What's your opinion on this? - Adding Caffeine to the Juice

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Jun 30, 2009
Cape Coral, FL
I just heard about a vendor that has the option to add caffeine to their juice.

I've thought about this a bit and my honest opinion is that it's not a good idea.

I understand the vendor trying to make more money, but they should do so in ways that would benefit vaping and not potentially hurt the cause.

Caffeinated Energy drinks have gotten some bad press lately like "Cocane" (spelled incorrectly on purpose so it would display, this is not a drug reference) & "Four Loco".

You're already getting nicotine, now we're going to add caffeine on top of it.

I'm sure it's not a big deal. No different from me having a vape with my morning coffee, but I'm not sure this will be perceived as positive by those on the outside (the people behind the bans) looking in (the people enjoying their vapes). It could just give them another piece of ammunition that we don't need aimed at us.

Also, we drink caffeinated coffee, we don't take it into our lungs. What are the ramifications, if any? I often wonder the same about the flavorings of the juices.

I think it has the potential to create some unnecessary and negative attention.

Again, this is just my opinion, but I'm curious to hear yours.

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Dec 29, 2010
Guthrie, OK
I bought the caffeine pre-diluted in PG, it is sold that way as well. As well as tons if different vitamins and things. It may very well raise unwanted attention. It is the candy flavors that will draw the most scrutiny. Remember what happened with flavored cigs? Juices can be made with insane levels of nicotine that taste better then a jolly rancher, now that is a serious problem. Because of those flavors, we catch incredible hell from making vaping easily accessable to children and the masses. Anyone can pick up an Ecig, vape it, and fall in love with the taste. That is more dangerous then delivery of other drugs.

Fear the Jolly Rancher flavor!


Ultra Member
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Jun 30, 2009
Cape Coral, FL
I bought the caffeine pre-diluted in PG, it is sold that way as well. As well as tons if different vitamins and things. It may very well raise unwanted attention. It is the candy flavors that will draw the most scrutiny. Remember what happened with flavored cigs? Juices can be made with insane levels of nicotine that taste better then a jolly rancher, now that is a serious problem. Because of those flavors, we catch incredible hell from making vaping easily accessable to children and the masses. Anyone can pick up an Ecig, vape it, and fall in love with the taste. That is more dangerous then delivery of other drugs.

Fear the Jolly Rancher flavor!

I have an argument you can use against that issue. In a recent letter to my Senator:

Finally, I'd like to make one last point. It has been argued that the flavors of electronic cigarette liquids could attract young people. I would like for you to look at this list of flavors:

Rang Tang
Root Beet
Bubble Gum... yes... BUBBLE GUM!

What you don't know is that this is NOT a list of flavors for electronic cigarettes. This is a list of flavors for Three Olives Vodka. That's right, alcohol! Alcohol that is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to purchase. Are you going to ban this too, or do you admit that adults enjoy variety and flavors as well.


Vaping Master
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Mar 2, 2011
Saint Louis
What's up man!

Caffene is a stimulant and increases activity in the central nervous system. As far as any reprecussions for inhaling it, I've no clue. What I do know is that if you're already vaping nicotine (also a stimulant) then perhaps it's better to leave the caffene out.

I don't know about all of you, but I sometimes chain vape - especially when I am on the computer. I don't want double the stimulant in this duration (of course, one could just vape another flavor and save the caffene for another time) but personally, I wouldn't do it. Though, I'm not opposed to anyone else who'd want to or does vape caffene.


Vaping Master
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Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
Yeah. I guess, as a DIYer I like the options, as a citizen I want freedom to choose, as a member of society, I think that when this stuff hits mainstream retail markets (the "hey let's buy some of this off the shelf" issue) is where it could pose a problem. e-juice buyers are e-juice buyers.

However, it's a free country. I'm not that fond of unnecessary restrictions. That said, we have to protect members of our society that are too young to think about the risks of vaping/smoking/drinking/etc. So I guess I don't mind it being sold as an additive in a specialty shop (tobacco shop/internet e-juice shop), but I don't think I want to mainstream it (7-eleven, all gas stations...) because it could encourage others to get caffeine by vaping, if they don't vape already. But, how do you be that selective legally????

