Xtar Authenticity code?

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Matt Sullivan

Full Member
Apr 10, 2015
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so i just got an xtar from EdisonBright, and the authenticity code is 18 digits, but its broke up into 3 sets of 5 not 4 like the site. i tried entering it and it said "does not exist" but it came in a pretty legit looking box, inside the box was a grey xtar drawstring, inside that was the device, a phamplet, and a warranty card with a sticker with a 12 digit S/N on it... is there any other way to tell real v fake? it seems to work fine, i put a battery charged in a Nitecore on it and it charged it for a couple minutes, then said blinked "full" at me... btw its a VC2.... anyone know whats up with this?
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