istick Pico review

The istick Pico us becoming my go to mod.

The Pico runs on a single 18650 battery abd operates at 1-75 watts.

This device is 71x45x23 mm, and weighs 131 grams

The Atty doesnt sit on top of the battery but beside the battery. 11 mm of the bottom of the battery sits beside the Atty.

YES the battery goes in upside down with venting in tge bottom where you need it.

If the battery vents any gasses will be vented away from your face. A great Design.

My out and about vape is a kayfun Monster Mini V3. My Atty and mod is only 107 mm tall from the base of the mod to the top of my drip tip.

It lies on he side in my pants pocket.

The OLED display is small 23x7 mm but bright. The fire button is above the screen, and the USB port is below the screen.

The plus ais minus buttons to adjust the wattage or Temperature is located on the bottom of the atty, and cleatly identified.

In all honesty i think i like this mod more than the eVic VTC Mini, and will be getting another.

My Pico, Samsung 25r battery, and Atty 1/2 full only weighs 168 grams (5.93 ozs)

The same Atty screwed on my eVic VTC Mini is 127 mm tall and weighs 199 grams (7.06) ozs.


The only semi con is placung the up and down buttons are located on the bottom of the mod.

I'm not crazy about this location but it works.

Rating 4 3/4 stars.

Update. I bought a second istick Pico and am rocking two of thrm now.

Just wanted to let you know i did get a second Pico


I like the Pico also. I agree with it being better than the VTC mini. I also like the serpent mini tank on the Pico. Great size to fit. Looking into getting the Bachelor nano from ecigitty. That and 2 black's 1st of month. Nice review.. Bear. Have 3 broken ribs from fall last week so I'm slow on returning messages.

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