Which E-Cigarettes could you recommend me for a gift ?

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New Member
Feb 24, 2011
I already bought a pair of e-cigars from a chinese site, just to try them out (doesnt have a brand name).
After while i tried refilling a cart with e-liquid but it kinda has a leak (pretty cheap e-cig).
They are ok to start with, but i would like to buy a pair of new ones.
I was wondering which e-cigarettes could you guys recommend me? I'm looking for a not so expensive (up to $30) pair of e-cigarettes that i could actually refill without any leaks, that are good quality & pretty popular with starters.
Thanks in advanced.
Sorry about my english.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
All carts leak. But they leak less with good stuffing (a particular kind of blue aquarium foam is good for stuffing - if the US it is Marineland Rite-Size U Foam Sleeve).

The two most popular and supported slim cylindrical ecigs are Joye 510 and KR808D-1
comparison. Joye 510 is a bit slimmer but standard length batteries has shorter battery life of 1.5-3 hours vs 3-5 for the KR808D-1 with standard batteries. but there are mega xl batteries for 510 with the 3-5 hour life. Battery charge length will be less if vaped constantly. PCCs are available for KR808D-1, standard 510 and mega xl 510. I recommend manual batteries for all. Less work, more consistent hit, won't turn on accidentally from wind or vibration and more sealed against juice leaks.

And for anyone who wants or needs 5-8+ hour battery life and the ability to use power-hungry harder-hitting low resistance parts, skip the slim models are go to Joye Ego or Riva 510.

And I like to use cartomizers on 510 (standard resistance soft-cap Boge or SLB cartos - you don't need to add jucie as often, less chance of leaks if you clear the air channel after filling, and if you keep it damp with juice you may get 4-7 days or more out of a cartomizer. It's cheaper to use the atomizer and carts but be sure to buy spare atomizers and a spare battery.


PV Master
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Verified Member
Mar 23, 2010
Homeish now
Think you best bet is going to be these.. 510's starter kit runs 31.50. The cheapest shipping to the U.S is 3.00, I dont know if it will be different for Uruguay.
Joye 510 starter kits Heaven Gifts
Auto JOYE510 Starter Kit In 10 Colors [JOYE510] - $31.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail

Though ALL ecigs will leak if you over fill them, there is some learning, experience needed.
Also if you are a heavy smoker, your likely to be a heavy vapor and these smaller ecigs will end up frustrating you with the shorter battery life. But these are the best in that price range.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2010
erie, PA
If that is the price restriction I would get a pre assembled box mod from madvapes for $20 throw in two batteries $10. Charger for $5 $3 shipping.This will give you 5x the battery life of anything else that cheap. If you are handy with a soldering iron you can buy all the parts as a kit for $8.50 + bats and charger for a cheaper device. Trust me this will perform better than a cig looking device.

Here is a link

2xAA Box Mod with slow change LED and blue horn switch


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Feb 24, 2011
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 2, 2011
Surfside Beach SC
I spent ALOT of money needlessly in the beginning. I wish I had known about the Riva 510 when I was first in the market.
Go to the web site liberty-flights, click in the upper left hand corner where it says 20% off, then click on "Riva 510" one of the kits they sell for it is $29.99 before shipping. It has a battery life of 8-10 per battery, and you get two with the kit. Now about the leaking, most e-cig's will leak a little. Especially if you overfill them. It takes a while to dial it in. But everyone is different, I smoked between 3-5 packs a day (60-100 cigarettes) so being able to VAPE all day is of the upmost importance to me, that and the holding area of the juice, so I don't have to refill every 15 minutes. I ended up buying lots of different e-cir's, but I am the most satisfied with my Joye Ego-Tank model. I carry 3 of them with me everywhere I go, you never know.......so I have at least 18 hours of vaping with me at any given time, and enough juice to last me for two weeks. As I said everyone is different, good luck on your search.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2011
Boone, Iowa
I did just purchase some hardware for a family member as a gift, here is what and why:

I went with the KR808 setup, got a manual and an auto battery from vaporkings, plus a charger and 5 blank cartos, and a sampler of "555" tobacco juice. Total with shipping was just over $41.00.

Gift was for my father, trying to get off analogs. He wouldn't even consider a penstyle, looks too weird to him. The KR808 looks enough like a cig that he was comfortable, so we went with that.


Full Member
Feb 2, 2011
If that is the price restriction I would get a pre assembled box mod from madvapes for $20 throw in two batteries $10. Charger for $5 $3 shipping.This will give you 5x the battery life of anything else that cheap. If you are handy with a soldering iron you can buy all the parts as a kit for $8.50 + bats and charger for a cheaper device. Trust me this will perform better than a cig looking device.

Here is a link

2xAA Box Mod with slow change LED and blue horn switch

now that is pretty cool
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