weight gain

  1. dreamvaper

    Gaining extra (unwanted) weight from switching to vaping

    Hello everyone. This is a big community and I believe there are a lot of people with such experience who could share it. I'm trying to convince my family members (a lot of smokers in it) to switch to vaping and I'm getting a lot of BUT's. One of the biggest comes from ladies, saying something...
  2. Nighthawk

    Insomniacs Unite!

    I've had insomnia as long as I can remember. Some times are better than others. I've not really slept well since July this time. Last week has been the worst. I am totally exhausted and unable to sleep. All my usual tricks have failed. It's like my body is at war with me or something. Last night...
  3. L

    weight gain and nicotine not adding up

    So a a lot of people tend to gain weight when they stop smoking, but wherever I go and do some research on this the answer I get is because nicotine acts as a appetite suppressant, among other things. if that's the case than wouldn't an e-cig prevent weight gain, or is it another chemical in a...
  4. LuckySevens4U

    Weight Gain?

    Have any of you gained weight since stopping the analogs and just doing vaper? Is it giving up the nic that makes people gain?
  5. exogenesis

    Nicotine versus appetite

    I think everyone's aware that nicotine, certainly at least from real ciggies, decreases your food appetite dramatically. Apparently it satisfies the same neuro-receptors as eating food (esp fatty foods). But I'm sitting here in front of the computer constantly vaping on 30 mg liquid...
  6. Spikey

    Appetite Suppression?

    New e-smoker here... I am wondering if anyone else has noticed that the appetite suppression caused by analogs is not present with e-cigs? Is there another thread about this anywhere which I can read? I quit analogs, but I must stop eating before I look like a house!!!