Why do all of the "great" tobacco juices taste like fresh black pepper?

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Dec 6, 2011
I've tried tons of supposedly awesome tobacco vapes from several vendors, and they all taste like fresh cracked black pepper to me. I smoked camels for 20 years, and never once thought "Hmmm. That smoke tastes a lot like black pepper." I had a few that tasted like a dog might have ...... on the tobacco leaf, but never pepper. What gives?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
It sounds like you're getting freshly mixed juice and aren't letting it steep. In my experience tobacco's take the longest for the flavors to mature. I buy Vapor Bomb tobacco's occasionally and let them steep for at least a month before I'll even try it. If I don't they'll often have that pepper flavor to them. I buy them knowing I'll have to wait, but I have a good stockpile of juice so I don't need to vape it right away.

My advice is set them aside for a week and try them again. If they're still not what you're expecting put them away again and taste them once a week to see how they're doing. Eventually you'll find they're tasting like you expected and you'll know how long to steep the next batch you order.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2011
What nic level are you using? I've vaped some plain 25 mg nic juice and it tasted just like...fresh cracked black pepper.
These comments about Nic having a peppery taste are spot on. A zero nic tobacco juice has no peppery taste at all. Guessing you are using a pretty stiff nic level. I have lots of 24mg stuff like Mountain Dew. Tastes just like a mountain dew with a tablespoon of black pepper.


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Dec 6, 2011
Sorry it's taken me a while to post a follow up. Been a busy last few days. I don't believe it's the nicotine causing the pepper taste. It's more of a pepper flavor than taste. I know what the nicotine tastes like. It's a peppery "feeling" more than a taste. The pepper I am talking about is a strong flavor. It must be coming from one of the flavors that the vendors put in their juice. The juice I can think of off the top of my head is BWB Casablanca. When I first got it, the pepper taste was overwhelming. I let it steep for over a month. And while I will admit the pepper taste had toned down a little, it was still very strong. I ended up trading it for some cartos.

I have found a tobacco juice that I am absolutely in love with. It's the Patriot blend from Goodejuice. It's more of a sweet pipe tobacco, and is exactly what I've been looking for. I just wish there were more juices out there that were similar.

Thanks for the input everyone. I am on a mission to find out what the peppery flavor base is so I can avoid it in the future.
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