Will I be able to use my 510 when it arrives

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2009
Marion, MT
3 days ago my husband came home with Njoys. I didn't really like them, found this forum and did a bunch of research and ordered the 510 (should be here soon) I have been using the njoy with 18mg njoy carts since they got here. I have been going through roughly 2 carts a day. I have also been smoking my Marlboro Mediums (not as much as I was which was 2 packs a day, but I have been smoking around 10 - 15 a day)

The problem is I haven't really been feeling well since the Njoys got here. I have had a headache unlike any I have had before, It isn't the worst headache in the world, more like a pressure with minimal pain. I have also been feeling run down and kind of light headed, but that doesn't describe it well. I just don't feel right or good. Is this the nicotine or just a coincidence? Is it because I am still smoking regular cigarettes as well.

It was my plan to give up the real thing as soon as the 510 and my juices get here, but will that make me feel better or worse. I can only imagine if I am doing 2 carts now that I will do as many or more when I kick the cigs.

Please share your thoughts... I REALLY REALLY want to stop smoking and start vaping, so any input is welcomed.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2009
depends on where you ordered from, sometimes the batteries come fully charged, sometimes no, that being said you might have to wait a couple hours for them to charge,

Most kits come with the pre-loaded carts so you can get on it right away, however for a 510 (what I use) I strongly recommend getting some juice and using the pyramid tea bag mod (several postings, basically u use a tea bag for the filler instead of the polyfibers) the reason for this is that the polyfibers get clogged in the atomizer and you end up vaping burnt plastic, very hard to clean out too.

Depending on where you live you can generally get juice in 2-3 days,
If your west to mid west, I recommend ecigexpress for speed, dietsmokes for misc, (whistle tip carts are great for a 510) and electronicstix for quality and taste, (all .com) I haven't ordered from rockymountainvapors.com yet (idaho) but they have great deals, on atomiers, batteries, and 50ml liquid. I spoke to him on the phone and he told me his shipping is the same as everywhere else.

lastly, (sorry so long) if your on the go a PCC IS A MUST!!!!!!!, otherwise if your infront of the comp a USB passthrough, batt live for the 510 is about 2 - 3 hours, (charges in about an hour)

I absolutly love the 510, amazing unit.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2009
The problem is I haven't really been feeling well since the Njoys got here. I have had a headache unlike any I have had before, It isn't the worst headache in the world, more like a pressure with minimal pain. I have also been feeling run down and kind of light headed, but that doesn't describe it well. .

sorry double post, I experienced the same thing my first day(really bad head ache), I think it is because you get alot more/(concentration) of nicotine, combining that with analogs will make it worse, Take it slow when you start, I think I overdid it my first week, i was really excited is why, but it goes away as your body gets used to it, and you start feeling better!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2009
Marion, MT
Thanks for all the info. I wasn't really referring to setup and charging when I asked if I'd be able to use, I was really asking if when it got here if it was going to continue making me so sick that I couldn't use it. I was concerned that when it got here and I increased my vaping, because I had a unit worth vaping on, would it just make me sicker or will this pass. I really hope it passes, it has been 3 days and I still feel really crappy, and I am only vaping a little and smoking about 1/2 what I used to.... I will try to take it easy, but you know how it is when you are having a nic fit! Hopefully when the 510 gets here, I will be able to give up the analogs altogether and that will make a difference.

I thought rocky mountain was in colorado (which is cool, because it is right around the corner from me in Montana, but idaho is cooler as it is even closer) I went to rocky mountain originally, but when I did they were sold out of the 510's so I got the 510 from electronicstix and a few liquids and some other goodies (like the PCC and more liquids) from Totally Wicked. I went back to rocky mountain and now the 510's are in stock, hopefully they will be still when my husband tries my 510 and realizes how much his Njoy sucks! I like rocky mountains prices and I know I read some where they are in colorado, but idaho is even closer to montana so either way shipping should be fast and free shipping is always a plus!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 20, 2009
South Florida
If you search the forum, you'll find a bunch of threads comparing nicotine intake from smoking vs. vaping, and the general consensus is that you actually take in LESS nicotine with vaping than with smoking. Something about the size of nicotine molecules with vapor vs. smoke, lung capacity and absorption rates.

