Which Do You Enjoy Vaping and Why?// High Salt Nic @ Low Watts VS Low Nic @ High Watts Experience


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Jun 5, 2009
Chino California
I got back into vaping after a 2 -3year Hiatus I found that Salt Nic has become a game changer.
Salt Nic being more mild allows Nic level higher than previously imagined.

IMHO throat hit can come through two methods. Raise the Nic and Lower the temp or Lower the Nic and raise the Temp.

I vape close to 100% VG and currently am
vaping 40mg/ml DIY Liquid at 12-14 Watts. Back in the day I was vaping 5mg/ml Freebase l liquid
at 40-50 watts. I'm currently using the GeekVape AP2. I have one gripe about the AP2. It's so good that I can't find anything with as many features to
waste my money on!

I prefer the Low Temp/ High Nic because:
1. Equipment is less expensive and smaller form factor, you need some very large batteries to vape at 50 Watts.
2. I'm vaping less Qty and less often
3. Salt Nic hits me harder.
4. Easier to Stealth Vape and or keep it more circumspect

What are you vaping with, which do you prefer and why?
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ECF Guru
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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
I'm in the low power high(ish - it's all relative :) ) nic camp. Typically 8 -9 watts across about 1 1/2 ohms.

I vape to not smoke. Mix to about 18 mg/ml, consume maybe 4 - 5 mls a day. (Hard to know for sure, I always have 12 in rotation, all different flavors.) And about 65% PG, so I get the flavor and a bit of TH from that. Don't need big clouds, but I do get enough for vape rings.

I, too, have found that if I greatly reduce the nic I vape a lot more.

And, quite right on the (generally) smaller form factor, not needing to double up on the batteries helps.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • May 31, 2015
    Oregon, USA
    Actually - nether.

    I'll usually vape 7-18mg with ether salts or freebase DIY juice mixes that might be flavored but often times simply unflavored.

    All my setups are used with TC regulation. Single coil rigs I use ~20W and the dual coil rigs generally use 25-30W and sometimes upwards of 40-50W.

    While I've tried a few of the 'cute' itty-bitty devices, every one over heated the juice and while some had 'ok' to 'decent' juice capacity battery life was only good for a few hours of use.


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