What would be a good build for my tugboat mod?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2015
Hey guys so I've recently started building and been an avid vaper for about 8 months now.. right now i've got my mutation X V4 with a dual parallel coil build in there using 22ga kanthal around a 3mm wrap. It comes out to about .23-.24 ohms with 6 wraps on each side. Now I put this build on my tugboat mech mod and it barely produces any vapor at all. What do you guys recommend for a good cloud chasing build for the tugboat mech mod? It's using a single 18650 battery by nitecore. Going to get a new battery soon as well. Any help is appreciated guys! Cheers.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2015

A dual parallel using 22 will take forever to heat up!

I'd suggest dual parallel 24 as a better alternative.

it was awful for my tugboat cylinder mech mod. I've never built for a tugboat style tube mod before, what's the best type of build for this for getting some clouds, literally the dual parallel 22g with kanthal @ .2ohms produced very little vapor and was not dense at all. I see people using their tube mods and getting plenty of vapor but i'm not sure what they have under the hood.. any other builds appreciated! I'll try with the 24g instead man! Cheers.
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Hans Wermhat

Vaping Master
Jun 9, 2015
He's new at building guys. I think he is using the term parallel to describe 2 identical coils. I've seen him on here a lot and he's had the whole schpeel about safety... So...
I would recommend some 24G Nichrme 80. It's lower resistance, but it heats up super quick. That 6 wrap build you are using would be dangerous on a single 18650 with N80. I build mine with 8 wrap duals @ 3mm diameter. Ohms out at about .28ish and pulls about 15A. It will fire instantly, make fog, and will be easier on your batteries. You will get a lot more surface area with N80 than with KA1 at the same resistance and your batteries will last about 25% longer between charges.
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