Of course, many people end up vaping WAY more than they smoked, especially at first - ecigs are definitely a novelty, and it takes some time to figure out which nicotine levels are right for you. So you MAY be overdoing it with the nicotine.

However... just to make things a little more confusing... you should remember that cigarettes have about 4000 other substances in them besides nicotine, and your body is addicted to all of them. When you quit (or drastically cut down on) your cigarette intake, your body will start to experience withdrawal from these other chemicals. So the physical effects you're feeling may not be from vaping, as much as from NOT smoking. You can find more info on the Health and Medical Issues forum.

And then, of course, it may just be a coincidence. I got some new liquid recently and thought it was giving me a sore throat, but it turned out I was actually just coming down with a cold...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2009
Denver Colorado
Things i think you should know. Carts well they suck. I've never been able to keep up my nicotine intake habit with them. They can start good then very quickly end so small you end up replacing them before they are half way gone. in other cases they just won't start al all. you have a 510 Which it a very good PV. Stick with it but get some Juices. For starters i suggest finding somewhere where to get some Cherry and mint juice and just learning to top off your cart often 1-2 drops every 5-10 puffs. make sure the juice is 18-24mg since you were a 2 pack a day smoker. Once you learn the art of topping off If it doesn't 100% kill your want for tobacco i assure you it will be very very dulled. Carts are the killers of new e-cig smokers. There not consistant they normall taste like well poo, and they don't last nearly as long as they say they do or they should $ wise.
As far as feeling sick. It's semi normally. Yes your most likly over doing it on nicotine. first thing you'll notice is a sweating like cold sweats. then you just won't feel so good from your stomach. I should add you might be slightly Allergic to PG which if that's so you'll need to look for VG which is the vegan part of PG(PG refered Main substance that keeps the nicotine in liquid form and allows it to be turned in to a vapor

I hope this helps you and welcome to the forums
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2009
Marion, MT
OK... so I am just going to STICK with it!

I have read a TON of posts and maybe it is because I do not have my new equipment here but I am still very confused. I do have the Njoy and how different can the Njoy be from the 510. I have purchased the 510, a bunch of different liquids (18mg & 24mg) and I what I believe to be several empty carts.

So when you say "carts are the killers" are you suggesting I do not use them at all or are you saying I fill them myselves? I know with the 510 I can drip on the atomizer. Is that what I should be doing?

I am usually some what self sufficient, but maybe it is the dizzy feeling from all the extra nicotine, I am feeling like I am missing something. If someone could just take a few moments to give me a step by step on what I should be doing with my specific equipment when it gets here as far as dripping or dipping using the carts or not that would be great!

Sorry to be such a pain in the .....

I am off to the post office to see if my stuff has arrived.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2009
Las Vegas
Ok, do this. When you get the 510 before you try it take the cartridge off and unscrew the battery from the atomizer. Blow very hard into the battery end of the atomizer to clear out any of the liquid that's in there from the factory. Then take the stuffing out of the cartridge with a pair of tweezers or something and squeeze it a few times under running water until its white. Try not to change the shape of it when you do this and then squeeze it dry with a paper towel. Using the tweezers stick it back in the cartridge and put 10 or so drops of the liquid in there. I'd try the 18mg first. Also put 2 drops of the liquid directly into the atomizer right in the center of the opening. Put the cart back on and give it a try. Oh, and charge the battery first. They might have enough charge when you get them to try it a few times but you will get best results with a full charge (about 2 hours).
I forgot to mention the cartridge that is on it when you get it will have no stuffing inside. It's just on there to protect it during shipping. You will have to open one of the wrapped ones and use that.
I think that "carts are the killers" comment was supposed to mean people might get discouraged if they think they have to buy new carts every time one runs dry. Refilling with your own juice is the only good way to go.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2009
Denver Colorado
No matter what i do i'll never beable to stop falling back on this link