I guess it's back to restricting the sales of e-cigs similar to tobacco products now. It's not perfect, but how do you balance freedoms and restrictions? Restrictions just make black markets. Hell, you can probably buy that caffeine powder separately anyway. That's why I'm not worried about a flavor ban either. lol. As for the bad press... it's biased anyway.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2011
Tyler, Tx
I just heard about a vendor that has the option to add caffeine to their juice.

I've thought about this a bit and my honest opinion is that it's not a good idea.

I understand the vendor trying to make more money, but they should do so in ways that would benefit vaping and not potentially hurt the cause.

Caffeinated Energy drinks have gotten some bad press lately like "Cocane" (spelled incorrectly on purpose so it would display, this is not a drug reference) & "Four Loco".

You're already getting nicotine, now we're going to add caffeine on top of it.

I'm sure it's not a big deal. No different from me having a vape with my morning coffee, but I'm not sure this will be perceived as positive by those on the outside (the people behind the bans) looking in (the people enjoying their vapes). It could just give them another piece of ammunition that we don't need aimed at us.

Also, we drink caffeinated coffee, we don't take it into our lungs. What are the ramifications, if any? I often wonder the same about the flavorings of the juices.

I think it has the potential to create some unnecessary and negative attention.

Again, this is just my opinion, but I'm curious to hear yours.


Yeah Ithink it's a little much there... It makes me think of jolt cola let's see how many stimulants we can give you in one product... I think for most people it wouldn't technically be a big deal (as I sit here with my coffee beside me) but it could give the impression that vendors are just trying to give us a buzz (so to speak).


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Apr 1, 2011
montrose co
i have some 36mg nic with 80mg caffiene and 1.1 ginseng, it tastes really good but i think the caffiene killed the throat hit and you cant really tell its in there, doesnt really boost me up then again i drink over a pot of coffee a day so i probably just dont notice, it does help me wake up a little in the morning and i cant vape it at night or its harder to fall asleep


Vaping Master
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Mar 2, 2011
Saint Louis
i have some 36mg nic with 80mg caffiene and 1.1 ginseng, it tastes really good but i think the caffiene killed the throat hit and you cant really tell its in there, doesnt really boost me up then again i drink over a pot of coffee a day so i probably just dont notice, it does help me wake up a little in the morning and i cant vape it at night or its harder to fall asleep

This could also be due to the 36mg of nicotine :) I have trouble sleeping on 18mg.


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Apr 1, 2011
montrose co
This could also be due to the 36mg of nicotine :) I have trouble sleeping on 18mg.
lol ya maybe that to, i origonally baught it as a morning vape to get me threw but with the lack of throat hit it doesnt work n even adding ever clear to it didnt really help. think im going to order some 18mg nic to cut it with


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Apr 5, 2009
York, PA
I don't much care about caffeine in e-cigs. To me it's as big of an issue as putting caffeine in beer. When the Four Loco thing became news because it contained caffeine, I think it was John Stossel (I could be wrong) who pointed out that the zillions who drink rum & coke has been mixing the stuff for as long as anybody can remember.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2011
Tyler, Tx
I don't much care about caffeine in e-cigs. To me it's as big of an issue as putting caffeine in beer. When the Four Loco thing became news because it contained caffeine, I think it was John Stossel (I could be wrong) who pointed out that the zillions who drink rum & coke has been mixing the stuff for as long as anybody can remember.

Yes but in that situation you're mixing a depressant and a stimulant... not two of the same. I don't think it's all that harmful because how many people smoke and drink coffee or coke... but I think when the whole vaping thing is struggling to survive to begin with it's not the best idea.


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Apr 5, 2009
York, PA
Yes but in that situation you're mixing a depressant and a stimulant... not two of the same. I don't think it's all that harmful because how many people smoke and drink coffee or coke... but I think when the whole vaping thing is struggling to survive to begin with it's not the best idea.

