Wake Up Call for Autumn...

I feel compelled to write about something that happened today, I guess you could call it a brush with death, but I am going to call it a wake up call and you'll see why. I left for work today just as I normally do. Got in my car and backed down the driveway to the mailbox to get the mail - just as I normally do. The difference today was - I failed to put the car in park before I started to get out of it. And yes, the laws of gravity took over and the car started to roll backwards. Mind you, I am half in and half out of the car, holding on to the steering wheel for dear life. My door proceeds to knock the crap out of my mailbox and stupid me is trying to stop this - what 6000 lb? - machine with my foot on the pavement. Yes, I stumbled once, but I was lucky enough not to fall - I truly hate to think about what would have happened had I fallen. The only coherent thought in my head was - I'VE GOT TO GET OUT OF THIS CAR - IF I DON'T, SOMTHING REALLY BAD IS GOING TO HAPPEN. I just knew that the car would go one way and I would go the other - and the outcome would not be pleasant at all. I also knew that my car was going to crash right through the house across the street and end up in the living room.

Well, luckily, none of this happened - I threw myself free of the car (NOTE TO SELF: 47 YEAR OLD WOMEN SHOULD *NOT* JUMP FROM A MOVING VEHICLE), landed on the ground and prepared to hear bricks grinding and glass breaking. As it happens, I heard nothing - and when I turned around - a wood planter around the tree in my neighbor's front yard stopped my car. No damage, not even any tracks in their yard! I picked myself up off the ground - of course I was hyper ventilating and pretty shook up - but I was OK. Sore as hell and had a bit of trouble getting my legs to work the way they should, but I was OK.

I can kind of joke about it now, but I was very very scared at the time. And it was quite a while today at work before I stopped shaking. I needed to get this down though, because sometime today, I realized why this had happened. Or at least why I THINK it happened. The last few days I have been feeling really down. Well, ok, if I'm honest with myself - its been more than a few days. Anyway, I don't want to go into too much detail - suffice it to say I've not been very happy lately - about work, life and pretty much everything. This is not for a pity party - its just to illustrate my point - everything happens for a reason. What happened to me today was a kick in the .... - I'm pretty sure to remind me to be thankful for what I have and be happy just to be alive. Yes, we all have problems, worries, troubles, etc - and we can either let them consume us and get us down or we can put them in perspective and not forget that life is SO PRECIOUS. Its our choice - we are the masters of our own lives. Right now, I choose to live and be thankful! Life is worth it! And that's my little story my friends...


Oh my goodness. Not funny to me at all, but then many years ago I found myself half in and half out of a moving automobile. Very scarey, like your life flashing before your eyes scarey. I am so glad you are ok. Also relieved that you have had your "wake-up" call and that it's over. Now, dear girl, you can look forward to your life each morning and find magic and joy in a moment.

huge hugs
We're SO glad you're ok!! (And the neighbor, and the car!)

I usually freak out in emergencies, so I definitely understand the panic part. Also, I do hope this helps you shake the blues off. You're too sweet of a girl to be sad for too long. ;)
I have always gone by the belief that "everything happens for a reason". In this occurance, FOR THE BETTER! I'm glad to hear your'e ok and nothing bad had to come of it. Thank you for sharing your story:)

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