What's CASAA doing?

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
I got an email today that asked me if CASAA was "fading."

I'm not sure where she got this impression, but the exact opposite is true - we are growing and stronger than ever!

If you haven't had a chance to read our latest newsletter, you can find it here: CASAA.org

The board has been so busy with CASAA duties (and with our paying jobs, lol), that we haven't had as much time to post on the forums as we would like, so here's a rundown of what is in the works right now:
  • CASAA has received an invitation to speak about smokeless alternatives and e-cigarettes before the New York Sentate on September 23rd. New York is looking to revamp it's tobacco laws and smokeless alternatives look to be caught in the crossfire. Since New York is what could be considered an "anchor state" CASAA feels it's important that this state not be the first to outright ban e-cigarettes or others may follow. CASAA board member Ron Ward will be speaking on behalf of CASAA and New York vapers. CASAA has been working hard to put together a compelling argument and a resource packet for the Senate members.
  • CASAA VP Elaine Keller is attending the opening comments in the U.S. Appellate Court on September 23rd for Smoking Everywhere (njoy) vs. FDA. She will sit in to hear the comments and CASAA is purchasing a CD to share with CASAA members.
  • CASAA Secretary Kristin Noll-Marsh and Legal Director Yolanda Villa are working with a CASAA member from Appleton, WI to put together a letter and packet to the City Attorney and Health Department. The Appleton Health department recently sent an email to a local business stating that e-cigarettes were included in the indoor smoking ban because the battery heating the liquid constituted "combustion." CASAA is hoping to set them straight. The letter & packet should be ready to go out by the end of the week.
  • CASAA is still recruiting and adding Regional Reps and is working on a communication system and guidlines to roll out soon.
  • CASAA is seeking out and interviewing potential candidates to replace the vacated board seats.
  • CASAA is currently working on revamping it's web site to make it easier for members, legislators, healthcare workers and the media to find information. The home page has been slightly redesigned and the site map completely redone (changes cannot be seen live yet.) We are still working out the best organizational system for our ever-growing database of lab reports, journal articles, documents, legal rulings and legislation. We hope Webby will be able to get his crew started on this major overhaul by month's end and completed sometime in October.
  • CASAA will be rolling out new CASAA State Chapters hopefully in the next month or two. We are looking to our current Regional Reps to volunteer as State Leaders and help form the new State Chapters. We will also be issuing a Call-to-Action to local vaping clubs and associations, asking them to join together, join CASAA and help form these local CASAA chapters. It is imperative that states get organized and form these local chapters in order to continue to be a viable, growing organization. Watch for this coming SOON!
  • CASAA Legal Director Yolanda Villa and Director Ron Ward participated in an interview on Vapersplace.com regarding the recent FDA letters to 5 e-cigarette merchants
  • CASAA has a press release regarding the recent FDA actions due to be released by the end of the week
  • CASAA VP Elaine Keller recently had an interview with Bloomberg News
  • CASAA was contacted by a writer in Milwaukee,WI looking for a rebuttle to the FDA assertations. She interviewed several CASAA board members.
  • CASAA is in the process of contacting Rush Limbaugh, hopefully to get an interview, but at least to give him information
  • CASAA is still promoting the ecigssavelives.info petition and the IVAQs study fund drive
So, as you can see, CASAA is far from fading! :) Watch for news updates and Calls-to-Action on CASAA | The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association !
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