Society needs to .... out and get a life

Today has been a rather interesting one with a plethora of articles to pique one's interest. One was an OpEd on CNN that talked about diet sodas and aspartame.

Now we all know how aspartame is bad for us. The media has been telling us this for years now. So imagine my surprise when I read the following.

Aspartame was first approved for use in 1981, but it wasn't until 15 years later that health concerns showed up. In 1996, a research paper showed that there had been a recent increase in brain tumors and hypothesized that this might be due to aspartame. Mind you, it didn't prove that was so. But the potential link was all the media needed to go crazy. TV shows, magazine articles, and newspapers all questioned whether the artificial sweetener was safe.

Further work using data from the National Cancer Institute showed that the increase in brain tumors really began in 1973, long before aspartame was introduced. Moreover, the increases in incidence of cancer were seen primarily in the elderly, which as a group, was not the major consumer of diet soda.

And there's more. A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial showed that aspartame didn't affect memory, behavior or mood. And a study published in 2006 followed more than 285,000 men and almost 190,000 women and couldn't detect any relationship between aspartame and brain or blood cancer.

Should this be a surprise to anyone? The media has been attempting to sway public opinion for decades. They haven't "reported" news for eons. It's all about ratings and pushing a liberal social agenda to create their own version of what they feel the world should be.

We're seeing the same thing with e-cigarettes. Regardless of the studies that are showing e-cigarettes as a safer alternative to smoking, we have the social changers denying honest research and will pull any junk science study they can find to prove their point. And no matter how many times they're shown that it IS a safe alternative, the battle cry of "but what about the children?!!!!" is heard.

These individuals don't care if it's safe. It doesn't fit into their narrow little vision of how the world should be. In their world, the government is a benevolent entity that takes care of every little issue that crops up and lavishes entitlements to those who have their hand out. Their sense of reality is so warped, that even it's proven the government is NOT their friend, they refuse to return to reality.

In a sense, you would think that this would work in our favor when it comes to battling asinine legislation that attempts to ban e-cigarette usage based on junk science. But people have been bombarded with this liberal agenda for so long, it's unthinkable that what they've been told for all these years may be a lie.

Heaven forbid the media actually report factual information these days. The rush to be first often results in incomplete stories that take on a life of their own. And if the facts don't fall into their agenda, just change it a bit. Nobody will ever know and we'll get the public whipped into a frenzy. And the public falls for it. Every. Single. Time.

I don't know what can be done. JQ Public is too stupid to vote. We have a media that loves to tell the sheeple who to vote for. We have corrupt government at all levels and crooks for politicians. I wonder what our founding fathers would think of all this if they were able to see things as they are today?

One thing is for sure. Society needs to .... the hell out of my life and how I live it. And that includes doing things that are my own personal choice that doesn't bring harm to others.
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