Your Method for Sampling E Juice - Equipment/Ease/Cost Effectiveness

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Aug 26, 2013
Minneapolis, MN USA
I have the Halo Triton and G6. Love the Triton... not so much the G6. I ordered both automatics and one works fairly well, but the other requires you to suck the perverbial "bowling ball through the garden hose" to activate the battery. Anywho... off topic already ;) I read that cartos don't necessarily give the purest flavor and the poly can also burn. So I bought like 8 or so mini-tanks (T4 I believe) to sample e juice. Figuring they should be fairly easy to clean and reuse with new flavors. I also have an Innokin iTaste VV3.0 and an eVic V2 in the mail due to arrive next week.

So my question is, what equipment and method do you find works best for sampling e juice?

Total Newbie... Smoked 26 years and just started vaping on Saturday... No longer one of those horrible smokers :smokie:


ECF Guru
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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Many people use a dripping atomizer to sample juices. These are much like a cartomizer, but have no filler to absorb a large quantity of juice, only a heating coil. You drip 3 - 4 drops of juice into the barrel, and then vape for 5 - 6 puffs. To continue, drop in more liquid.

atomizer-3.jpg atomizer.jpg

For those that prefer not to drip, a Nano clearomizer can be used. These are a clearomizer which is the size and shape of a cartomizer. They hold only 1 ml of liquid. Top easy fill. You can dump one flavor and add another.

volt-ce3.jpg DiscountVapers.com_Vision_Nano.JPG


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Jul 24, 2013
Buena Park, CA
The highest quality dripper you are going to find is the HH .357 Magnum. Absolutely terrific build quality and vape quality. That said, those are pretty pricey. Joyetech's atty's are okay, but for the most part I stick with Cisco spec builds. For sampling juices, and not all-day vaping, the regular Cisco spec's are great. You can find the Cisco's here: HR510 High Resistance Atomizer 3.0 ohm (Cisco Spec) - Avid Vaper. The HH's are on the same site, here: HH.357 Cisco Spec Hybrid 510 Atomizer - Avid Vaper. You can, of course, vary the resistance to your liking. Note that this isn't the only site where you can get these, just my preferred vendor.


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Jul 20, 2013
Illinois, USA
As stated above, the Cisco Spec HH.357 is pretty much considered the standard at this point. They are a little pricey though for someone who just wants to try dripping for the first time.

The one I've used is the Stingray 510 Atomizer and it's worked great for me. I bought two of them and got three months of use out of one of them and the other is still going strong.
For a simple dripping atomizer Phoenix rebuildable atomizer clone.


Only 8.99 on this site but I'm sure you can find it at other sites. Works well and can just rinse and reuse to try flavors. It is rebuildable but for the price you might not need two.

I have one and have had no issues.
Have fun trying your new flavors.


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Aug 23, 2013
Austin TX
Total Newbie... Smoked 26 years and just started vaping on Saturday... No longer one of those horrible smokers :smokie:

Hey Aphro, I just started vaping on Saturday also! But did you also quit smoking the same day? I wasn't planning on quitting but over the past few days, the stinkys have become rather unappetizing to me. i am down to about 5 a day, not even trying! Good luck to you!


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Aug 21, 2013
Deland, Fl
For sampling I was using my pro-tank. I would fill the base with 4-6 drops and screw the tank back on. That worked ok. I just got my EVOD tanks last weekend and used them to sample about 15 flavors. I'd load it with about 1ml of juice take a few hits to get the fresh juice to the atty and take some sample hits. After that pour the juice back in the bottle...rinse and try the next flavor. Worked great and didn't waist a lot of juice like i used to with my CE-4 tanks.


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Aug 21, 2013
Deland, Fl
The nano clearomizer, suggested by Baditube, is an awesome little tank for sampling, but I think it will give you a false sense of what the juice will taste like in another tank. The Nano super flavors the juice and is amazing but the same juice in another tank is nowhere near the flavor it is in the Nano.

Jazzi Mike

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Jun 3, 2013
Really, just a dripping atomizer should do you fine. The Cisco's are over $20, while the Joyetech's can be around $7-$8. Do the math. If you are only interested in something to try different juices, why not go with something that isn't the best of the best.

The Ciscos are probably wonderful atomizers. I have heard that last longer for people who use them regularly and know how to take care of them. Because the OP is new to vaping though, I would caution against shelling out the money for a Cisco. This is because you probably won't really notice much of a difference in a $7 vs a $20 one anyway. Also, you are going to make mistakes. It is just part of the experience.

If you really like dripping, perhaps then go for the Cisco or an RDA. There isn't any reason to blow an extra $13 when you can get a nice atty for much less.

On a sidenote, you can look for a 510 atomizer or a 306 atomizer. 510 and 306 threading are the same. So if you see a good deal or a site only has one or the other, the 306 atomizers will work with 510 devices.


Vaping Master
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Aug 13, 2013
Many people use a dripping atomizer to sample juices. These are much like a cartomizer, but have no filler to absorb a large quantity of juice, only a heating coil. You drip 3 - 4 drops of juice into the barrel, and then vape for 5 - 6 puffs. To continue, drop in more liquid.

View attachment 246522 View attachment 246523

For those that prefer not to drip, a Nano clearomizer can be used. These are a clearomizer which is the size and shape of a cartomizer. They hold only 1 ml of liquid. Top easy fill. You can dump one flavor and add another.

View attachment 246524 View attachment 246525

Noob question! Do these fit ego batteries? I have been dying for something to sample juices with rather than vaping a tank full. Takes days and days and cleaning in between is a pain when I just want to try and see what I want to vape for awhile. Thanks!


Unregistered Supplier
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Aug 31, 2010
A good basic 306 atomizer, with the addition of a dca306 "kit" if they are still out there from good sense vapors are excellent for dripping and with proper cleaning care can last a year or longer..

You can use a 306 by itself but they tend to leak more than most others.

But for dripping and changing flavors, and cost below $7 or so each they can't be beat..

Sed Contra

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Aug 13, 2013
Northeast Ohio
I use an A6 rebuildable drip atomizer for taste testing. Sometimes it got REALLY hot on my Twist, though, and somebody in one of the forums here said that it's not exactly safe to use a RDA on an eGo. I just got a Provari Mini, so I'm good with that now, but testing in an RDA simply rocked when it didn't overheat itself and the top of the I might suggest going with the Boge type throwaway atomizer like Baddy suggested. The little clearos are pretty awesome, though. I have some of the V2 cigs version of the T4, and they're great (though not 510 threaded).


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Jul 20, 2013
Illinois, USA
Noob question! Do these fit ego batteries? I have been dying for something to sample juices with rather than vaping a tank full. Takes days and days and cleaning in between is a pain when I just want to try and see what I want to vape for awhile. Thanks!

What battery are you using? If it has a 510 connection as well as the eGo threading they will work fine.
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