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What has vaping helped you get through?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 27, 2009
Smith Mt Lake area, Va, USA
Yesterday I spent a day out shopping with my mother. Now I love my mom, but she drives me crazy. I hate riding anywhere with her because I hate the way she drives. She turns the wheel toward where she is looking and tends to look at whoever she is talking to even if they are in the back seat. She searches for things under the seat, on the floor, between the seats while driving. And we live in a small town so everyone knows everything about everyone else so I get to hear all of the gossip while we travel. Most of it is about people I don't remember and could care less about, and none of it is interesting gossip. My dad's a preacher so the real juicy stuff doesn't get to her. And she doesn't smoke so before I was stuck without a nic fix for however long I was in her car. I used to do anything possible to avoid riding with her anywhere, especially shopping since the nearest mall is an hour away. We spent 8 hours out yesterday and I vaped in her car, in the mall, and in the eye doctor's waiting room while I was waiting for her. It made the day not just bearable, but enjoyable. I'm usually a nervous wreck after a day out with her and I got back home with no extra stress.

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
Before Mom became so ill she was a terrible gossip. I had to hear everything said her in confidence. She used to delight in asking embarrasing questions. She still does but most of the people she knew are now gone. (in her mental state, that isn't true..for her) She and I rarely went anywhere together..thank goodness!
I would have had to drive and she would backseat me to death! That makes me nervous!
I am glad vaping makes you enjoy your time with her. At least get through it with less stress!:)
What makes me glad is when I can vape in peace with the G'kids around! I never smoked around them. That made for a long week or weekend! Now even when the oldest who has his learner's permit and drives I can sit next to him, watch and offer corrections or praise. I can do this without putting my foot thru the floorboard or stuffing my knuckles in my mouth. (he's really a good driver, I've been teaching him since he was 3.) I Just vape away..it keeps me calm. He thinks I am cool and his mom is just a nervous nelly..lol:rolleyes:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2009
Midwest, USA
My mother had been planning a big trip for about 5yrs. Brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, you name it. A wonderful week and a half of non-smoking flights, rental vehicles, accommodations, attractions, etc. Lots of PITA kids and adults alike. Throw in some rabid quit or die types and it's every smokers dream vacation. :-x

I really didn't expect to return home sane. I was dreading it when about a week before hand I stumbled across e-cigs. Took a 2 day crash course to get as much info as possible, made my order and got everything the afternoon before departure. There were a handful of times with all the drama that I really wanted an analog, but there were at least several dozen occasions were I'd have been completely without for extended periods if not for the e-cig. I was able thanks to my e-cig to enjoy the bulk of the trip.

I even agreed to consider another family vacation. Non-smoking cruise was last I heard being tossed about. Smoking/non-smoking is no longer an issue. :cool:

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
Well, I got through today! Mom fell again this morning and we called the paramedics. They sent like 7 guys and two trucks for one fallen elderly lady that now weighs 103! Not one of those guys was small..it was like have a room full of linebackers!
I spent the day in E.R. with a few trips out to the car for a vape or in the darkened Radiology waiting room (it's Sunday). I didn't even think about a smoke!
Mom will be staying a couple of days for evaluation. They think there's something wrong with her heart. Duh..ya think? I kept telling them about the thyroid and weight loss but all they seem to care about is the heart. I think they go hand in hand. They also seem to think the weakness and mental loss is long tern. No one listened when I said this is new!! Oh well, I hope to speak to the Internist and Cardiologist tomorrow.

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
I have the 9 year old grandson up this week. He has been very good about me being gone all the time. he can't go with me to the hospital because while she is not in intensive care she is on a restricted side of the floor. (26 bed hospital 2 floors).
I can't seem to catch the Dr.s two trips today and missed them both times. The nurse said the notes hadn't been transcribed yet. I will go tomorrow early and try to tackle somebody or get some phone numbers. This is just dumb. She looks like she's 100. She can't swallow and her mind is really gone. She won't leave the oxygen nose thing alone and picks at her I.V. needle. The nurse was shocked when I explained my mom ate a full spaghetti dinner on Friday and made her own lunch. She called her eye Dr. for an appointment and walked around the house without a walker or cane! Now she can't stand or see but the dimmest shapes. I had to speak to her before she knew me. This all has happened in 3 days!
They did all the heart tests (that they can do on someone of her age) today.
If they release her, she will have to go to a nursing home, There is no way I can care for her.
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Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
I could be stroke, but they are saying heart and thyroid. her 30 lb weight loss in the last 3 months hasn't helped. She had the beginnings of alzheimers but Thyroid disease makes it much worse.
She looks like she is 105 instead of 85. I have a picture of her 2 months ago and I need to take one of her now. My cousins who were here 2 months can't believe that she has gone down so fast. They took her out for the day and she ate steak. Now the nurse has to order all pureed food.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 7, 2009
Aw Mary I'm so sorry about your mom. It's hard watching them go downhill. My father had several strokes about 5 years ago, and while he's mostly fine today and gets around like he used to, I can totally relate to what you're going through. I'll be sure to keep her in my prayers. While things seem pretty dismal today, she could very well get back to her old self soon. Let's all hope for the best. Hang in there girl.
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