I fully agree it's not the best idea, and I can't imagine that I'd ever buy caffeinated liquid. But as you point out, there's nothing new about it... for many people, cigs and coffee go together like, well, cigs and coffee. And, in something I will never fully understand, not only do they mix cigs and coffee, they throw in cream and sugar and cinnamon and milk and whatever.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2011
Tyler, Tx
I fully agree it's not the best idea, and I can't imagine that I'd ever buy caffeinated liquid. But as you point out, there's nothing new about it... for many people, cigs and coffee go together like, well, cigs and coffee. And, in something I will never fully understand, not only do they mix cigs and coffee, they throw in cream and sugar and cinnamon and milk and whatever.

LOL They just like messing with nicotine "it's evil!". The reality is it's not any worse than caffeine really

And slightly off topic if you have to be an adult to buy and e-cig really you should have to be one to buy a coke too that's just MO.


Super Member
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Apr 8, 2010
erie, PA
There are other venders that offer b12 added and guarine and all that stuff in some tea drinks. I don't think you want to add more things into juice. There are already flavorings I am wary of inhaling. I think to hold the healthier aspect of these things, the less ingredients the better. Nicotine, pg/vg, and some flavoring is simple. I don't want to see a huge ingredient list like in a cigarette. I'm all for the cool factor but that takes a back seat to the reason I started vaping.


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Apr 5, 2009
York, PA
LOL They just like messing with nicotine "it's evil!". The reality is it's not any worse than caffeine really

And slightly off topic if you have to be an adult to buy and e-cig really you should have to be one to buy a coke too that's just MO.

Because of the current politcal climate, I won't protest against the government banning people under 18 from buying an e-cig, even though minors can buy coke, coffee, bubble gum that rots the teeth, Big Macs that clog the arteries and candy cigarettes... and yes, they still exist... Candy Cigarettes: Amazon.com: Grocery & Gourmet Food

I would never encourage a minor to buy an e-cig and I would be very against any company that actviely marketed them to minors... but...


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 15, 2011
Tyler, Tx
Because of the current politcal climate, I won't protest against the government banning people under 18 from buying an e-cig, even though minors can buy coke, coffee, bubble gum that rots the teeth, Big Macs that clog the arteries and candy cigarettes... and yes, they still exist... Candy Cigarettes: Amazon.com: Grocery & Gourmet Food

I would never encourage a minor to buy an e-cig and I would be very against any company that actviely marketed them to minors... but...

Oh I wouldn't protest it either and I don't really think minors should be allowed to buy them... I just find it rediculous that a 7 yr old can buy a Mt. Dew if they want... just venting I guess.


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Apr 5, 2009
York, PA
Oh I wouldn't protest it either and I don't really think minors should be allowed to buy them... I just find it rediculous that a 7 yr old can buy a Mt. Dew if they want... just venting I guess.

Yeah... but the way things seem to be going, I can see a day when the government will only allow people under 18 to buy stuff that's FDA-certified healthy. Want a Snicker bar? Show proof of age or otherwise, you're not responsible enough to buy the four perfect food groups... chocolate, caramel, nouget and peanuts.

Oops... under 18? We'll sell you a carrot.


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Apr 1, 2011
montrose co
even if minors cant buy them in the store it wouldnt be hard to get someone to buy them for em or just order it online, i started smoking when i was 12 and i never had a problem finding someone to buy me a pack of cigarettes. targeting children to help ban things that are bad for them is more of a ploy for the government then anything. like when they banned camel exotics because they said it was targeted to kids, but honestly i was in middle school maybe high school at the time and i was smoking, never knew a single kid that saw the flavors and said oh it looks like it tastes good all it was was a shot against the tobacco company to say they were targeting kids trying to get them to smoke to help in the fight against them. no matter whats in the product if someone doesnt like them and the person lobbying against it is good enough with there words they can twist ANYTHING into something bad, so caffiene might just give something else for the government to play with against electric cigarettes but with or without it they'll find something to twist into an arguement against pv's if they really want them gone


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Apr 5, 2009
York, PA
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