you'll find you may need to clear an hour of your day to watch this video. But it's a step by step of how to vape. I promise you it's worth your time. She explains in detail our vapor slang and SHOWS you how to drop, Top off, proform upkeep, and attempt to salvage a possibly dead atty/battery.
It won't get you all confused like i am sure listening to 10 different people explain stuff to you does. Once you have watched this you may want to ask stuff but it will be a whole new subject for you.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2009
Marion, MT
It's here!!!! Let me give 2 thumbs up or five stars to Electro-Nic-Stix. I placed my order 8/12 at 2:00 in the morning... Very impressed with 2 days! I place an order for some more liquids and accessories with TW about 5 minutes later, and the email letting me know my order has been shipped from TW got here AFTER my order arrived from Electro-Nic-Stix.

Still have high hopes for TW and can't wait till the liquids get here, also looking forward to getting the PCC and mega battery!

It must have been charged.... because I put the battery in before I started this thread and the light turned green b4 I finished the first package. I'll leave it there for now while I read all the great info you guys gave me!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2009
Marion, MT
Ok, do this. When you get the 510 before you try it take the cartridge off and unscrew the battery from the atomizer. Blow very hard into the battery end of the atomizer to clear out any of the liquid that's in there from the factory. Then take the stuffing out of the cartridge with a pair of tweezers or something and squeeze it a few times under running water until its white. Try not to change the shape of it when you do this and then squeeze it dry with a paper towel. Using the tweezers stick it back in the cartridge and put 10 or so drops of the liquid in there. I'd try the 18mg first. Also put 2 drops of the liquid directly into the atomizer right in the center of the opening. Put the cart back on and give it a try. Oh, and charge the battery first. They might have enough charge when you get them to try it a few times but you will get best results with a full charge (about 2 hours).
I forgot to mention the cartridge that is on it when you get it will have no stuffing inside. It's just on there to protect it during shipping. You will have to open one of the wrapped ones and use that.
I think that "carts are the killers" comment was supposed to mean people might get discouraged if they think they have to buy new carts every time one runs dry. Refilling with your own juice is the only good way to go.

Please bear with me... a few more questions... when you say "Also put 2 drops of the liquid directly into the atomizer right in the center of the opening." should I put the drops into the side that screws into the battery or the side the cart goes on....

Also mine came completely disassembled with all the parts wrapped individually. I blew into the battery side of the atomizer, but it seemed to be pretty dry... I followed the directions you suggested for the stuffing, but it was already white and dry, so was this necessary?


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2009
Marion, MT
I got those filled with marlboro juice as well, but I also ordered some extra cartridges to put my own juice in and those are the ones I started with! Guess I will follow those directions when I need to use the carts that came with the kit.

By the wat this board rocks! It is almost to busy to keep up with, I have tried to read all the posts, but they just keep coming so fast. Thanks to EVERYONE for all the fast replies, hopefully one day soon I will have something to contribute as well!


Full Member
Aug 14, 2009
Thanks for Vid link, et al. I just ordered a 510 from InnoVapor and am pretty clueless. I'll continue to study this site. .... I love smoking, but have decided to try vaping after returning from China and finding my Kent Infinas unavailable (very low nic with very strong menthol), and ultra light marlboros, etc, too strong and unpleasant. Finally, a reason to quit cigs ! - but what if I return to China ? I wonder if I will be able to finding vaping supplies at retail there hmmmm


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 3, 2009
Thanks for Vid link, et al. I just ordered a 510 from InnoVapor and am pretty clueless. I'll continue to study this site. .... I love smoking, but have decided to try vaping after returning from China and finding my Kent Infinas unavailable (very low nic with very strong menthol), and ultra light marlboros, etc, too strong and unpleasant. Finally, a reason to quit cigs ! - but what if I return to China ? I wonder if I will be able to finding vaping supplies at retail there hmmmm

If you can't find supplies in china that would be very strange considering most of this stuff is from china.:|


Full Member
Aug 14, 2009
If you can't find supplies in china that would be very strange considering most of this stuff is from china.:|

'very strange' is often a perfect description of China. Many products manufactured in China are not sold at retail there. The Chinese love their (often very cheap) analogs, and I can't imagine many of them vaping. ;)
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