chit chat

  1. Reddhott

    REDDS~~ALWAYS... with a little help from friends'~Vaping around the clock~chat~music~images and more

    ~~~~~~~~WELCOME FRIENDS OLD AND NEW~~~~~~~~~~~~ ****I want to take this chance to thank all of those special friends who came to the other thread!**** ~~~~~PRI started this thread because SHE had found SO many friends and others who could not or cannot sleep normally whether it be due to...
  2. subohms4you

    No ECF Chat Room?

    I'm quite surprised that there isn't an ECF chat room. I figured there'd be a video chat room or just a standard chat room at least, it'd be nice to have cause some nights I don't have anyone to vape with or talk to. It'd be a nice feature to have here. Maybe someone wants to start a tinychat...
  3. priorities

    Redd's ~'with a little help from my friends'~vaping around the clock~chat~music~images and more

    Hello and welcome to the insomniacs and more thread PART 2 ........* Hello friends and welcome.* Part 1 got too large and there fore, a part 2 had to be created. This is a continuation of part 1 which is here-...
  4. loxmythe

    Yes I still Smoke Cigarettes and I am addicted to the smoking habit - support and chat thread.

    First of all I want to make it clear - there is NOTHING wrong with us. We are not broken nor are we failures and ashamed to be here. Smoking is addictive and we are addicts. Lets face it quitting for some of us is one of the most difficult challenges we've ever faced. While we continue in our...