What is vaping to you???!!!???

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Aug 24, 2010
Coral Springs FL
The reason I ask this is because I really haven't seen this mentioned in this forum.

There is one subset of us who view vaping as a harmless pastime. It is a way to get our Nicotine fix in a less dangerous fashion and we see ourselves vaping for the rest of our lives either at our chosen Nicotine levels or perhaps at zero nicotine levels. The bottom line is that we don't see ourselves actually ridding ourselves of our "smoking behaviors" and are using vape gear to act out those behaviors in a much safer way. Let the caffeine addicts have their Starbucks, I have my Boba's......(or whatever juice you vape on a daily basis)

There is another subset of us who want to quit smoking and all the behaviors associated with smoking. We may have tried other alternatives but they just didn't work, or we may be quitting for the first time. We realize that "vaping behavior" and "smoking behavior" is essentially the same behavior and we are simply using e-cigs to gradually lower our nicotine dependency and then look to give up our associated behaviors similarly by scaling back on our vaping.

The reason I ask this is that the answer can seriously affect our choices in vaping equipment and other vaping choices.

Let's be real for a second. Many of us horde vape gear by learning to DIY juices, recoil atomizers, buy multiple backups of backups of backups because we genuinely fear that without the availability of our e-cigs, we are just a hairs breadth away from turning back to the ole' stinkies. If our gear fails us, we are right back into BT's trap and buying the real deal again. I've had friends that did it after many months and months of vaping. We are a catastrophic failure away from our next smoke. We tend to buy the highest quality of gear and become as self sufficient as we can to ensure that if e-cigs were ever to become illegal, we'd still have our mods, our kanthal, our wicks and our DIY juices to keep us going indefinitely.

If this is you, then it makes perfect sense to buy the absolute best and high quality vape gear you can find. Start with something basic and save everything you can to get the best, the sooner the better.

There are some of us who feel, that unless we rid ourselves not only of nicotine but the whole smoking culture, we are simply one failure, one stress induced moment, away from a real smoke. We have the desire to not only quit smoking but also to quit the associated behaviors since we won't be "truly free" unless we find an alternative to grabbing a smoke or vape whenever the need arises.

If this is you, then it makes better sense to buy only the gear that will allow you to achieve that goal. Over purchasing an item that you hope never to have to use, will only make it tougher for you to abandon that item later, since you, like many of us, have to get your "money's worth". By purchasing the bare minimums that you need, you can not only more painlessly divorce yourself from nicotine, but the smoking mentality as well. And once you do put away the PV you can do so easier because you never invested a lot into it in the first place.

So here's a question. Which camp do you fall in?

I for one am straddling the fence. Not a great place to be, I know. I love to vape. I could see myself enjoying vaping at a reduced nicotine content, or zero nicotine content indefinitely. My e-cig makes me feel better, and I don't see a whole lot wrong with that. Except for the fact that until I address that smoking behavior, I am one catastrophic event away from buying more cigs, and that quite frankly scares me a bit.

It's kind of like a recovering Alcoholic who always carries a drink in his hand or drinks his soft drink/water/etc out of a beer stein or wine glass. They don't actually "drink" anymore, but they still like the culture of drinking, and that romanticizing of the idea of drinking is a pretty slippery slope to traverse long term.

So, which one are you. The vaper to vape for vape sake, or the vaper who is using e-cigs to eventually quit smoking and all that goes with it?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
I don't like the idea but if I'm going to be honest here I would have to say I fall in the one-smoke away from smoking category were it not for vaping. And I'm fairly certain I don't do it for the nicotine. I don't know what the future holds and if it will always be this way for me but I've given quite a bit of thought to it with all the talk of legislation. I've pretty much decided, for now, that if vaping is taken from me I will most likely take up pipe smoking while not inhaling. I know nothing about it but hope, if the time ever comes, that I can find a satisfying flavor without chemicals and, hopefully, a very at low nic in pipe tobacco. I've never seen a cigarette that's zero nic so doubt there is any pipe tobacco without it.


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Oct 10, 2013
Louisville, KY, USA
As of this moment, I have no intention to stop vaping. I'm happy with my vape. I started to reduce nicotine, but was wildly going through liquid. I like to vape, I like the taste, the feel. I like how I feel. I've considered what could come to pass for all of us, and I don't want to go back to smoking.

I've only recently started rebuilding coils. I'd like to try my hand at DIY liquids eventually. I'm researching stuff all the time, which is one reason, only ONE reason, I LOVE THIS FORUM!

p.opus, what a great post! This was great to read, so thanks :)


Vaping Master
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Jun 13, 2013
Nashville, TN
I am almost 6 months into vaping without cigarettes. I started vaping to stop smoking. I also intend to quit vaping, but I have no idea when. I had thought in a year when I started vaping. Now I do not know. I intend to get a Provari. I want a pv that I can change the batteries in and I do want and need a quality vape experience. I drip and vape for flavor.

