Summary on the importance of oxidation in vaping

In summary on cotinine and niacin - cotinine might be the main benefit giving constituent, and minus the negatives of nicotine (e.g increaded heart rate), with niacin as the MAOI component.

Steeped e-liquid more like WTA (though not it's equal, maybe not too far off?)

That some nicotine will be oxidised at vape time might be why vaping is more suucessful than traditional NRT - it gives more than just nicotine (the behavioural mimic aspect is also important).

I think I've made a good case for oxidation of nicotine not being 'an unavoidable 'loss'', but actually beneficial (and why vaping beats other NRTs). Cotinine and niacin being two oxidation producta that can be reasonably argued to fit the bill (there may be others but I've not had much time to look into it further).

So, steeping is not just about improving flavor. High power vaping is not just about quantity, but also quality. In fact, by creating (more) other alkaloids, in both cases.

If correct, it's a big step in our understanding.


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