig stores, and possibly online too(last time i checked - many moons ago).
These re-usable attys are hard to beat: flavour, construction, longevity, etc. Best bang for the buck.


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Apr 17, 2013
Alameda, CA
Hmm. My experience wasn't as positive. I've owned two of these; the Standard Voltage (3.7v) and the High Voltage (6v). True that they proved to be reusable, but unless using very thick juice, say 100% VG, they are very leaky. They can only hold between 3 and 5 drops at a time and that amounts to about 4 drags for me before needing another dripping. Considering what I paid for them I wasn't too happy. I jumped on the bandwagon with these guys when it was all new. Had all three Alpha mods, and have retained two; the UltraMax and the UltraLite. They are pretty and the UltraMax still sees use for other vaping, but the 10440 (UltraLite) hasn't seen much use due to the lack of battery life. I keep it as a memorial of vaping days past I guess. Recently I found my LV atty had cracked itself since I did not rinse it out after last use. The brass and SS reacted and the corrosion growth cracked the SS tube. Didn't expect that. I wanted this company to succeed considering its a USA outfit and I thought they were bang on innovation, but then that Cera thing came along and I couldn't get behind it, especially after they phased out support for the original platforms after constantly saying "lifetime" product. Seems they have had a rough time getting their identity straight - and definitely misinformed me on several instances on what to expect from the devices. Of all that experience at least I have that UltraMax still in use, but not for e-juice. So it wasn't a total waste. A lot has changed since those days, and rebuildables sort of trump reusables especially now that anyone can get a decent tank - back then tanks were only a greek glimmer of a thing called a genesis. OK I'm getting sentimental now, and will put the keyboard down.

Short answer: you aren't missing anything.


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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
They didn't go under. They stopped production to focus on the next-gen Ceras (goog thermovape)
AVAs can still be found at brick-n-mortar ecig stores, and possibly online too(last time i checked - many moons ago).
These re-usable attys are hard to beat: flavour, construction, longevity, etc. Best bang for the buck.

He meant the product went under. The company is still in business but the AVA is long gone. If you find them collecting dust in a vape shop somewhere... yeah... collecting dust. Read further on that thread 'Flux linked to. Once the shiny new hype wore off you got stuck with the practical problems.

Now if you want to get a spiffy new CERA you betcha! Starting price is only... (wait for it) $249.99. It looks like a mech mod, with a ceramic battery housing, and a pretty standard metal RDA on top. Whee...

Ummm... no. :glare:
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