I do not care if it takes me years to stop vaping eventually. I smoked 2 pad for 46 years so I do not expect to give up those smoking habits quickly or easily. They are a part of me. Vaping satisfies those needs.


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Aug 20, 2011
Granada Hills, Ca
My first ecig purchase allowed me to get my nicotine on set where smoking wasn't allowed, I've never run into a fire Marshall that didn't designate a smoking area for the crew...I need to thank him if I ever see him again, haven't had a cigarette in 2+ years, the vaping has become a bit of an obsession for me now.


ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
I started vaping in order to quit smoking. Two and a half years later I still haven't touched one since I quit. I'm not about to over think that point. Not going get into a morality play about whether vaping is just as bad as smoking and we all must stop that as well or have some sort of major "me bad" character flaw. Vaping wouldn't have come into existence if it weren't for smoking to begin with, and as a better alternative to it. So as I said - as long as I'm not smoking, after a 30 year 2 PAD habit, I'm not going to over think it.
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I'm vaping so I don't smoke, but that's slowly morphing into defining myself as a vaper.

While I'm currently cutting the nicotine back, it's still a while until I'm at zero. Still, 6 mg/ml isn't exactly heavy hitting, particularly when you're down from 22! I'd like to eventually hit zero, but at this point we'll see.


Super Member
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Oct 5, 2013
Kansas, USA
I started vaping to quit smoking, and I doubt if I'd have been able to tolerate the discomfort of quitting if not for vaping. At this point, I don't think I'd go back to smoking, and I do think I'll eventually quit vaping - or maybe not. I'm not really a hobbyist (although it might be hard to tell from the collection of stuff I have in just 3 months!!) Well, yeah, it is a hobby right now - but not to the extent that it is for some of the folks on here. I enjoy it - the tasty juices, the behaviors, the PVs, and this forum. But I don't experience anything like the compulsion to vape that I had to smoke. I don't feel that I have to vape.

So I guess I'd have to say - I started vaping to quit smoking - it worked - I'll forever be grateful for that!! I'm still enjoying vaping but will probably eventually quit.

But I really really dislike the fact that the powers that be are so against it and want to make laws against it, etc. I truly don't think it's probably very harmful & think other people should .... out. The lawmakers and otherwise politically inclined should save their efforts for much more critical matters, in my opinion.
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Ultra Member
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Oct 22, 2013
for me, vaping was a means to stop smoking ... and it worked. I have no set plans for becoming a hobbyist or chasing clouds.

However, I also don't know for sure, where, or how far I will take vaping ... I am just vaping one day at a time to stay off smokes.

Cheers and Merry Christmas :party:


I stopped worrying or even thinking about it. I started this to stop smoking. Mission accomplished, so far. Now that I'm settling into this, I don't see any reasons to quit. I enjoy the effects of nicotine, and now that I've found a safer and fun way to indulge, I don't feel the urge to quit. I see it now as the same as coffee - it's a stimulant. I'll give it a year or so, and see where things stand. :)


Ultra Member
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Sep 29, 2013
Near Austin, Texas
I vape, therefore I am:

1)Not smoking
2)breathing 10 times better, maybe more
3)Not having to go out in the cold every hour to have a smoke
4)Sleeping thru the night without waking up coughing
5)Off of 2 BP meds and Albuterol inhaler and gallons of cough syrup
6)Tasting foods like I haven't in years
7)More energy during the day
8)Still alive, still alive, thank God Almighty, I'm still alive!!


Super Member
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Jul 21, 2013
Port Huron, Mi
Vaping, to me, is freedom and fun! It is freedom of choice (Marlboro or Camel...hmmm?) and freedom of health! I was not going to quit, I just enjoyed smoking. It was a break and it was relaxing, so I simply replaced it with something better! The better just so happened to be healthy too:p
It is a really fun hobby. Trying new things (there are so many!!) and discussions with people (ECF). I don't see me every quitting vaping, but will definitely get rid of nicotine. It relaxes me and helps me focus on my current task.


Ultra Member
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Oct 3, 2013
Houston, TX
Honestly i started vaping cause i got a new car and did not want the smoke smell in it. I thought well i could just vape in the car and smoke every where else. Once i got my set up i went back and got a bigger battery cause the 650 was not lasting. I found that i liked it so much that i have just kept buying things. i have lowered my nic level but i think that has more to do with wanting to save money on my insurance than anything else. I live paycheck to paycheck like most people and that extra 150 a month out of my check because i smoke would kill me. I am not down to zero yet and i know it will take some time. My wife uses 6 and there are times i vape her liquids cause they just taste good. I like to chain vape so the lower nic makes that possible. I am sure if vaping went away i would be right back to smoking. I hate that idea.
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