5 Years

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 10, 2010
Boston, MA USA
I just realized that as of a few days ago I have been haunting these halls for half a decade. WOW.
I would like to thank all of the members here for the advise, knowledge, and laughs.
I would also like to encourage all of the new members to explore this forum thoroughly and spread the word to those who have not benefited from the amazing people here.

Thank you all.
See ya around.
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PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
April will be 5 years for me, too. Congrats, Nytebreed! ECF assisted me in learning how to vape and what to vape it in. I owe my quitting of tobacco to ECF, for sure.

I've made a lot of friends here in that time. They are what keep me coming back and participating. That, and all the information I get about new products, new techniques, and the info about what government is doing about ecigs. There are lots of uninformed politicians who are swayed by those with selfish reasons for wanting ecigs regulated heavily.

vaping is what keeps me from smoking. I enjoy the actions of vaping and that keeps me from buying a pack. I've weened myself down to 6mg nic and could quit altogether, but I still enjoy vaping.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 2, 2014
Pearland, TX
Wow something to shoot for!! That's amazing Nytebreed!!

I'm four years and two months behind you :p*lol*



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 10, 2010
Boston, MA USA
Nytebreed, Congratulations, that is great! It's been about 20 months for me. Can I ask you a question, how long did you smoke and how much? Thanks, Ginger

I was the idiot who started smoking later in life. About 10 years 1 PAD.
I was a dual user for a while since in the early days our vaping gear sucked, and I couldn't make the switch.
As the gear got better, I made better progress, then close to two years ago, I kicked the death sticks.
I unfortunately do suffer from shinyitis now.
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