Ended Win from Smoant! 15 Charon TS 218s up for grabs....

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evan le'garde

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2013
I'm pretty sure most people don't really see how much of an acheivement it was, and still is. If you take a good look around the internet there are plenty of people who simply don't even believe anyone even went to the moon, hundreds of conspiracy theory websites around, nutters !. I think that car can be seen from a decent observatory.


ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2015
My Mountain
So there will still be 10 more winners? Getting confused again sorry. @Oliver

Yes, there will be 10 more winners announced, but those winners aren't limited to who participated in this thread, that 10 is being drawn from the pool of all those who entered via the contest website.

Once those people have been drawn, and the winners emailed, Oliver will do an announcement in this thread ...

evan le'garde

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2013
Anyone consider the fact that Mars is a very hot planet and the chances of there actually being water there is extremely unlikely. Trying not to sound like the conspiracy theorists i find it difficult to believe there is water on Mars. It doesn't add up.


Resting In Peace
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Jul 23, 2013
Bordertown of ProVariland and REOville
There's another 10 - but those five were from the thread. I will list the other 10 shortly after I've emailed them :)
So I'm guessing at the end of the second drawing from the other side of the contest is when we will get info on how to give our mailing info etc to the shipper?


Super Member
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Nov 22, 2012
new jersey
Always thought its pretty cold because the atmosphere of mars is too thin to save warmth and it gets like -100° celsius or something like that there at night.

this. the climate on mars acts like the desert here on earth. hot during the day and below freezing at night. witch means that their could be water/ice a decent bit under the surface constantly thawing and freezing, causing these "cracks" on the surface we see with the pictures we've received from the rovers and satellites. (space is my "thing". and spelling/grammer is not hahaha)


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
So I'm guessing at the end of the second drawing from the other side of the contest is when we will get info on how to give our mailing info etc to the shipper?

We'll get a PM (or email) from either Oliver or Smoant rep with all the details.


Vaping Master
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  • Jul 27, 2014
    Schiller PK IL USA
    All I can say is WOW and thank you @Oliver and @smoant official for the chance to be in this great contest. Thank you all for the congrats, I just got home from a grueling 12 hrs at work and this makes it all ok again. Who do I contact to claim this prize, there was no message in my in box. Again a very happy thank you. :):rickroll: :)


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    This is like a dual use thread for me, LOL, I get to watch the winners celebrate AND learn about life on Mars, vultures, and discuss daylight savings time.

    Can't beat it!!

    And, are all of you AWARE that AZ is the only state in the US that doesn't use Daylight Savings Time???? I wasn't, when we were visiting the Grand Canyon once, on my honeymoon and we showed up late at night, needing to camp and get up at the crack of dawn to go rafting with the kid (yes, on my second honeymoon, my Dear REAL husband was kind enough to allow the hyperactive 5 year old AND the dog to come with us on a 2 week driving/camping vacation, though we did take a second, real honeymoon a year later--- my mom was busy and my ex was in rehab, LOL) and everyone told us it was an hour earlier than it was, we were really confused.

    I usually enjoy it, except for the fact that I can never keep track of what freaking time zone it is, but that beats having to adjust my schedule by an hour every six months (surprisingly trying, I had found). It's like the Best Thing about AZ, honestly. :) but it does just go to show how ornery and backwards AZ likes to be, though I'm not quite sure how much farming goes on, certainly none in my City.....

    I'd put an off-topic warning, but I sort of Do not feel I need to :lol::lol::lol: not this time... :)

    And, congrats again, on the awesome contest to the winners, and the joy and laughs this thread has brought me today.... :)


    evan le'garde

    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 3, 2013
    This is like a dual use thread for me, LOL, I get to watch the winners celebrate AND learn about life on Mars, vultures, and discuss daylight savings time.

    Can't beat it!!

    And, are all of you AWARE that AZ is the only state in the US that doesn't use Daylight Savings Time???? I wasn't, when we were visiting the Grand Canyon once, on my honeymoon and we showed up late at night, needing to camp and get up at the crack of dawn to go rafting with the kid (yes, on my second honeymoon, my Dear REAL husband was kind enough to allow the hyperactive 5 year old AND the dog to come with us on a 2 week driving/camping vacation, though we did take a second, real honeymoon a year later--- my mom was busy and my ex was in rehab, LOL) and everyone told us it was an hour earlier than it was, we were really confused.

    I usually enjoy it, except for the fact that I can never keep track of what freaking time zone it is, but that beats having to adjust my schedule by an hour every six months (surprisingly trying, I had found). It's like the Best Thing about AZ, honestly. :) but it does just go to show how ornery and backwards AZ likes to be, though I'm not quite sure how much farming goes on, certainly none in my City.....

    I'd put an off-topic warning, but I sort of Do not feel I need to :lol::lol::lol: not this time... :)

    And, congrats again, on the awesome contest to the winners, and the joy and laughs this thread has brought me today.... :)


    Everytime they mess with the clocks i get confused as to whether i lost an hours sleep or gained one. In actual fact i'm still trying to work it out.

    evan le'garde

    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 3, 2013
    Bought a Kayfun V4 clone from China (as well as other stuff). My Charon is being shipped from there and i know it will take 15 working days to arrive here in the UK once it's been shipped. Big country China, it will bounce around China most of that time. Just hope i'm not asked for import duty/tax when it eventually gets here.

    evan le'garde

    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 3, 2013
    Royal Mail deals with most imports from China when it arrives in the UK, so glad about that !. Nightmare having to wait around at home for days on end when another courier is bringing it, and never know what will happen if i miss them. Royal mail has depots in every village, town and city in the country. 5 minute walk to the depot to pick it up if i'm out when they try to deliver it.

    I love Royal Mail for that.
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